Second US carrier strike group heading to the eastern Mediterranean
The USS Eisenhower and its accompanying ships departed the US for a regular deployment. They’ve been ordered to proceed to the eastern Mediterranean, joining their counterparts in the Ford Carrier Strike Group. The US has also deployed Air Force assets to the area in addition to the naval assets already there. Great Britain has also deployed warships, surveillance aircraft, and Marines to the area.
From the Insider:
“The arrival of these highly capable forces to the region is a strong signal of deterrence should any actor hostile to Israel consider trying to take advantage of this situation,” said Gen. Michael Kurilla, the commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM), said in a statement this week.
US Navy ships aren’t the only NATO military assets sent out in response to the Israel-Hamas war. The US has augmented existing airpower in the area with additional F-15, F-16 and A-10 aircraft, and Britain deployed several naval ships, surveillance aircraft, and a company of Royal Marines on Thursday to the eastern Mediterranean.
Tensions across the Middle East skyrocketed after the initial Hamas attacks against Israel on October 7, which killed at least 1,300 people — mostly civilians — and injured more than 3,200 others, according to the latest figures. In response to the attacks, Israel immediately began bombing what it has said are Hamas targets across the Gaza Strip, killing over 2,200 people and injuring nearly 9,000, according to the United Nations.
Israel’s military says the relentless aerial campaign — which has resulted in civilian casualties and turned entire neighborhoods to rubble — is a precursor to an imminent ground invasion of the coastal enclave as a means to completely crush Hamas. In preparation for this, the country on Thursday ordered everyone in northern Gaza to evacuate to the south.
The Insider has additional information.
Category: International Affairs, Israel, Terror War
And so it begins….
Word! Another Big Stick?…or another group of Big Targets for Sea Skimmers?
Personally, I’d prefer to see Ike or Jerry Carrier Groups steaming around in the Gulf of Mexico protecting OUR border. Yeah, I know, that’ll be overkill and a waste of assets per se (the carriers), but I think a Squadron or 2 of A-10s loitering along the Rio Grande might make some folks think twice about the invasion that WE are facing. Oh…wait…millions of military aged men are already here, IMO, just waiting to be turned loose on “soft targets”. Prepare
So, we are sending more assets into the region to deter escalation by others. Isn’t that escalating in itself? What if others decide to tell us to piss up a rope and launch attacks on the IDF? Or we going to intercept (try to) those attackers or are we going to attack the point of origin? Let the IDF do their thing, their enemies have screamed for decades “Death to Israel” and “Death to America”. It will never end until the canned sunshine is opened and Gabriel Blows His Horn.
I could build a tank like that out of the boxes I’ve gotten from MPS and SGA lately. Just an FYI… Nine (9) days ago an order placed with either outfit (among others) was packed and shipped the same day. As of Friday night the pick/ship time of a current order placement was 7 working days, the choices were limited to certain items and the price had gone up by 30+%.
I’m still of the opinion that when the Venezuelan flag was planted on our soil, it was a message sent that all were in place. No communication to intercept, just a picture.
Put ’em in the Persian Gulf where they’ll actually have some, never mind. Not Joe’s Handlers agenda item.
Gotta wonder just what their agenda is? Deplete more weapons depots? Burn off more POL since there’s a whole 17 days worth of crude in the SPR? Keep the headlines off of the growing pile of evidence that the ultimate goal is the destruction of these states united? Spread an already stretched and undermanned (peopled?) military even thinner? Placing the TF in the Med so they can “evacuate” “refugees” from Gaza? All of the above and then some?
Wouldn’t mind having some of these assets to help shore up The North Wall. Hell, I’d settle for two (2) each of everything that was given to the Tally Bans. I’d consider that a good start. With a ht 2 today’s gun pr0n…three (3) each would be better! (throw in a “Pretty in Pink Ms Thang for…you know…reasons!
“Oh…wait…millions of military aged men are already here, IMO, just waiting to be turned loose on “soft targets”. Prepare”.. Anyone that doesn’t think this is coming (pretty much all of the left) is delusional…
Of course there is that portion of those on the left that are behind this invasion, and they’re just salivating at the prospect of such an attack, because
All Americans (even leftists) are equal targets for those illegals:

“They” truly do hate America–or at least the values, traditions, and unique aspects of our collective culture(s). Leftists envision a United States where everyone is “equal”, which Socialism will certainly ensure. There’s never been a perfect example of a Socialist state, but where better to start than with a “Democratic” Republic that is being undermined from within. “Elect” doddering old politicians time and again and permit them to enrich themselves off of $200k salaries that somehow turn into millions of dollars within a few years. Declare Conservative values to be racist, anti-gay, and [the latest battle cry] transphobic. Allow millions of illegals into the country, provide them with food, shelter, and services, and create a future voter base that will remember how The Squad and other Dems (with substantial Rep support) vowed to ensure that they too could be American. What is America if not a nation of immigrants, seeking a better life?
Infringement is rampant, and as always, crime is the impetus behind legislation violating our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, not to mention a number of others. Crime, like that unsurpassed in American history event on 1/6/21, must be curtailed even if it results in violation of certain civil liberties and rights. Criminals, like the Trump Crime Family, must be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law, both civil and criminal. Honest and law-abiding corruptocrats like the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens are on the “Winning Team” and above reproach.
So, we need to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Not the violent murderers, rapists, thieves, and other malicious types, mind you, but the criminals that support liberty and the right to protect themselves and their loved ones. We saw that with Kyle Rittenhouse, who was rightfully (somehow) acquitted for daring to defend himself against armed felons. We see this every time there’s a mass shooting, where the crimes of the shooter are eclipsed by the fact that it was the gun that enabled the crime. Of course, we continually see the media and government attempt to play up or down depending on the shooter’s identity and the target. White male with possible right-wing connections targeting a gay club? That’s going viral. Trans Leftie shooting up a school? Nothing to see here, it was the gun.
Let the illegals in, disarm us, then convince us that rising violent crime is somehow “our” fault. Remove “hate speech” like “illegal alien”, “MAGA”, and other hurtful words/acronyms from the vernacular. Like dogs, most of us have become compliant and wish only to live our simple lives. Some of us see through the nonsense, though, and question exactly where this country is going. Me? Like so many others, I’ll be at Walmart in a few hours, smoking a couple of chickens tonight, and seeing what shenanigans ensure on the national and world stages.
“according to the United Nations”
The UN is a leftist enclave of terroists and Communists.
They need to move their headquarters to some third world country.
The UN just got schooled. This guy is my new friend.
Holy Cow!
No kidding holy cow. Dead man walking?
I figure the odds turned against him before he finished his speech. Hopefully he will have Salman Rushdie longevity.
Looked him up , found him on you tube, and he is interesting to listen to.
Mosab Hussain yousef is his name .
Honorable mention goes to “Our peacekeeping forces will rape and abuse your women, but that’s all we’ll guarantee.”
Ask us about our Peacekeeper-borne cholera epidemic!
Zelinski cries… Where’s my attention.
Their should be a boxing match between carboard box tanks to see which box tank lasts longer from cardboard mailing tube blows. . Secret is to order boxes that can withstand the blows. mail order catalogues that sell all that stuff have cardboard box charts with the weight one would need to build a better box tank. Those cardboard mailing tube .50 Ma Deuces look great .
M-79 grenades fit toilet paper tubes…
No shit, they fit toilet paper tubes
You know some freak has jammed ’em up there…
Add this.
US Marines presently deployed in multiple countries
in the greater Middle East region
are now being given new mission orders
in the immediate area in and around Israel.
That’s all I can say at this time.
Probably more than you should be saying at this time.
Just here. OPSEC.
“Just here”.
Sorry, didn’t realize we were secure. My bad.
Some of it is already in the news.
I’ve added nothing more in terms of details.
What you’re adding is subtle hints that you have “insider” information. If you do, kindly keep it to yourself, and admonish whoever is giving you the information to stop.
F whoever thinks my comment(s) here are worth a thumbs down red -1.
As much as some of you like to yank and crank
on the current status of our US military,
and some of it is clearly justified and warranted,
this certainly does not apply to what I know
about what is happening right now
with the US Marines in the Middle East.
Perhaps someone here doesn’t realize,
that perhaps I have real skin in this game,
just by looking at my VG username.
I am proud of my son.
He’s well trained, highly skilled,
surround by an excellent team of fellow Marines,
and ready to perform his duty whenever and wherever he is ordered.
BTW, I am ALSO proud of my daughter,
who served 5 years in the US Marines repairing jets.
My username could be MarineDad61x2.
Here’s my ball cap.
Be proud. You have every right to be proud. If you have skin in the game, any info you may have needs to be held close. Nobody is impressed by someone playing “I have a secret”.
That is NOT the game I am playing here.
I am playing
I have a little bit more to ADD to this article.
So I did.
Others here should be appreciating the tidbit I tossed.
It will give some insight into the coming days.
Self imposed OPSEC means I do know more,
and I refrain from sharing anything additional that could jeopardize our mission or our military.
Especially since so many here dismiss MSM
as wrong, false, incomplete, and/or biased,
and we may not be getting as much factual information that we could,
when international news outlets are coming up with more than what we see in the MSM.
It’s no different from WW2, when telephones, telegragh/telegrams, radios, and mailed letters were a significant problem with the proverbial “loose lips”.
Enough so, that an episode of Private Snafu hit on this topic.
Nowadays, it’s cellphones (that ping) and social media.
Russia and Ukraine have worked this angle against each other, often to devastating effect.
Let’s hope only Hamas and their supporters are foolish enough to make this same mistake.
I hope you’re buying “F’s” in bulk quantities at a good price.
I only bought a half dozen.
And no free OJ.
Not just marines either
I wouldn’t be surprised.
News of the F*-ed up… Israeli father happy his missing 8-year-old daughter has been found dead because she’s not getting raped and beheaded by Hamas (let your left/libtard buddies who like Hamas know):
He is correct, you know.
Raped repeatedly for days on end until she died, or killed outright at the beginning, yes, it is terrible, but she probably didn’t suffer.
Yeah, childrens / womens rights aren’t really a thing among the goat fuckers…it’s almost as if they’re nothing more than third world savages
Ditto. Over thirty years ago, I figured out these goat raping ‘slamo-nazis were sub-human savages. Their religion itself is authoritrian/barbarian. Its “holy” book legitimizes conquest, murder, rape and slavery.
Suras 9:5 and 9:29 are a hoot.
*puts tin foil hat on*
Or are the carrier battle groups there to remind Israel to behave?
*takes tin foil hat off.*
Isreal would have every right to tell us to pound sand if that’s the case.
That’s been my thought too
but what most of us don’t understand is Hamas
did something they’ve never don’t before
‘they did a air drop inside Israel
makes you wonder why the Israelis were asleep at the wheel
I do believe we knew about this before it happened
and for some odd reason we did and said nothing
I wonder if it’s that anti Jewish energy flowing through the Biden White House
Remember China buys 1.5 million barrels of oil from Iran every other day. And Russia supplies with China a wealth if intel and other support to Iran everyday also
Nice article on why left/libtards hate Jews and cheer Hamas: