Weekend Open Thread

| October 13, 2023

Do you have glasses/lenses designed to view solar eclipses? Folks in the United States, as well as elsewhere in North and South America, will be treated to a solar eclipse. Those in the southwest and west will see more of the sun being covered. However, further from this area, less of the sun will be covered. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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Commissioner Wretched



My Man, CW….Using his 26 leaden soldiers to win the Victory! Scoop up some Lois Lane and enjoy, My Liege!


I didn’t refresh and I was sure I had it….well CW, I’m doing my part My Liege!! Shit I was sure I had it…must have been by seconds

Commissioner Wretched

Right at one second, Chip … damn good showing, though!

Hack Stone

It is with a heavy heart that Hack Stone has to temporarily vacate the throne while he recovers in Frantic City after being diagnosed with Stage IV Dippydoodleitis. He expects all of his loyal subjects to render the proper respect and obedience to Commissioner Wretched during what we all hope will be a short term as First Commenter. Rest assured that although Hack Stone has vacated the position of First Commenter for October 13, he will still be available selling high quality outdated Red Hat Software on the boardwalk, right between the kiosk for having your palm read and the guy who pays cash for gold.

RGR 4-78

Maybe this will help your inflammation.

Ella Fitzgerald – The Dipsy Doodle – Bing video






BBBWWWHAHAHAHAHA Happy Friday the 13th.


Help yourself to a spooktacular buffet…..and KEEP YOUR HEADS ON A SWIVEL!! Be safe my family. be Well.
And FUCK all ya’all….just in case you thought I was getting soft on ya.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Looking at the last slice of Pizza on the table reminds me of Norman Fox and the Rob Roys singing “Pizza Pie” 1958 on the Hammer record label

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Third by 5 seconds



Commissioner Wretched

Kinda fitting that I get the throne on Friday the 13th. But it’s also a special week for my trivia column, so I’ll drop this here and watch everyone respond. The best of the good stuff is now available to all my friends on TAH!

The Column turns seven years old this week!
By Commissioner Wretched

Back in October of 2016, I started a silly little column in these newspapers that somehow caught on and has continued to this day.

This week, we celebrate the seventh anniversary of the launch of “Did You Know…?” and I am so thrilled to still be bringing it to you.

Little did I realize, that October day so long ago, that what started as a space-filler in the newspaper would become what it has – a weekly drop-in with all of you, where I share the things that tickle my imagination and you get to (I hope) learn a little something you didn’t already know. And maybe even smile a little.

If I’ve done any of that over the past seven years, I’m happy. If, by chance, I haven’t, I plan to keep trying.

The fact that it’s also spawned one book, with another in the works, is just icing on the birthday cake.

So let’s celebrate seven years together with some newly-mined trivia, shined up just for you!

Commissioner Wretched

Did you know …

… a state you always thought had four sides really has a lot more? Look at a map of the United States, and pay attention to Colorado. Four long sides, right? Wrong. In the 19th Century, surveyors were mapping the boundary between Colorado and Utah, and during the process they laid out markers every mile on the border. But when later surveyors reviewed the records, they discovered that the border was far from straight. In fact, the errors made by the first crews were so bad that Colorado’s border actually has – get this – 697 sides, many of them on the line with Utah. That makes rectangular Colorado actually a hexahectaenneacontakaiheptagon. Because correcting the mistakes would take a very long time and cooperation from Congress, nothing was done and the border up close is as jagged as you can imagine. (You try to pronounce that word. I sprained my tongue.)

… in one species of deer, both the males and the females grow antlers? Reindeer do that. Reindeer live in the Arctic tundra, and also in Canada, Alaska, Russia, Greenland and Scandinavia. (There are also about nine or so at the North Pole, I hear.)

… only three major fruits are native to North America? The cranberry, the blueberry and the Concord grape are the only ones native to the continent. All other fruits are imports. (I, for one, am glad they were all imported!)

… you can find a typographical error on the Lincoln Memorial? When the Memorial was being constructed in 1909, an engraver was etching Abraham Lincoln’s (1809-1865) Second Inaugural Address into the north wall, and accidentally etched an E instead of an F in the word “future.” The mis-etching was later fixed but you can still see where the bottom line on the E was filled in. (A rare instance in which SpellCheck would have been a benefit!)

RGR 4-78
RGR 4-78
RGR 4-78
Commissioner Wretched

I know about those … I was referring to “major” fruits (not sure who decides that, but there you are). Your selections, all good ones, are what they call “minor” fruits.

RGR 4-78

Dangit, I thought for sure I had stumped the King of Trivia.

Back to the minors for me.

Last edited 11 months ago by RGR 4-78

How about the whole gay pride thing? Those are some pretty major fruits, and I think the movement started in NY.

RGR 4-78

You picked the low hanging fruit,
I had to updoot.
Now I have too scoot,
Tootle toots.

Commissioner Wretched

… New Coke™ wasn’t quite the flop everyone thought it was? Introduced in 1985, during a time when sales of Coca-Cola™ were second to rival Pepsi-Cola™, New Coke was a change in the soda’s formula designed to make it more directly competitive with Pepsi. But people who really loved the traditional Coke flavor turned their noses up at it en masse, and it was quickly replaced by the original formula. However, New Coke didn’t completely go away at first. It was rebranded as Coke II™ and was actually available to be purchased until 2002. (So it was really a flop, but not an immediate flop. Got it.)

… the U.S. space agency was not known for its sense of humor? NASA would not allow astronauts to give their spacecraft names after the flight of Gemini 3 in 1965, which Virgil “Gus” Grissom (1926-1967) called the Unsinkable Molly Brown. Not thrilled with Grissom’s attempt at being funny, management asked him to change the name, and Grissom suggested Titanic. The names were references to his Mercury flight, Liberty Bell 7, which sank after splashdown. That bit of levity caused NASA to prohibit names for spacecraft until the flight of Apollo 9 in 1969. In that mission, for the first time, two separate manned spacecraft would be used during the same mission, and each would need a radio call sign. The crew, James A. McDivitt (1929-2022), David R. Scott (born 1932), and Russell L. Schweikart (born 1935), kept it conservative with Gumdrop for the command/service module and Spider for the lunar module. The names were in keeping with the overall shapes of the craft. NASA would be somewhat embarrassed by the Apollo 10 mission, however. Thomas P. Stafford (born 1930), Eugene Cernan (1934-2017) and John Young (1930-2018) hearkened back to Grissom’s thoughts with Charlie Brown for the command/service module and Snoopy for the lunar module. Additional trivia note: Young had been Grissom’s co-pilot on Gemini 3.

Commissioner Wretched

… the official bird of the city of Madison, Wisconsin, is the pink plastic flamingo? (I’ve been to Madison. I understand.)
… cottage cheese is called that because it was originally made in cottages in the 1800s? (Imagine what they’d have called it had it been made in outhouses.)

… in 1987, 25% of all mattress sales were waterbeds? (I had a waterbed once. Called it the Dead Sea.)

… only one Major League Baseball team has its city name and team name in a language other than English? It’s the San Diego Padres. San Diego is Spanish for St. James, and Padres is Spanish for priests or fathers. (I could make a foreign language case for the Dodgers, especially when they were in Brooklyn, but I won’t.)

… blue whales can go up to six months without eating? (They don’t like it, but they can do it.)

… eggs contain every vitamin but one? The only vitamin you don’t get from eggs is Vitamin C. (But they are an egg-selent way to get all your other vitamins!)

Now … you know!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Happy Birthday, young’un (the column, not you)

Happy 7th Birthday To CW’s Column!


Fuck it. Top 10!

Hack Stone

Not even close.

Hack Stone

Lost the position because Hack is on the road to Frantic City.


Is that near Paradise City?


Not first.




Yay! Open Thread!

Excavations at Harwell investigate experimental WW2 catapult

Named the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Mark III Catapult, this device was developed to literally catapult bomber planes into the air. There are several reasons why these kinds of catapults were being developed, including being able to launch planes using shorter runways and loaded with more fuel.




Came across this while looking for something else, and seem to recall reading that some here like to sail on their own boats, not Uncle Sam’s. Thought it may be of interest to those so inclined.


Your Music Video Of The Week.

How many TAH Youngsters remember THIS Classic?

Turn It Up! 3 Minutes Of Pure Gold…

The Hollies – Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress (1972) 4K

“Long Cool Woman” is unique among the Hollies’ songs in that it features lead guitar and lead vocal work by Allan Clarke and has no three-part vocal harmonies. The song was produced by the group as their producer, Ron Richards, was ill on the day of recording.”

“The song was initially written in the country/rockabilly style of Jerry Reed but was adapted to the swamp rock style of Creedence Clearwater Revival. Allan Clarke imitated John Fogerty’s vocal style, which was based on the Creedence song “Green River.” However, Fogerty filed a lawsuit against the Hollies for plagiarism, and the lawsuit was settled out of court with Fogerty receiving half of the proceeds for the song.”


Man, I heard stories about John Fogerty being an asshole, but that takes the cake. Damn…




CCR: “Green River”

Someone made an interesting observation on the video:

“When Women Were Women…”



Dennis - not chevy

Have you noticed how young women like to wear torn jeans? It’s funny how each year the young’uns think they invented the look. I know some of them whose mothers wore torn jeans. Of all the horrors, I saw a ’40ish year old man wearing the torn jean look today!

Any man worth his Y chromosome knows the only way to rip jeans is to do it himself while doing something stupid. The real man is proud of the something stupid he did and regards the tear in his jeans as a memento of the occasion. It may, in male company, be seen as a sort of award for accomplishing something while some one else held his beer.

What’s next if men are too lazy to get tears in their jeans the proud and traditional way? Men buying pre-ripped jeans; is it a sign of doom?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Years ago, I used to wear corderoys all year round wearing out the knees to the point that their was a hole where the knees are. I used to go to a chiropractor and while I was on the table he looks and asks why I I have holes in the pants and that I make a half way decent salary to buy new pants and I say to him that women pay mucho bucks for those holy pants and I break them in naturally by just wearing them. haven’t wore those type of pants for years and down in Florida, It’s shorts every day and cotton pants when the temp goes down to 70 or so, plus I get dressed up when we go out dancing. I have LLBean cotton pants and seersucker short sleeve shirts that I still wear once in awhile that are around 40 years old. Also have nice sets of modern cotton pants and shirts from one of the high end clothing stores plus two Peterman short sleeve repruduction 1953 pattern shirts. Had the shirt on one time at our old dinner dancing spots up in Latana Florida and I had a small pocket slide rule in the upper pocket and was figuring out the tip and my friend Nettie yells at me to put it away.

Dennis - not chevy

I have a rule when it comes to clothes, “Never flirt with a woman who is younger than any item of clothing which I’m wearing.” I always wear a belt buckle I have had for more than 30 years. Of course, Mrs not chevy doesn’t approve of me flirting with any woman who is not her. She doesn’t see the clothing rule as a compromise.


Properly torn jeans will have a scar or semi-healed wound that align with the aforementioned tear. As an example, I have a 2 inch horizontal scar above my left knee that once aligned (40 years ago) with a rip in a pair of Levi’s 501’s. How, you may ask? A young D (prior to the Army) and his college roommate were attempting to find their way home after an epic party. While attempting to stabilize myself against a street sign and figure out where the hell we were, my hand slipped and I fell face first into a rosebush. No damages were noted until the next morning, when I awoke to find my pants blood-soaked below the knee, the same for my socks and shoes.

And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is how you rip your jeans.


Never Underestimate the Power of Senior Citizens….

Loverboy “Working for the Weekend” Live 7/22/23 Chicago Illinois

They still got it, to include the lead singer, Mike Reno, age 68.

Enjoy. We Did!


The ORIGINAL Loverboy – Working for the Weekend (Official Remastered HD Video)


Who knew that Saturday Nigh Live predicted Mike Ross of Loverboy for a “Before and After” of “Working For The Weekend”


The names for the two in that skit were perfect – Adrian and Barney.


Some of you may have visited the places in this video…

“A PRICE FOR FREEDOM – featuring Hymn to the Fallen and Mansions of the Lord”

10 Minutes Well Worth Watching.

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same…”

These sacred words are the foundation upon which service to our nation is built. This documentary video is a somber reminder that countless numbers of our brave countrymen have made the supreme sacrifice so that our nation will be preserved and its people will flourish. They are American heroes entombed in hallowed graves at home, abroad and beneath the seas – many whose final resting place is known only to God.


Never Forget.

Rest In Peace To All.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I was going to try and get the FIRST spot but when I tried last week to type in FIRST and then paint the word and click the copy button, I couldn’t get it to work when I clicked the paste button so I stayed in the recliner doing the Oct. Navy Times crossword puzzle.earlier today.


This is gonna backfire oneday…

“Trans Athletes Take 1st and 2nd Place In Chicago Women’s Cycling Event”


“Two transgender female cyclists dominated the podium at the Chicago Cyclocross Cup series last weekend after finishing first and second in a women’s event.”


Picture of the 1st Place “Winner” (In The Center).

You Be The Judge.

RGR 4-78

Another butt ugly fake woman stealing from real women.




And now we have THIS…

“Miss Universe Competition To Include At Least Two Trans Contestants After Netherlands, Portugal Crown Victors”


“A 28-year-old flight attendant became the first transgender contestant to take home the title of Miss Portugal, adding to the number headed to the Miss Universe competition in El Salvador next month.”

“Machete will be the second transgender contestant headed to the Miss Universe competition next month, competing against Rikkie Valerie Kollé, another transgender contestant who made history by becoming the first biological male to claim the crown in the Netherlands in July.”


“Miss Universe 2023: Who are the trans women set to compete in this year’s Miss Universe contest so far?”



Machete is a fitting name.


If I recall correctly, ‘confused’ types are allowed to compete until the end of the year if they had already signed up before the ban.


Thank You, David.

We were wondering about that.

This is from the article:

“Jackson Park race in Illinois, where Johnson and Williamson placed, follows the guidelines for non-elite competition set by the USA Cycling, which states that at “non-elite competition levels, a member may self-select their gender.”

Perhaps the Jackson Park Race does not fall under Union Cycliste Internationale rules?

Green Thumb

Send them to Ranger School.

Cannot wait for the first transgender Ranger.


Center and right of center seem excited to win. Left of center looks like she is getting ready to slap HIM in HIS junk as she puts her hand down. She is just winding up for a good swing.





South Park knew:
comment image


“Two male cyclists dominated the podium at the Chicago Cyclocross Cup
series last weekend after finishing first and second in a women’s event.”

There. Edited for accuracy.


Happy weekend!


Holy shit… Steve Dallas is.. he’s… Hunter Biden!


Hooooo Leeeee Shit.💩

Dennis - not chevy

I dressed my basset hound as the X-15 cruise bassalope for Halloween one year. Mrs not chevy was not amused. I offered to dress her cat up as Bill the Cat; she was definitely not amused.


I remember!

OIP (65).jpg

Bloom county was always a good cartoon. Even if skewed to the left.


Happy international day of jihad, dickweeds. Let’s be careful out there.


Urethral cancer at age 58. Ugh. RIP MC.


2 CGI hot asian females…. who do not like dickheads.
“You him. You him!”

It’s a nightmare in your nightmare thing.

DEVO’s Gerald V. Casale “The Invisible Man” [Official Music Video]

Last edited 11 months ago by MarineDad61
Hack Stone

Hack Stone has been sitting in the Hard Rock Cafe of the Hard Rock Casino in Frantic City for probably 40 minutes on a burger order. Service here is slower than the dial up modems used by a proud but humble woman owned business that sells overpriced and outdated Red Hat Software to the Federal Government. If the burger doesn’t get here soon, Hack Stone is going to start singing We Are The World.


How much are the burgers at Hard Rock Cafe these days. Been several years since a family of 4 went, after getting the check, we swore off chain restaurants and sought out mom and pop/ local restaurants.


Did you (both) know,
Hard Rock is an Indian casino / tribal gaming operator?
Considering they just bought the Mirage in Las Vegas for $1 billion,
is there an end date / deadline on their tax breaks?



Used to have a neighbor who was part Indian, feathers, not dot, and would get casino money to the tune of like 6500 a month. How do I know? I was always picking up his trash out of my yard that didn’t quite make the trash can. I was always finding check stubs for lack of a better term. I forget which nation or tribe he was associated with, but he never worked.

And no, I’m not lumping all Indians in with him, but he was a bum.


The only Hard Rock Cafe that matters is in London. The original.


Here today.
At a niece’s wedding yesterday.

In good news, the local LEO who was shot by the perp (who, in my LEO-brother’s words, is now permanently rehabilitated with no chance to change his mind,) is doing well.
Body armor saved him, took some damage to L arm & leg, but well on his way to recovery.

Off to work. Y’all play nice now, y’heah?


Congratulations to perp on successful completion of rehabilitation program.


Update on the LEO & shooter.
Shooter was known to local LEO, history of mental crisis events and PTSD, one source says possible vet. Parents were enroute to pick him up and get help. Tough on the family.

LEO took two to the leg, one to the arm, and (I understand) two to the body armor. One of the leg bones has had to be replaced with a metal version – but don’t know if tibia, fibula, or femur.
2nd LEO caught one on the belt, stopped by the mag, so bruising but no further damage.
Accuracy of fire suggests the perp had combat experience.

Not a happy story, really. Save that the community (God bless rural Texas!) has rallied around the LEO community, providing meals and funding for the LEO community, LEO’s family, and medical expenses.


Thanks for the update, Graybeard.

“Don’t Mess With Texas!”

Green Thumb

Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) works balls.

A Proud Infidel®™

Only when he’s not blowing winos behind bus stops for spare change.

Green Thumb

Or stealing from the American Taxpayer while procuring taxpayer funded contracts based upon his highly questionable and potentially felonious Navy SEAL, Native American and Law Enforcement claims.

A Proud Infidel®™

Whoa, forgot it was Friday! Nonetheless, I’ll happily declare myself “PRESENT” and award myself Honorary First once again.


Epstein did not kill himself.
We still haven’t seen even one single name from Epstein’s client list or one bit of the shooter’s manifesto.
The FBI is corrupt, but that’s like saying that water is wet, fire is hot, and shit stinks!


All part of the plan, Comrade

comment image


Another observation, but everybody in Trump’s orbit is being investigated but Mike Pence.