Marine veteran held at Russian labor camp experiences assault

| December 1, 2023

Remember Paul Whelan, the Marine veteran that remained in Russia as team Biden helped secure the release of Brittney Griner? According to his brother, a fellow prisoner assaulted Paul Whelan. They were involved in a work operation when the assaulter was holding up the process. Whelan asked the other prisoner to move so that everybody else could continue with the operation, but he refused. This resulted in the assailant attacking Whelan.

From Fox News:

According to the report, the incident was recorded through video surveillance, and an investigation is being conducted for review by police in Mordovia.

The Whelan family said Paul was assaulted at a labor camp on Tuesday afternoon. David Whelan said his brother was working at a sewing table when a new inmate blocked part of the production line and Paul asked him to move out of the way.

“After repeated requests, the prisoner hit Paul in the face, breaking Paul’s glasses in the process, and attempted to hit him a second time,” David Whelan said in an email statement. “Paul stood up to block the second hit and other prisoners intervened to prevent the prisoner continuing to attack Paul.”

David Whelan said his brother has asked local prosecutors to investigate the alleged attack.

“He is also concerned that these sorts of attacks can occur any time and, due to the various sharp implements in the workshop including the shears the other prisoner was holding today, could escalate into a far more serious attack,” David Whelan said. “Paul is a target because he is an American and anti-American sentiment is not uncommon among the other prisoners.”

Fox News has additional information here.

Category: International Affairs, Russia, Veterans in the news

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Prior Service

If only we had a leader who was willing to stand up for Americans overseas. Sorry, I mean normies, not trans, gay or druggies.


Yeah, you’d a thunk that with all the colluding that the Bad Orange Man did, he woulda colluded to get this dood back. Or maybe Bitcherly and BJ Willie woulda swapped him out in lieu of speaking fees.

But, Hey…we relieved the overcrowding in our prison system getting rid of a known murderous terrorist and brought home a vital and important round ball player. America, and it’s prison system, is so much more safer now. (do I need to put the /S/ here?)


He still languishes while the wife beating, child support dodging, basketbulldyke has resumed playing games that no one watches.


Why is it our government knows about 1 Marines treatment in a Russian prison camp, but can’t tell you where xxx billion dollars went in a DOD audit.

But, who isn’t glad that the WNBA got back their star player to a league nobody watches or cares about.

Old tanker

They also can’t tell where Americans are being held by hamas or if they are even alive. From what I see they don’t seem to give a damn about it either.


Maybe the reason the President did not negotiate for Paul Whelan’s release is because he has need was a convict who lied about his police service and whose Marine Corps career ended in court martial conviction:

“After a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts “related to larceny”, he was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge.[9][10] The specific charges against him included “attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering[a] checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment.”[12]

I think he lost the title of Marine and we can understand the hesitation to get him back from Russia.

Green Thumb

Doesn’t Whelan have a substandard discharge?