Martial bling
I read this at The Sniper, who got it from Curt at Flopping Aces who had the guts to read the LA Times in which some gumball named Mathew DeBord criticizes General Petreaus for wearing too many medals and badges.
That’s a lot of martial bling, especially for an officer who hadn’t seen combat until five years ago. Unfortunately, brazen preening and “ribbon creep” among the Army’s modern-day upper crust have trumped the time-honored military virtues of humility, duty and personal reserve.
Think about any of the generals you’ve seen in recent years — Norman Schwarzkopf, Barry McCaffrey, Wesley Clark (all now retired) and others — and the image you’ll conjure no doubt includes a chest full of shimmering decorations. In Petraeus’ case, most of them don’t represent actual military action as much as they do the general’s devotion to the institution of the U.S. Army and vice versa. According to an annotated photograph produced by the Times of London last year, the majority of ribbons on Petraeus’ impressive “rack” were earned for various flavors of distinguished service. As brave as he may be and as meritorious in general, is all that ostentation the best way to present the situation in Iraq to an increasingly war-skeptical public?
Let me tell you, you smoldering ignorant turd, why the good General wears all of that stuff; because he earned it – and because somewhere there’s a sergeant major who knows he earned it and will verbally stomp a mud hole in the good general’s behind if he doesn’t see the general wearing each and every one of those badges and medals.
There’s an Army Regulation that says he should wear them all – it’s called an AR 670-1 “Wear and Appearance of Army Uniform and Insignia”. Everything has a special place on the uniform – but I wouldn’t expect some half-witted goofball who can only find a job at the LA Times to know that, or bother even doing a Google search for some basic information.
Which badges should he remove, DeBord? The Ranger Tab he got for 9 weeks of functioning as a combat leader under the most miserable conditions the Army can inflict? Or maybe his Master Parachutist wings? Maybe the German Parachutist wings? Or maybe all of the other stuff he earned and your stupid civilian ass couldn’t accomplish in a lifetime?
If this what criticism of the war has come down to, maybe it’s time for all ya’all civilians to just leave the country. You’re really starting to grate on the rest of us’ nerves. No. Really.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Media, Pointless blather, Support the troops
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING the LA times prints surprises me anymore.
I read on Blackfive that DeBord is a wine critic.
“Matthew DeBord, a former editor at Wine Spectator, is the author of The New York Book of Wine (Universe) and the forthcoming Wine Country USA (Rizzoli).”
Hi John,
I first saw this piece of crap rant on either Drudge or Newsbusters, wherever, while doing my morning review,I believe, yesterday. My initial reaction was much the same as yours. This esteemed Journalist must indeed have flies circling about his pointy little head, not un-like the “Orbitz” thing on the Commercials, as you so succintly alluded to with the apro-po “Smoldering Turd” assignation.
The only point I wish to make is this. Please don’t ever lose track of the fact that there are indeed a great many of us “Civilians” who have nothing but the greatest respect, gratitude and downright awe for those of you who have, and those who continue to, put yourselves into harm’s way, or even left that door open by virtue of your Enlistment.
That poor fool is no doubt smugly patting himself on the back for his vast intellectual prowess in positing such an, as I’m sure he believes it is, insightfull argument against reality. I guess that’s just the way it is. Always was, apparently, and probably always will be, since our perception of a “Perfect World” is surely as un-attainable as theirs.
So, let the Battle be joined, and please know that there is , and I have no doubt of this, a huge Legion of Civilian Warriors our here who support you and Pray for all who either were, or currently are in the Military; because we know that you and those who now Serve are doing and have done the Job that we, for whatever reason, can’t. We will do all that we can to continue the fight on the Home-Front.
(I really mean that, can I please chose to stay in the Country now)?
Jonn wrote: Well…….OK. You can stay, but we’re going to be much more selective from this point forward. 🙂
Ditto to everything Jetty said.
PLEASE, all go to the esteemed Iowahawk’s page for his take on this steaming heap of dung….
One of his best (and that’s saying a LOT !!!!!!)
Jonn wrote: Thanks, Ziggy. I’d seen that earlier over at Blackfive, sent the link to my cousin and never thought of posting it here (Duh).
You’re very welcome, Sir. Iowahawk IS a national treasure. I think I liked this one nearly as much as the one when Zarqawi reported that “Paradise is Overrated”.
Thank you for the good that you do here as well.
WOW! Thanks, Ziggy for that suggestion. Iowahawk truly is a Master and I look forward to reading more by him. (Thank you too, Brat, for the “Ditto’s”.) And, John, thank you not only for the Forum and for turning me on to this wonderful cast of characters, but for one of the most unique experiences of my life. Never before have I felt that the door almost hit me in the ass on the way In!
Jonn wrote: Well, in your favor, you got props from my cuz this morning. I hope we see you here often. And spread the word!
Just because I have to be the one regulation geek in here..
670-1 doesn’t apply to generals, who are exempt from uniform requirements, as far as I recall. This is why they get to invent their own uniforms. I.e. Patton.
Less ribbons, more sabres!
(in case you couldn’t tell, I think this is the most ridiculous thing to hit in a while. There are legitimate reasons to dislike the general’s statements. Pick on those, not his uniform.)
Jonn wrote: Point me to the paragraph that says that generals are exempt from the 670-1, AS. In my day, I knew the 670-1 word-for-word (notice the picture in my About page – everything perfect) and I don’t remember that being in there. Although generals do wear those Sam Browne belts instead of web belts with their BDUs (or whatever).
Hell, just point me to the filled out sf-180…