Americans stranded in Israel as other countries send charter flights for their stranded citizens

| October 13, 2023

Many American families traveled to Israel to celebrate the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot. As a part of the holiday observance, some turned their electronics off and did not switch them back on until the conclusion of the holiday. It was then that they found out about the Hamas attacks and the deteriorating conditions in Israel. Flights to the US got canceled, stranding these American families. Those that Fox News Digital interviewed hinted of the need for assistance from the US State Department. Other countries have chartered planes to help evacuate their citizens.

From Fox News:

“This whole ordeal has been unimaginably stressful,” Moshe K., a resident of New Jersey who was visiting Jerusalem with 10 family members, told Fox News Digital. “I’m embarrassed of how the State Department has done nothing thus far to get us home other than collecting tens of thousands of names of stranded Americans who can’t get a flight out.”

Moshe was scheduled to return home on Monday, two days after Hamas launched its brutal attack in southern Israel, murdering over 700 civilians. He said he fears his family will be stuck in Israel for several more days if the U.S. State Department doesn’t intervene.

When he’s not frantically searching for flights home, Moshe and his family, including his children, elderly parents and young grandchildren, have been spending the past three days in and out of bomb shelters in their rented Jerusalem condo as air raid sirens continue blaring across the country.

Moshe said he was told that Switzerland, Poland, Brazil and other European countries have sent charter planes to evacuate their citizens from the war-torn territory, but Americans have received no word from the consulate about an evacuation plan. U.S. families and individuals have been instructed to fill out an online form requesting help from the State Department, but most of them have not heard back.

“While I fully understand that the State Department also has to sadly deal with killed and captured Americans, they have sufficient manpower to assign people to handle that aspect as well as the evacuation plan. The fact that 80 hours later, absolutely no word has come out as to what that plan is or concrete steps being taken to evacuate thousands who are stranded, is absolutely appalling,” Moshe said.

Fox News has additional information here.

Category: International Affairs, Israel, Terror War

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Hack Stone

The US Government spent all of their coin on housing undocumented immigrants.


Don’t be too hard on em.. they’re got a lot on their plate, what with climate change, planning sing-alongs with washed up folk singers, and covering for senile old Joe… They can’t be expected to do their actual jobs and protect Americans overseas…


Don’t forget the barbeques…


Except that it was much more likely a cookout.. no way that fool made actual BBQ.. KoB will back me on this I’m sure


C’mon, Man! EVERY body has had Delaware Style Q. Sauteed dog, prepared by a rat, soy sauce flavored with a side of Ill Gotten Salad. Problem with it is about an hour later you’re hungry again.


I thought Delaware Q was charred burgers (raw in the center) and burnt hot dogs. No self-respecting ‘Murican would EVER call that barbecue!


Thought they were called steamed hams.


Figured I’d drop this right here:

RIP John Pinette.


Nope. Just thinking about your Delaware Style Q kills whatever appetite I had.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I wonder if those washed up folk singers remember sitting around a camp fire banging two sticks together singing Sara Sponda Sara Sponda


Niece & family of a friend of mine have been trying for days to get out – finally did yesterday.

If one needs proof that the (D)emon-rats hate America and Americans, here’s your sign.

But if one still needs proof, one has not been paying attention or is willfully blind.


The D’s didn’t even send a flight for the Benghazi survivors. This is their norm.


Yeah, that was among the FIRST(h/t KoB) of the recent proofs the (D)emon-rats hate America.

Forest Bondurant

Americans traveling abroad would fare well to assume if things deteriorate in the country they plan to visit, the U.S. will do nothing for them.

Case in point: Benghazi, Kabul, and now Israel.


If they just sent 10%, they would move to the front of the line.


I guess they are dusting off the Afghanistan evacuation play book.


There will be no evacuations from rooftops by helicopter, or my name isn’t George Biden!


Just hang tight for a few more days, folks. Soon as the illegals are all transported to the interior of the US, we’ll use those aircraft to load up with the FIRST (ht2 HS WOT & The Bunny of The Guns HOT) Wave of American troops needed to help secure the Israeli Borders. The empty aircraft will be used to ferry you out. Those that are in a great big hurry, give us time to unload the munitions from the C5 & C17 AC and you can board those.

In the meantime…to quote SarMaj BP….”Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves…”

Good luck…you’re gonna need it!


One woman armed herself with her Dyson vac and a rolling pin! She was p o ed!


“U.S. families and individuals have been instructed to fill out an online form requesting help from the State Department, but most of them have not heard back.”

This sounds eerily like the Afghanistan debacle. First, there will be a PowerPoint to watch about how Biden has the greatest State Dept ever, appx 48 minutes I imagine. Then before you can click “Submit” you have to take a 30-minute survey of “How did we do for you”.

Clown show once again.


Don’t forget the mandatory DEI training before deploying.


Remember, right hands are for civilized behavior– when you make derogatory gestures, use your left hand for maximum expression of contempt.

A Proud Infidel®™

As usual, Joe Biden isn’t doing shit for anyone who doesn’t give him a kickback!

AW1 Rod

Surprising absolutely no one, our worthless State Department is fucking clueless and impotent… usual!


There’s a spin to everything these days, but nowadays there’s feckless leadership and ineffective bureaucrats that exist to pander, cajole, and misrepresent American citizens to their fullest ability (or lack thereof).

I’m all for staying out of this mess, but I’d rather take care of long-lasting issues in the ME than continue funding a former Soviet Republic that’s clashing with its former masters and ethnic brothers and sisters. We as a nation, with our military capabilities, could go in and extract every American citizen, even doing a power play by exfiltrating every last Western European citizen and “friend of America” should we want to. Hummus/Ham-Ass and their collaborators–nation-state or no–couldn’t stop us if we were dedicated to ensuring our success.

Instead, other nations are ensuring their citizens are brought out alive, while our leadership engages in “strong” words and very mixed messages. Some in Congress side with the terrorists, while our MSM spins various PSYOP nonsense trying to vilify one side or the other. I’m obviously more for Israel in this matter, but I don’t need reports of SA and beheading of children trying to further sway me. I know from experience that radical Islamists can be barbarian in nature, so we either go in full-force and bring our own back, destroy and/or embarrass the regimes supporting the terrorists, or just keep our mouths shut and go about our business.

Oh, and “our business” includes closing the border to those not seeking legal entry, of whom some number are likely jihadists looking to inflict casualties on Americans.


Count me in! May I add expel the oppressed Harvard brats sucking up oxygen and burning American flags while demonstrating their disapproval and ignorance?


Like all children they are doing is they are taught.

Slow Joe


Too long, didn’t read.


I expect this, as I’m long-winded and consider a chance to comment an exercise in honing my writing skills. Thanks for trying, though!

Green Thumb

Good old Omni Air….



That takes me back!


I shoulda got frequent flyer miles on that airline.


Lowest-Bid Airways…
comment image


Well the charter flights have started flying and the first two loads of Americans are out.


Finally couldn’t ignore the polling huh??


Afghanistan, Israel, stranded Americans? I’m beginning to detect a pattern here.
It’s almost like someone said, “Hey Joe, bet you can’t fuck up another evacuation” and Joey the Sniffer said “hold my Bud Lite”.

Anna Puma

How to make many many Democrats die in sheer spittle flecked rage?

Have Donald Trump charter a couple 747s to Israel to get Americans out.


I’m thinking he’s a little busy right now, but it would’ve been a signature Donald move! Better yet, use Trump Force 1!


Still waiting for a reporter to ask Moshe (or any other victims) whether they voted for Biden, and whether they regret that vote.