Weekend Open Thread

| November 24, 2023

Here’s another meme poking fun at the nonsense being fed to people. The top panel sets the stage for the bottom panel. Some of the folks over at the “Right Can’t Meme” subreddit weren’t that amused. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Bam bam BAM!!! Fire mission Fire Mission Fire Mission!!! On a slow ass mobile device that is reloading slower than Navy’s offense and The King of Battle THE King of FIRST has reclaimed his throne. Rolling up the Big Road and basking in the glory! Seegars and beverages all around!


Congrats again to our Favorite Reb for being FIRST again!

You know the Drill…!

THE Iron Bowl…RTR VS War Chickens, 24 November 2023.

hbtd vs rtr 2 December 2023

And the BIG One…

gabn vs AW1Ed’s favorite team….*grin*


Tide gonna pluck that chicken.

Dawgs n ‘Bama gonna be a Donnybrook, free for all fight.

The Commander’s Trophy will be returned to its rightful place at Hudson High.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Kong of the Rats to ya, Gun Bunny.
The day after Thanksgiving, and just as busy as the day before.
Laundry, dishes, pots and pans; interspersed with snacking and napping.
Tomorrow will be putting all the accoutrements away and rearranging the room back to original.

I hereby yield the Crown, Sceptre and key to the Class VI locker to you. Rule well in my stead.

Many Thanks, My Good Sir. Better lucky than good, eh? Travel day was amazingly smooth for The Gun Bunny, cruise control ride of 78mph for most of the trip.

The locker is re-stocked and I’ll have the miscreanted d’weedians whipped back into shape very shortly…soon as I can find the cat-o-9.

Commissioner Wretched

Sneaking it in early … and King was there waiting. Wow! Good job, King … hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! (That, of course, applies to everybody.) For dessert … some trivia!

Did two different comic strips with the same title debut on the same day in two different countries?
By Commissioner Wretched

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the United States. And I want to wish you a happy and joyous holiday.

I could share some of my favorite stories of Thanksgiving in the past, but no … I’ve done that already. Just look up last year’s column or ones before that to get my favorite tales.

For this year, I’ll wish you a happy time with family and friends, or if you celebrate solo, may the company you have be the best it can be.

Meanwhile, for dessert, there’s always some trivia … so dig in!

Did you know …

… Ohio has an official state beverage? And before you start thinking what it might be, let me assure you it isn’t alcoholic, no matter how much people in Cleveland need it to be. In fact, it’s tomato juice. Ohio produces a large percentage of the nation’s tomatoes and has also designated the tomato as the state fruit. (Yes, tomatoes are fruits. Look it up.)

… railroads were a major factor in the development of swimwear? Expansion of the railroads in the 1800s brought more and more people to visit the sea. Thus, the need for swimwear developed, thanks to the transportation available. (And some of us are glad that it did develop!)

… the largest rabbits in the world can get 2.5 feet long? Flemish giant rabbits can weigh more than 20 pounds. (Meeting one can be a hare-raising experience, too.)

… one nation’s flag features a dragon? The Himalayan nation of Bhutan, on the border between India and China, has a flag that features the “Thunder Dragon.” (You can’t accuse them of draggin’ their flag, can you?)

Commissioner Wretched

… the tradition of the bride throwing her garter has an ancient root? During ancient times, guests at a wedding would tear off part of the bride’s gown as tokens of good luck. This led to the development of “tossing the garter.” (Better than ripping that expensive wedding gown to tatters, I’d say.)

… an artist had a one-bird rooting section? Paul Cézanne (1839-1906), a post-impressionist painter who laid much of the foundation for the transition of art from the 19th to the 20th Centuries, had a pet parrot which he trained to say, “Cézanne is a great painter.” (I guess you could say Cézanne gave himself the bird. You could say it, but maybe you shouldn’t.)

Commissioner Wretched

… two different incarnations of a popular comic strip character debuted on the same date? On March 12, 1951, American newspaper readers were first introduced to Dennis the Menace, created and drawn by Hank Ketcham (1920-2001). The strip, about a precocious kid and his tortured neighbor Mr. Wilson, continues today. It was based on the antics of Ketcham’s actual son Dennis (born 1946), who grew up estranged from his father and who dislikes the fact that the strip was named after him. But on the same day Ketcham’s strip began, British newspapers carried the debut of a completely different comic strip called Dennis the Menace. This strip, created by David Law (1908-1971), also features a terrorizing little kid named Dennis, but no Mr. Wilson. The two characters are not too alike, though; the American Dennis is a well-meaning kid who gets into mischief, while the British version is a bit on the mean side. Both strips are still being drawn, though the U.K. version is now called Dennis and Gnasher. And the most astonishing thing about the coincidence is … neither Ketcham nor Law knew about the other’s strip at the time. There was never any connection between the two. Additional trivia note: Both strips became television series in their respective countries. From 1999 to 2001, an animated British version aired, while a live-action series in the U.S. aired from 1959 to 1963 and starred Jay North (born 1951) as the titular troublemaker. (I always felt bad for “Good ol’ Mr. Wilson” whenever Dennis went over there.)

Hack Stone

Most of you Adorable Deplorables are already familiar with the Dennis The Menace/Far Side caption transposition, but for the benefit of you younger whippersnappers, check out this link.

In the interest of preventing any lawsuits against This Ain’t Hell, it’s employees, agents and subsidiary companies, Hack Stone is issuing a Level IV Spew Alert, so readers assume all risks for damage to computers and/or monitors while consuming beverages.


Commissioner Wretched

… during his 17-year career with the New York Yankees, baseball superstar Lou Gehrig (1903-1941) earned a total of $361,500? By contrast, the Major League minimum salary in 2023 was $720,000 for the one season. To give you an idea of what kind of money we’re talking about, consider: in 1992, a Yankee fan paid $363,000 for one of the jerseys that Gehrig wore during the 1927 season. That’s more than Gehrig earned his entire career … for one of his shirts. … the average American family spends about $935 on gifts for family and friends at Christmas? (Which, by the way, is just around the corner …) … one of the worst jobs in history had to be at an 18th Century English gambling den? At a time when gambling as such was illegal, places where people gathered to wager money on the roll of dice employed one special person who they paid well, but hoped to never use. His job? He had to swallow all the dice in the place if the police conducted a raid. (The person doing the job also hoped he’d never have to actually earn his keep.) … what goes around really does come around? In 1999, a youngster named Kevin Stephan (born 1989) was acting as bat boy for his brother’s baseball team when he was hit in the chest with a bat by another boy who was warming up. Kevin’s heart stopped beating, but his life was saved by the mother of another boy on the team – a nurse named Penny Brown (born 1973). Seven years later, Brown was having dinner in a restaurant when she began to choke on her food, and who came from the kitchen to give her the Heimlich maneuver and save her life? Kevin Stephan, by then a volunteer firefighter. (They both should get a medal.) … it was once believed tomatoes had magic powers? In the 16th Century, people in Europe actually believed that eating a tomato would turn a person into a werewolf. (What, you mean it doesn’t? Darn. It would have been fun.)… Read more »



Thank You again for providing us these trivia…

You always help us in Jeopardy!

Commissioner Wretched

You are far too kind! It’s my great pleasure.

A Proud Infidel®™

Good stuff once again CW, the tomato is a fruit and potatoes are a vegetable, thus when you have fries with ketchup, you’re eating a salad!!!


Potatoes are a vegetable, therefore, real vodka is potato salad.


Bloody Mary is a vegetable entree’ with a fruit topping.

Fine j.o.b., again, CW. You da man. Keep us on track and hopping. Never a roll of the dice on entertainment and I’ll bet that you’ll never crap out.


And this is why you and I are friends!

Hack Stone

Upon discovering that a tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable, the late great Attorney/Kamikaze Pilot Daniel Bernath filed a class action lawsuit against the Campbell Soup Corporation for selling V-8 as a beverage containing 8 separate vegetables, when the tomato is obviously a fruit. Maybe Bernath’s death was not an accident, and he was actually a victim of a vast conspiracy perpetrated by Big Juice. We are inside the looking glass, people.


Last week, with a couple of my family, I attended our adopted granddaughter’s graduation from the Navy’s boot camp at Great Lakes. It was the classic Navy pomp and circumstance graduation ceremony.  She did well and was awarded the “Navy Club of the United States Military Excellence Award”. The award came with a reception afterwards where she got to meet with an Admiral, the base’s Captain and Commander, and lots of Chiefs. They gave her some nice challenge coins and a lovely watch (time piece).  It was a lot of fun for us and we are damn proud of her. Two days later, she headed to San Antonio for HN school, which tickles me as I was an HN.  
Chatting with the recruits was hilarious as every single one called me sir.  Naturally I responded,  “Don’t call me sir, I worked for a living”. It is amazing to see how quickly (10 weeks) these young men and women are shaped into sailors. Met and chatted with a lot of the recruits’ families – good folk all.
Something I did not know: the recruits must pay for their uniforms (~$900) and meals. Damn, things sure have changed since my days in the Nav.
Go Navy, beat Army!   



THANK YOU so much for sharing this.

A Big Congrats to your Granddaughter. We know your Family is very, very proud!

And now the rest of the story…




Congratulations to your granddaughter, and may she do well in her career.


Iron Bowl, 25 November 2023.

Alabama VS Auburn.

For KoB, Blaster, API and other ROLL TIDE Fans (1 minute):



Welcome Home ninja! Still on the road but…gabn:rtr/hbtd


Thank Ye, Thank Ye, Thank Ye to our very own King Of Battle!


Next week (Dawgs VS Bama) is gonna be another Nail Biter!


Safe travels home to Sweet Home Georgia!


A Proud Infidel®™



27 — 24


We do things just a little differently where I’m from 🍺
We get a little western 🤠

Last edited 9 months ago by SFC D



Reading Valor Friday caused me to be late, but it was worth it.


The Original “Dixieland Delight” by the group “Alabama”.

3 Minutes. Played at every Alabama/Roll Tide Roll game.

Hope and pray “The Woke” will not demand this classic song be eliminated (there IS a Rebel Flag featured on a car in the video…)

What does our heart good is attending these Southern College Football games. It does not matter what color one’s skin is at these games. ALL Alabama Fans join together in singing this song.


Will say it again. There are folks out there trying to DIVIDE our Country based on our skin color and beliefs. It is obvious they have never been to a college Football game in the South. We come together as one. Against the other team…*grin*

Enjoy the song….We Did!

Y’All Have A Great Weekend!



Mizzou and Arkansas are trading blows, literally. Fists, ejections, all that. 2nd quarter, and it’s turning into a street brawl.

A Proud Infidel®™

Top twenty and I award myself Honorary First once again.


Epstein did not kill himself.
We still haven’t seen the Shooter’s Manifesto OR Epstein’s list, BOTH are more heavily guarded than Classified Military Info.
And the “feebies”, Friendship Before Integrity still continue to monitor who they WANT TO, not who they should but hey, we know they’re part of the inner DC Whorehouse.


More fraud


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A Proud Infidel®™

Sometimes motivation finds YOU.


A really big frog:
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Upon moving down here, my wife had a toad friend. The girl dog was curious but didn’t harm it, but the old man dog is grouchy, and I guess got territorial one night. Poor toad friend hasn’t been seen since. We have lizards all over, which the old man dog might remember from his days of roaming freely 13 years ago, when he’d bring me trophies of turtles and moles, and spend hours chasing the driveway toads. Gotta love South Louisiana!


Present, and still FIRST (h/t KoB) in the hearts and minds of my grandkids.

Got to eat another Thanksgiving meal that cannot be beat with all 10 grands, all 6 kids (in-law & out-law & by-law) plus Airborne Brother and his beautious wife.

God bless you all, and have a great weekend!


All of have so much to be thankful for. I appreciate all you good folks here!


Open thread! An I can’t even get last.

But I can find towers and antennas (antenni?) around me.



Who even knew you could look that stuff up. I see my old place of employment with the satellite view. I see it was an afternoon on a Saturday or Sunday, maybe a holiday since nobody was home.

Still, pretty cool.

Daisy Cutter

Well, I can relate to that meme.


The war chicken has been plucked/the kitty tiger has been skint!






Currently playing: Number 1 Dawgs VS Yellow Jackets…



Currently, the only ones playing are the Jackets. The Dawgs are chasing their tails. OK, Dawgs are getting up from their nap now.

Dawgs start off like this next week and ‘Bama gonna take a rolled up newspaper to them puppies.


A Proud Infidel®™






A Trifecta of wins for my Boys! The Tide Rolled, The Seminoles Scalped, and My Dawgs Wrecked The Tech! How sweet it is! (ht2 The Great One). Makes a consecutive, Twofer FIRST (HOT & WOT) pale by comparison.