SITREP – FOIA Requests and Stolen Valor Cases

| October 12, 2023

It has been a while since I provided an update, mostly because I keep waiting for clarity on what’s happening with the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) backlog of over 500 thousand Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. As a reminder, we have over 200 pending requests in since Feb-Mar of 2020.

At least we aren’t the oldest request of the National Archives – that record goes to one filed back in 1992 and the results recently came back.

The NPRC is acting on them because I get one back every once in a while, although it is a VERY slow trickle. Four out of every five we get back are not actionable – meaning, they are historical research vs. stolen valor, confirm individual as legit, ambiguous and have to refile, too borderline to post (i.e. two PHs vs three claimed), or mostly – the informant has no evidence that the person in question made claims other than word of mouth.

The Army, Navy and Marine Corps have been great – USAF goes through NPRC for the most part.  These only come into play if the individual’s service was recent, however.

They have not been coming back from the NPRC in any regular pattern.  One here and there, then two at once, then nothing for a while. I’m going to say I get 3, maybe 4 each month. Again, most are not actionable.

However, the work we are doing does have benefit.  We don’t encourage face to face confrontations over FOIA results since it can tend to be highly charged emotionally and unpredictable, we are told they are going to happen.  So, we don’t get to see these dinner table confrontations, or at homeowner association meetings, but sometimes we are told about them.

I try and keep the moderators of this site informed, and often discuss cases and their merits with Dave.

A few days ago, the USPS Informed Delivery service showed I was to receive THREE (3) FOIA results.  Surely, at least one was actionable – I told myself.

There is still a lot of ongoing behind-the-scenes work with case submissions. Many times, they do not have evidence so it is coaching and educating informants that we need evidence before we can post a case or even order records. Often, we go ahead and do the background work and order records for the informant’s edification, but the cases cannot be published without evidence that they made the claims.

There was a recent SEAL sniper claim with 145 confirmed kills, but I think the post was a parody as he was obviously kidding. I must be going soft to let them slide. 😉

SO – the status of the 3 FOIA requests I received a few days ago:

* 1) Historical vs. SV request. Records checked out to the U.S. Marine Corps – forwarded my request to them.

* 2) No record located. The informant does not have proof of individual making claims. Will ask him again. Otherwise, we can’t post. They will do a confrontation at the next Homeowner’s Association meeting. I guess the faker is running for HOA president, and this may skuttle his ship as far as political aspirations.

* 3) Another response with a cover letter insisting it is a violation of the Privacy Act of 1974, and claims I need signature of individual. Seeing these more and more. Lazy and/or uninformed tech. I usually call and tell them it is not violating the Privacy Act of 1974, threaten to write the governing IG and they usually will then give me the information. However, they’ve changed their phone answering system and after hitting several buttons, they say to check with the website and do not provide someone to speak to… then they say “This call is now ending.” *sigh* Guess I’ll have to be more persistent or write to them about it if I can’t get them on the phone. That’s new.

I called NPRC a second time and they said the wait time was 39 minutes, but I could enter my phone number and they would call me back when it was my turn.

This worked well in the past, so that is what I did. Well, about 30 min later my phone rang and the recording said I should try back later, then said “This call is now ending” and they hung up on me. *sigh* At least I didn’t wait on the phone only to have them hang up.

Tried the next day at an earlier time – same result.  The hanging up thingie is something new and I suspect the NPRC will quickly grow to like.

The recording should have said “If you would like for us to hang up on you later, please enter your phone number and when it is your turn we will call you and hang up on you.”  That would have been more accurate. 😉

At this point, I’m going to draft a standard letter. I will remind them that I am aware of the FOIA oversight organizations – IG, etc. – that monitor compliance with the FOIA. In the past, I usually spoke with the tech and politely said I would write to these orgs and his/her name would be used. When I asked if they wanted that, they immediately changed their position and gave me the results. Now, they are hiding behind a wall of their new phone cascade system, that hangs up and doesn’t let you talk to anybody. Instead of trying to discourage you or wear you down, maybe it was a fluke, and they were just super busy yesterday, so I’ll try again but it is starting to make sense to craft a standard letter and send it to their supervisors and encourage them to educate their staff on the Privacy Act of 1974 and the FOIA exceptions to lying about one’s service. This strikes me as more efficient than playing Whack-A-Mole with individual archive techs.

For that particular FOIA request – I filed in March of 2022. So, I had to wait over a year and a half for them to tell me that they couldn’t act on it. The other two were both filed in Dec 2022.

I won’t give up but this will obviously involve more time. The point of all this is when I do get something back it is a trickle and there is usually a roadblock associated with it if not a historical or non-actionable result. I still have around 200 requests since COVID started and affected their operations in FEB-MAR 2020 that I’m still waiting on. I have gotten one or two back from FEB-MAR 2020 so I know for a fact they are queued up and backlogged.

Thanks for reading so far. The work is challenging, but it is ongoing.

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It only took 14 months to get a copy of my DD214.


Got mine through the VA website in a matter of minutes. Did they send yours via carrier pigeon?


Its was the old fill in the blanks and wait page.


It took me three minutes plus the time it took to drive to the local courthouse where I had mine filed. They gave me a certified true copy for $0. I can get up to ten free ones a day.

The first thing you should do when you get “home” after discharge is file it with your local county court house. Then if yours is ever lost or destroyed you can go get another copy.


Thank you Steve, (Dave,Ed,Mason,OAM,Ex-PH2,etc) and all here who toil without recognition, compensation award or merit.

You are doing God’s work. You are very much appreciated.
It needs to be said often and loud and over and over.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is indeed correct, I, and so many others, much appreciate the thankless effort on behalf of the truth.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Same here Chip with the BZ added in

Green Thumb



I raise a glass in your honor. Let’s not leave Ninja out though.




Before the pandemic, it seemed to me there were fewer phonies & frauds because of the work done by many to expose their Stolen Valor. Now, with the back log, I bet they’re as thick as bugs on a bumper. They feel they can operate with impunity.
Sow the wind and reap the the whirlwind or the less eloquent.


I have noticed the same changes in phone tag lately.
The phone sysytem is getting like the internet. “We can make
you run around in circles all day”.
Last time I needed something from NPRC I went through
Senator Bill Hathaway’s office and had the info within a week.
Yeah, long time ago but now that we have computers and more
people working on it……….

Big thanks for all you do Steve. Apparently you are a very
dedicated individual blessed with patience.


sbalm / Steve,
How easy would it have been
for NPRC to hire an additional 5 – 10 employees
once COVID restrictions relaxed, knowing the backlog they have?

The only thing worse,
would be IF NPRC has presently employed,
or is newly hiring,
folks off the street from greater St. Louis,
much like the USPS / Post Office is now doing in many places.

Does anyone else have new mailmen / mailpersons
who don’t even know how to dress,
and can’t put together a proper set of job related clothing
to walk the streets and deliver the mail?
Uniforms? What happened to them?

Shouldn’t (existing and new) NPRC employees
(as well as VA employees in the records / fraud divisions)
be Americans who actually give a sheet about duty and honesty?


Thanks for the update. 🙂


It actually would have been very difficult MarineDad61. NPRC employees are government types and it takes almost a year to explain why a new employee is required and get HR to act on it. Slightly less time to identify a back log and request a temporary increase of contract employees to help reduce it. That being said, someone would have had to care that there is a backlog and that as good and responsible government employees they should take efforts to reduce it. I would say the money to hire someone to help out probably went to a certain former Soviet State which is currently in a war with its main overseer.


The only thing more difficult than hiring additional help at the federal level is getting rid of federal employees that need to be fired.

Last edited 11 months ago by SFC D

It takes us 7-9 months to get a new hire out here to Korea, unless its a local hire and then its still 3-5 months.


We will have the patience of Job as we await the results of the fine work being done by you and the gang of MP/VG/TAH, Stevie. In this age of instant gratification there are those of us who appreciate the attention to detail, insuring that there is an iron clad case against these lying, embellishing sacks of sh^t before a posting is made. I do miss sock puppets tho.

Keep up the good work…we’ll be here.

Green Thumb

These dudes are harder to get on the phone than Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) to inquire about his highly questionable and potentially felonious Navy SEAL, Native American and Law Enforcement claims.

And with the level of service you are receiving, one would assume that All-Points Logistics has the contract.


That’s some tough shit. Hang in there!

Dave Hardin

Steve is being polite. The situation is much worse than most realize.

As an example, we have a guy who claims to have been awarded a Silver Star, then claims that it is in the process of being upgraded to a Medal of Honor. He has been the guest speaker at several events, has videos on YouTube, his own web page, etc.

We have had several separate FOIA requests submitted on this guy and the one response we got back made no sense whatsoever. It was devoid of any information that we requested. It was almost as if someone just copied several pages at random out of his file.

So, not only are we not getting many of our FOIA requests back, what we do get back is often processed by someone that has no idea what they are doing.

I have submitted one on myself again just to see what kind of nonsense they send me back.

“The Attorney General’s new FOIA guidelines underscore the Justice Department’s commitment to government that is open, transparent and accountable to the people we serve,” said Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta, who also serves as the Department’s Chief FOIA Officer. “The Office of Information Policy looks forward to working with agencies to ensure the presumption of openness is applied across the government.” – Attorney General Merrick B. Garland

So far, the Biden Administration has taken a problematic situation and managed to turn it into an absolute debacle.

“The Biden Administration supports Stolen Valor through incompetence.” – Dave Hardin

Feel free to quote me.

Last edited 11 months ago by Dave Hardin

I actually made this graphic this morning,
to be plopped into places like this.

1st use of this “ugh”, and certainly won’t be the last.

Thanks for the update. 🙂

Ugh 1.jpg
Prior Service

So with essentially no spotlight on SV, I think it’s safe to slip that star back on my Army service ribbon before my next official photo.

Dave Hardin

At least be creative, try a Valor Device on the NDSM.


Given the condition of our jeeps, drivers badge with V might have been appropriate.


Hey, we had someone who claimed that he drank his way into and out of an Olongapo bar to rescue some shipmates who were being held hostage by some “drinky” girls. Now THAT fine individual deserves a “V” device on his NDSM!

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY NOW, I myself have “rescued” a buddy or two from a certain world-famous “Juicy Bar” on Payday Weekend in a certain Ville in Korea (Anyone remember “The Paradise Club” in Sonju-Ri Korea?), so where is MY “V” device on my NDSM?


If it’s the place I’m thinking of, it was more commonly referred to as “The Parasite Club”.


No, but my late brother and I closed down Mona’s in Clarksville more than once.

In his memory I say the following;



I already put the third star on my EIB and the mustard stains on the Air Assault Wings. My NCO Professional Development Ribbon has a miniature Purple Heart device for the time I was declared a casualty at PLDC.

Last edited 11 months ago by fm2176
Prior Service

I got my EIB in 1987. Pretty sure I couldn’t still pass it, but I like your style. I’m gonna start rocking that EIB third award.

Green Thumb

I heasrd they have one in the gift shop at All-Points Logistics.


I’m thinking that if you held more than one MOS, you should be able to add the appropriate numeral.

Prior Service

No, although you’d think so. Only one award of ASR is authorized. First completion of initial entry training, regardless of changes to MOS, breaks in service, compo or E/O status.

Hack Stone

Speaking of waiting, Hack and Rosetta Stone are currently in the waiting room for the Walter Reed Medical Center Pharmacy. Scanned our IDs at 11:20, and after 80 minutes, Hack’s number came up. They only filled on of five refills the Doctor proscribed, because the clerk said their records show that Hack still has a few pills remaining, so he has to come back in two weeks.

And after 90 plus minutes, they just called Rosetta’s number, even though she pulled her ticket before Hack.

Skivvy Stacker

When I was in the Marines I was a Supply Admin and Ops Specialist.
I always wanted to have a stamp made, just for my own amusement, that read; “DISAPPROVED–PLEASE RESUBMIT IN 90 DAYS FOR FINAL DISAPPROVAL”.
I figured that nobody would catch on for at least a year or two after I was out, being as it seemed to fall within the standards of military logic.

Daisy Cutter

Or a sign on a repair shop:



I had a CSM in 32nd Signal that had two stamps: “CRAP” and “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?”

Skivvy Stacker

There’s a man after my own heart.


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Friday, October 20, 2023 at 7:00pm EST

Stolen Valor Exposed!
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