Like babes in the woods

| October 6, 2009

I’m pretty sure the Obama Administration knew about the problems with Iran before they took the reins nearly ten months ago. So what’s taking them so long to develop a policy and design those sanctions they were so adamant about last year during the campaign? From the Washington Times;

“Even as the administration focuses on diplomacy, we have also been working with our colleagues across the U.S. government to develop a strategy for imposing substantial costs on the government of Iran if the president determines that is what is needed to affect Iranian policies,” said Stuart Levey, undersecretary of the Treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence, in prepared testimony on Capitol Hill.

In other words, when they made the decision to impose sanctions, someone didn’t just walk over to the file cabinet a pull a file that they’d been working over the last year. In my head, the folder would have said “Plan B” on the jacket. I guess they really did plan on ignoring our foreign policy for the first year.

So, they’re moving with all deliberate speed to impose sanctions, right? Hardly;

Nonetheless, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said late Monday that Tehran’s concessions in Geneva had put sanctions on the back burner for the moment.

“It buys time,” she said in an interview with CNN. “It buys time for us to consider carefully their response, the sincerity of their actions, and, you know, we’re moving simultaneously on the dual track.”

“Buys time” for who? Buys time for the Iranians to build their nuclear weapon and avoid sanctions.

It’s almost as if the Obama Administration is hoping that Israel will strike Iran. Then they can breathe a sigh of relief that they didn’t have to commit to anything concrete – and then spend the next ten years condemning Israel for acting unilaterally.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Jonn said: It’s almost as if the Obama Administration is hoping that Israel will strike Iran. Then they can breathe a sigh of relief that they didn’t have to commit to anything concrete – and then spend the next ten years condemning Israel for acting unilaterally.

Quoted the whole thing for a reason. Sometimes it’s like you almost get it. [grin]

It goes like this… Of course ‘they’ would like Israel to strike for the reasons you cited, but ‘they’ would be equally pleased if Iran struck first.

This lot has an agenda based on crisis. And I’m certain that a review will find Israel brought either on themselves. Who else has been apologizing to the world for any and all American behavior post 9/11?

Hmmm… reckon it’s another case where you are just restating the obvious.

AW1 Tim

Could we figure out a way to hack the Israeli AF targeting computers and get DC on the list too? If Israel’s gonna be the fall guy for Iran, we might as well get some house cleaning done over here as well….

Just sayin’…


We’ve learned nothing. We continue to negotiate with rogue regimes such as N. Korea and Iran, and all they need to do is buy time. We’re going to negotiate ourselves into witnessing a nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel that will light up the Middle East like a pyre.

Not to mention N. Korea’s nukes. When Bush called Iran, Iraq and N. Korea the axis of evil, they all got a big chuckle out of it. 8 years later, Korea has nuclear weapons and Iran is on the verge of producing one.

Time to poop or get off of the pot.