Weekend Open Thread

| November 3, 2023

Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday morning, so don’t forget to set your clock. Remember, fall back, spring ahead. Also, Election Day is on November 7 if your state is holding elections. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Commissioner Wretched

Damn if you didn’t beat me to it! The trappings of power are hereby transferred to you, King … rule wisely and well!


Most humbly accepted, Good Sir! And a fine j.o.b. that your 26 leaden soldiers did on the Police Call of the Throne Room. It’s even obvious that they kept off my lawn. NOT.EVEN.CLOSE. today. Even with a standard 10 count, a still sketchy (almost as much as Chip NASA is) inherwebz connection, and the distractions of these cats I’m herding, The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST, completed another successful FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION and regained his rightful Throne. I owe it all to my (dis)loyal miscreanted d’weeded subjects and my desire to impress the Adorable Deplorables of Team TAH.

In a nod to THE G.O.A.T CAS Platform EVAH, today’s rations will include, grilled porked chops, smoked ribs, pulled yankee ass (AKA Boston Butts), fried ham, bacon with cheese grits, and sausage gravy with biscuits. For our Hero Slow Joe, Frosty Mugs of that Golden Elixir, Yuengling Flight, and for our very own (we have THE BEST) ninja (gabn/gabaf/rtr/hbtd/’noles) gallons of the House Wine…Peach Flavored Sweet Iced Tea. Sow belly on up to the Buffet and pig out! Wart Hogs Rule!


All Hail The King!

(Wipes away mouth after guzzling KoB’s House Wine…😉😎)

Congrats To Our Favorite Reb!

Now if only Army can get their act together in this weekend’s classic Army/Air Force game!

* Georgia Dawgs VS Missouri Tigers

* Roll Tide VS LSU Tigers

* FSU ‘Noles VS Pittsburgh Panthers

* Army Black Knights VS Air Force Falcons

* Navy Midshipmen VS Temple Owls



Imma thinking its gonna be a bad day for felines and fowls this weekend, ninja. Lotsa ways to skin cats…and pluck birds. Tho I would feel better if I could camo some ADA units to back up my Knights. If the pigskin gets shot down before it’s received that makes it a “dead” ball, right?

Dawgs gonna chase them Show Me Tigers away, ‘Bama gonna Roll over the pussy cats of ‘Cump’s College, ‘Noles gonna scalp them prissy panthers, the Middies are gonna say Who Are You..Who Who..Who Who (ht 2…well…you know who!). (GO) Army looking forward to making them AF Falcons choke like another Falcon in a stupid bowl game. Pluck ’em!

ps…your email receiving again yet? Hit my outlook addy and we’ll see if these machines will shake hands and re-establish comms.



Cheering on Mizzou. Hoping to do to Georgia what Denver did to the Chiefs.

If you’re going to dream, dream big. It’s not any more exspensive.


Let me know how that works out for you, my Brother. *grin* Let the Big Dawg eat! And if them kitty kats do happen to get lucky…welp…as George and Ringo sez…

Last edited 11 months ago by KoB

They scratched and they clawed but they shoulda had a Dawg in that fight! Good game, Odie…them MoTigs got nothing to be ashamed of.


They do not. They kept it much closer than most probably expected.


For v the most part anyway.


Could have very easily gone the other way! The penalties hurt them…and the Dawgs had that Home Field, which always helps. I don’t get to see too many top tier games since I don’t have cable TV. Now ‘Bama got their hands full with LSU, but, Hey…(GO) Army did BEAT AF and now drawing a bead on the Squids.


On my way, boss! Giddy up, Hoss!


c’mon, girl fren’, they’s plenty. Just took a pan of catheads, a skillet of cornpone, and some sweet taters outa the oven. Crockett pot full of mixed greens with a ham hock has been percurlating lowly all day. I pulled the porked beast outa the freezer earlier this week to make room for the venison that homey is bringing for safe keeping. Nobody goes hongry or thirsty ’round Firebase Magnolia. Ms Thang made up a batch of molasses vanilla iced cookies to go with some strawberry ice cream.


You guys get a room. LMAO.

Here! (Remotely)

Hearty Fuchs you all, and conrats KoB


Rat’s o’Cong atcha Gun Bunny.


I coulda had it.

Commissioner Wretched

I didn’t even try to list “First” this week, after logging in to see the King of Battle had reclaimed his throne. I hereby proffer the trappings of power to him and hope the throne room is left in good condition for him. For the rest of us … trivia, of course!

Why does Michelangelo’s famous sculpture of Moses depict him with horns?
By Commissioner Wretched

A long time ago, when I was doing radio for a living (and doing it live in studio), the station for which I worked broadcast the day’s funeral notices. Kind of an “obituary column of the air,” if you will.

One Sunday morning, while I was busy getting my newscast ready, our announcer was playing the formatted easy listening music. I heard him say as a song ended, “That was Crosby, Stills and Nash, with ‘Just A Song Before I Go.’ It’s time now for today’s funeral announcements …”

The phones lit up and didn’t stop ringing for hours, it seemed. Our young announcer, in his first month on the job, had no idea of the gaffe he’d just made.

Looking back on it now, it brings a smile; that morning almost fifty years ago, however, I had to do some fancy footwork to explain what had happened to the callers.

Anyway, a side story to prepare you for the trivia which is to come. “Just A Song Before I Go …” Classic.

Did you know …

… a single term exists for nieces and nephews? If you’re into keeping your word use as small as possible and being gender-neutral, you can refer to those particular relatives together as niblings. (You may have to explain what you’re talking about, but such is the price of progress, no?)

Commissioner Wretched

… the genome of modern humans contains DNA from four different ancestors? Examining human DNA, we find that the largest portion of it is typical homo sapiens. But there is also residual Neanderthal DNA, Denisovan DNA, and another strand or two from a fourth species that has not yet been discovered or named. (In other words, we’re all mutts. I’d love to know more about that undiscovered fourth species, though, wouldn’t you?)

… one thing links the six leading causes of death? The causes are heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide. The one linking factor – stress. (I hope my boss is reading this.)

… a female mackerel lays about 500,000 eggs at one time? (And breathes a massive sigh of relief when she’s done, too.)
… that orange dust on your fingers when you eat Cheetos™ has a name? According to the Frito-Lay company, makers of the delectable snack, that dust is called cheetle. (And it lasts, and lasts, and lasts …)

… a famous sculpture of Moses has a pretty noticeable error? In 1505, Pope Julius II (1443-1513) commissioned a statue of the Biblical figure Moses to be made by the famed sculptor Michelangelo (1475-1564). The sculptor promptly delivered the statue, which can still be seen in Rome’s Church of San Pietro in Vincoli. The error on the statue is found on Moses’ head, which has what appear to be horns growing out of it. This came about due to an error in translation from the Book of Exodus. The original Hebrew words for “ray of light” and “horn” were spelled the same, and when the Scripture was translated into Latin, the “horn” definition was used. Thus does the statue – and many other depictions of Moses – show him with horns, rather than rays of light emanating from his head. (This has to be the most embarrassing “Oops” in history!)


Vulgate translation error aside, Mosè di Michelangelo might be the greatest among all of his impressive works.

Commissioner Wretched

… the only Opening Day forfeit in Major League Baseball happened in 1907? On April 11 of that year, the Philadelphia Phillies were in New York to play the Giants at the Polo Grounds. New York had been hit by a heavy snowstorm the day before, and the grounds crew had struggled to clear the field, piling snow along the perimeter of the playing area. As the game progressed and the Giants fell behind, fans began scooping up the snow and throwing snowballs at each other and onto the field. When some of the fans took the snowball fight too seriously and crashed onto the field, umpire Bill Klem (1874-1951) tried to reason with them – until he himself was hit by a snowball. At that point, Klem declared the game over, a forfeit, and awarded the win to the Phillies … who were ahead in the score anyway.

… tomatoes were once called “love apples”? The reason is an old superstition that suggested people eating them would fall in love. (They also used to be considered poisonous. I wonder if there’s a connection there …)

… you could become fearless? All it takes is a simple operation. Fear is controlled in the brain by a part called the amygdala, and if you have it removed, you’ll have no fear. (I wouldn’t recommend it, mind you, but it could be done.)

… you may suffer from mageiricophobia? It’s the intense fear of having to cook. (My fear isn’t cooking … it’s people actually eating what I might cook.)

Commissioner Wretched

… the average human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap? (There was a time, not long ago, when by this metric I was way above average.)

… the death toll from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake is believed to have been vastly under-reported? Government officials said that the quake and resulting fires caused a total of 375 deaths. Research, however, has shown that the figure was actually at least 3,000 dead. The under-reporting was said to have been done in a bid to protect real estate prices in the city.

… statistically, men are six times more likely than women to get hit by lightning? (That’s because men are six times more likely to be out in the rain.)

… penguins get depressed? Observers of the flightless Antarctic birds have noted that some penguins walk away from their flocks into the vast icy wilderness alone, and end up dying. No one knows why they do this. (All dressed up and no place to go, I suspect.)

… one in four married couples sleep in separate beds? (The real trick is when they’re sleeping in separate houses.)

Now … you know!


CW, my Man…Sing us niblings a song, you monkey’s uncle. Sing…Sing a Song of Songs…Sing…Sing…Yeah! No need to Kneel, you’re a diamond…Just ask Holly.

Some say that 4th gene is the God gene…and it came from those that rode down in The Chariots of The Gods.

Stress of fighting to place FIRST in the TAH WOT is real.

Laying that many eggs at once is a tuff roe to hoe Scrambled with cheese/hash browns scattered, covered, and chunked? Raisin toast?

There is no cheetle on my keyboard. May be some Cheese-It crumbs. I admit nothing…call my lawer.

We’ve seen the light…Moses was horny!

A giant stoopid move. Is a forfeit anything like a hissy fit…or a conniption fit?

Lubs me a bacon mater sammich.

I ain’t skeered…well just that OAM may get into my brain. She would have no fear of my cooking; I’m that good!

Prolly many of us above average. ‘Specially the fat heads here.

A lot of SanFran was rebuilt on the ruble the bodies were trapped in.

Male penguins usually only mate once a year and then spend most of their time incubating the egg. You’d get depressed, too.

If she’s a wiggle worm that can’t get still, Imma outa there.

Thanks again, CW! You da man!


#9. #9. #9.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Ok, FIRST TENTH on the site


12½ minute documentary about how this new Beatles song was made,
and why it was NOT possible before 2021.

It will be the LAST official recording by The Beatles.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion, and while there are some Beatles songs I do really like, and I do really appreciate the musicianship and talent, I’m just not an over the top Beatles fan. For me, it’s more about the memories of my life associated with some of their music. All that to say, respectfully, not a fan of this song. The video and tech are cool. The music? Meh.


Nailed it! With the divisiveness that Yoko brought and John’s ego the group as a whole was not as good as the individual members became. John talked the talk of helping the downtrodden, but George H actually did things and walked the walk. Paul was a musician and Ringo just wanted to play and have fun doing it. IMHO of all of the “British Invasion Bands”, The Who was THE BEST Rock and Roll Band EVAH, and The Moody Blues was the BEST concert band that could rock out and then grab you by the feelz.

One problem, that I saw/heard, was too many radio stations would play the same handful of songs from a group over and over, without flipping the record to side “B”. They still do it today, in every genre of music. Entertainers make strategic errors when they try to push their political views on the “fans” and not concentrate on just entertaining us.

I have a fairly nice collection of ’60s & ’70s records, tapes, CDs groups, but very little of The Beatles. I was gifted a Beatle’s White Album when it came out and was told, “Oh man this will be a collectors item!” My reply was, “They made a billion copies of it, they only wanted to collect your $.” I never unwrapped the plastic and played it.


One of the XM channels I like is Underground Garage, because they play those B sides and album tracks that “terrestrial” radio stations don’t. I’ve heard a lot of Beatles and Stones songs on that channel that show how talented those guys all were and there’s an edge to those songs that isn’t heard in their singles


Who knew!?!??

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We watched/listened the Official video this morning.

Pretty Cool…

Ringo Starr is now 83 years young.

Paul Mccartney is now 81 years young.

Mick Jagger is now 80 years young.

Suddenly, we feel SO old…🫣🤭


Paul McCartney did the theme song
for the 1980s comedy Spies Like Us.

Classic scene,
not sure anyone is saying this in the desert in 2023.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

FIRST 9TH on the site, know what I mean Jelly Bean


jeff LPH 3 63-66,
Sorry, I beat you (above) to #9.
A most fitting #9. 🙂

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I saw you hie the send and I hit my send a second or 2 later. Ok, 10 isn’t too bad

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls while avoiding calls seeking clarifications of his highly questionable and potentially felonious Native American, Navy SEAL and Law Enforcement claims.


We wish we could tell you this is a Babylon Bee article/satire/joke…but, sadly, it isn’t….🫣

Next thing you know, the names of different breed of dogs will be changed…🙄

“Dozens Of Birds, Including Ones Named After White Supremacists, Are Being Renamed”


“Dozens of bird species in the United States and Canada will get “imaginative” new names that reflect their traits and habitats rather than the names of people, the American Ornithological Society announced Wednesday.”

“The society plans to remove all human names from the common names for birds within its jurisdiction, to create a more inclusive environment for people of diverse backgrounds interested in bird-watching and ornithology. The public process, yet to be fully defined, will include 70 to 80 birds
in the U.S. and Canada, the society stated.”

“Following years of controversy over bird names linked to people with racist and genocidal histories, the society’s decision thrills ornithologists and scientists who supported a campaign to name birds for themselves.”

“I’m really excited about this change,” said Corina Newsome, an ornithologist who was among a group of dozens of Black outdoor enthusiasts that launched the first Black Birders Week in May 2020.”

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We think this must be the “White Supremacist” that is discussed in the USAToday Article mentioned above…

After all, Foghorn Leghorn DOES have a Southern accent…🤭🤣😅😆😂


And he calls everybody “boy.”


And he’s white…


I’m assuming that “blackbird” is out too.


It and similar moves are a concerted and intentional effort to destroy history, a la Geo. Orwell’s 1984

There is no other reason or motivation behind these efforts.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

The clocks go back tonight by the look of the cat turnin the hands back. How about a nice ballad ” What Time Is It” by the Jive Five 1962 on the Belltone label


Present! And now, another musical interlude brought to you by D’s Cantina, where open carry is not just allowed, it’s enthusiastically encouraged! Today’s number seemed appropriate, given the current middle eastern kerfluffle. I know, it’s not a kerfluffle, it’s a constant. Enjoy!

Last edited 11 months ago by SFC D



Having lived in States that do not practice Daylight Savings Time, we hate it…🙄

Get Rid Of It!



Hack Stone

More fake news. Everyone knows that the US Absentee Ballot system is just as secure as the US Postal System and the border between America and Mexico.


I once had a $700 check for car insurance stolen from the postal system. The thief overrode the payee and cashed it at a bank branch in a nearby city. I reported it to the police, bank, and Postal Inspector. No one called me back, even though it was several felonies and the bank had the person on video at the bank branch when the forged check was cashed.

A Proud Infidel®™

Thirty-sump’n as I declare “PRESENT” and award myself yet another Honorary First


Maybe one day I’ll be able to finish getting rid of this damned outdated Red Hat Software slowing my computer down!
Epstein did not kill himself.
We still haven’t seen Epstein’s list of the Trans Shooter’s manifesto.
Funny how as soon as tne news of one thing dies down and attention goes back onto the manifold scandals of the Biden Family, *POOF!*, something else grabs the headlines, whatever happened to Russia’s war on Ukraine?
The FBI is still ignoring real crime while monitoring those of us who dissent with the establishment, and another UP YOURS to the “feebies” monitoring me.


The DOJ has about a thousand citizens that were at the J6 protest that they are investigating and hope to prosecute.


Happy weekend!


This will blow everyone’s minds here. The Pittsburg schools are teaching that math is racist because there is more than one correct answer to a math problem. See, and you all thought that saying 2+2=5 is a ridiculous proposition and Progs/commies would never make such an absurd assertion. Well read this NY Post article. Pittsburgh public schools approve measure to instruct teachers on ‘White supremacy’ in math classes (nypost.com)


Two plus two make five, if the Party says it is so, comrade!
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But, in reality, as Orwell observed:
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Hack Stone

Everyone knows that math, and by extension algebra and trigonometry, are inherently racist created by Ultra MAGA right wing extremists in Egypt thousands of years ago. There is no way that people of color can overcome the inherent racism preventing them from achieving success in the engineering field. Until the revised CRT curriculum is introduced, all students are to report the auditorium for a screening of Hidden Figures, the story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program.


I know someone who received a D in Plane Geometry. She now has the excuse that the course was racist math. She still doesn’t understand degrees and angles, let alone how to draw a parallelogram.


That’s bad considering that a rhombus, a rectangle, and a square all fit the definition of a parallelogram. Hence the statement, “A rectangle is a parallelogram, but a parallelogram is not a rectangle”, replace with rhombus or square as desired. 🤣


I had plans to be here about 3 CST to try for first. I’ll settle for somewhere near the bottom of the page.


Until now, you were at the bottom of the page.

Hack Stone

Hack Stones knows a former executive at the Reston VA office of All Points Logistics who wishes that he could turn back the to a time before he agreed to defend Phil Monkress regarding his lies.


Bah humbug…I claim last only as I just rolled out of bed here at 0900 local Korea time. I’ll win this again one day!


Had to replace pads and rotors on the F150 this week – still shade-tree mechanic-ing after all these years.

Reposting this with more info:
I have a book given to me by a man in my Sunday School class who was an analyst in DC ‘back in the day’ that I’m going to recommend:
Sharia – the Threat to America
An Exercise in Competitive Analysis,
Report of Team B II
ISBN 978-0-9822947-6-5
It was published by the Center for Security Policy in 2010. It has aged well, and explains much of what is going on with Hamas now and with our politicians at least since “W” said “Islam is a religion of peace”.
It helps explain a lot. Much of which will be no surprise to many here.


This came in the mail the other day, and helps explain what is going on with the “DEI” trash and what GEN Milley and that crowd is really up to:


I thought that the principal threats to this nation were Islamo-facism and Progtardism. But I see from this Hillsdale article you linked, there is a third. It is the genderqueer movement of incipient Marxism, as explained in Rufo’s excellent article. I used to joke about this, but the era of the Franken-penis and the robot surgeon created faux vagina is upon us.


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Some interesting resources here, too:



Jihad-o-fascists be like… as Dolf Lungren’s most quotable movie (at least for these purposes) put it:

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous

Mayor Nitwit Phony Badass gets himself cuffed.
Insulting the police doing highway duty with F bombs didn’t help.

Followup on the Fu of Google,
the Mayor was convicted by a jury,
and sentenced to a fine of $285.


Short turnaround from Western Annex to Casa de Sparky last couple of days.
Seems oldest decided on virtually zero notice to get married, which she did yesterday.
God help me, I ain’t ready to be a grandpa yet, but God help her when I do become one. Little kid(s) gonna get spoiled rotten.
But for now, back out to the Western Annex. Someone gotta push those electrons around for everyone.


On station.


Army beats formerly undefeated Air Force 23-3. That’s right, someone pissed in the Army’s cereal bowl or cracked a joke that Army stands for Ain’t Ready for Marines Yet. Anyway they decided to wake up from their slumber to kick some flyboy rear-ends. Be All You Can Be in the US Army.


The Bunny of The Guns made a prediction/statement on this subject yesterday…along with other picks (see above). GO ARMY (did) BEAT AF!

“(GO) Army looking forward to making them AF Falcons choke like another Falcon in a stupid bowl game. Pluck ’em!”


Be curious to see what the outcome of the ONLY game that matters will be…Army beat Air Force and Air Force beat Navy. 🤣


The Commander’s Trophy will return to its rightful place at Hudson High, when (GO) Army sinks (BEAT) Navy. Now…if only the Services could just get a real Commander instead of the one that was (s)elected in 2020.