Gun lovin’ Hillary

| April 13, 2008


John McCain pays for his own slice at Verrazano’s Pizza, NYC

Clinton decided that loving guns and gun owners might win her a vote or two in “bitter” Pennsylvania, according to the New York Times;

She described herself as a pro-gun churchgoer, recalling that her father taught her how to shoot a gun when she was a young girl and said that her faith “is the faith of my parents and my grandparents.”

Then I’m surprised she didn’t take out those snipers at Tuzla airport herself – or maybe that’s the way the story gets told next time.

But, that just highlights Clinton’s own elitism. Drudge scrounged NYT’s archives and found Clinton in 1999 begging Americans to “buck the gun lobby” and force more gun control on each other;

Stepping up the Clinton Administration’s campaign against gun violence, Hillary Rodham Clinton used an emotional White House ceremony today to call on Americans to press Congress to ”buck the gun lobby” and pass several gun control measures.

So, there’s nothing wrong with her learning to shoot (supposedly) but not the rest of us. Politico writes about Clinton’s own brand of elitism when it comes to Democrats, too;

There’s nothing to say that the Clintonites are right about Obama’s presumed vulnerabilities. But one argument seems indisputably true: Obama is on the brink of the Democratic nomination without having had to confront head-on the evidence about his general election challenges.

That is why some friends describe Clinton as seeing herself on a mission to save Democrats from themselves. Her candidacy may be a long shot, but no one should expect she will end it unless or until every last door has been shut.

Well, it’s nice to know that Republicans aren’t the oonly stupid idiots in the country – apparently Democrats aren’t smart enough to pick the right candidate without Mother Clinton to hold their hand.

Oh, the picture of McCain? That’s just to remind everyone about that string of waitresses that can attest to the fact that Hillary didn’t pay them or tip them in her typical elitist way she has about her. You can’t expect McCain to make stupid mistakes like his two opponents seem to have been doing all year, thus far.

Category: Politics

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