Navy and Marine exercise scrapped, preparing for tasking related to emerging events

| October 13, 2023

A Navy amphibious readiness group and a Marine expeditionary unit were due to begin an exercise in Kuwait from October 8 until October 22. However, that exercise does not appear to be happening. The Marines with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit and the sailors of the USS Bataan Amphibious Readiness Group, were reported to be near Bahrain with orders to prepare for further tasking due to emerging events.

From Fox News:

White also told Marine Corps Times that the group was given orders to return to their ships “to prepare for further tasking as a result of emerging events.”

The spokesperson said the crew is now near Bahrain, though she would not say where they were heading out of concerns for operational safety. White’s statements did not confirm if the “emerging events” were a reference to the attacks in Israel and Gaza, the publication noted.

On Tuesday, the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea to “deter any actor seeking to escalate the situation or widen this war,” according to a Tuesday press release from U.S. Command Central.

The strike group includes the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford, eight squadrons of attack and support aircraft, Ticonderoga class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy, and missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner, USS Ramage, USS Carney, and USS Roosevelt.

“The arrival of these highly capable forces to the region is a strong signal of deterrence should any actor hostile to Israel consider trying to take advantage of this situation,” Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, said.

President Biden, while speaking to a group of Jewish leaders at the White House on Wednesday, issued a warning to Iran to “be careful.”

“You know, I spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu I don’t know how many times, but again this morning, and already we’re surging additional military assistance to the Israeli Defense Force, including ammunition, interceptors to replenish the Iron Dome, and we’ve moved the U.S. carrier fleet to the Eastern Mediterranean, and we’re sending more fighter jets there to that region, and made it clear — made it clear to the Iranians: Be careful,” Biden said.

Fox News has additional information here.

Category: International Affairs, Israel, Terror War

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My money says we’ll be boots on the ground within the week. Godspeed to all our forces.


No news from Bahrain in the last 25 hours, which is good news.
I know a little, very little, and OPSEC now applies,
so I can’t share that little at this time.

IMHO, we likely will not see US boots on the ground in the active combat areas, but in the rear and in the air, it’s now highly likely.

Again, depends on today. You know, the Friday the 13th thingy.
In Bahrain, muslims tried to protest at the large mosque,
and the big hoo hah came out and told them
that the mosque is NOT the place for politics.
The protesters dispersed and left.


For me, it now feels like January 15, 1991,
landing in Saudi Arabia on deadline day,
not knowing that hours later
Saddam Hussein would give us the finger,
the air war would begin the next day,
and the permanent moniker “Desert Storm” announced the day after that.


Good lord that takes me back. Had a TROPO relay site halfway between Riyadh and KKMC, near Majmahh. Sure was an awesome increase in air traffic on the 16th.


I believe that defeating radical Islam is is a noble and righteous cause, my concern is our lack of will. We’re good at getting into wars but we never seem to follow through and we’re not the best ally to get involved with, we’ve haven’t finished a job since WW2 and the only ally we’ve stood by is South Korea. When war becomes unpopular we leave and last time in such a hurry we didn’t even pick up our toys. We can’t continue to do this if we get involved and then it becomes a large regional war we can’t just leave and have Israel holding the bag. Unless we have commitment and goals stay out, we will only make it worse.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The time for “practice” and “exercises” is past.
Time to see how well you’re prepared for The Real Thing.
And God Bless and Protect a’y’all. Amen

Last edited 11 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

As the said in Aliens…


This was two days ago. They should be there by now. Not sure how helpful a light brigade minus will be.


Navy ships and Marine Helos are in the Med 24/7. They have been there.


I just saw a Marine TV ad with two normal white dudes…

This means only one thing.



You thought they were two dudes…..

Prior Service

Call me crazy but I’m pretty sure the IDF can handle Hamas, and thump Iran’s nose, too. Maybe we should focus on keeping the Western Pacific pacific….

Happy Birthday, Navy. Saddle up for those old school nine-month WESTPAC cruises!


I’m wid you. IDF don’t need our help. This, to me, is political posturing by sniffy creepy prezzy trying to show what a stunning and brave leader he is. Sure glad that the Bad Orange Man wasn’t (s)elected leader of the Free World. We would be well on our way to WWIII.

Who had “Shooting War in The ME” as the next big thing? Makes a nice distraction from the millions of illegals, the economy in the pits, the fact that we owe 33 TRILLION $s, our despotic grubermint is hell bent for leather to turn us from citizens to subjects, and the primary (s)election season is right around the corner. The war in the ‘kraine, murder hornets, UFOs, Trump Indictments, DiFi finally going to hell, hammer/underwear fights, Bat Flu Scamdemic 2.0 et;al wasn’t doing, had to have something big…REALLY BIG. (ht2 Barney Fife)

Chins up and heads down, Troops…gonna get stupid…soon.


Me! I had shooting war down! That was the only possible way to raise his poll ratings. Unfortunately for all of us, the blowback will be enormous.

Slow Joe

Have you been listening to the radio lately?
You sound like another remake of We Didn’t Start The Fire.


I sure as f*** didn’t start the fire


Renovations / Revelations


IDF Caterpillar D90 -nickname Doobi (teddy bear)


Is this what the engineers drive? Sign me up. Not responsible for scratched paint.

Slow Joe

How the fuck Michael Kurilla is called “Erik”?