No, he’s not an IDIOT, it’s Rigged
There’s been a lot of noise on the right (rightfully so) about the president voting present on Afghanistan, failing to provide anything close to his own version of healthcare reform, ACORN etc., but finding time to jet off to Europe to lobby for his hometown which is the heaven of all political corruption.
President Obama will defy his political enemies and a chorus of protest from Chicago to fly to Denmark tonight in a last-ditch bid for the Olympics that his aides have likened to the dramatic early stages of his campaign for the White House.
In five hours on the ground in Copenhagen, he will join his wife and the talk-show host Oprah Winfrey — who made her career breakthrough in Chicago — for the city’s final 45-minute presentation to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). He will answer questions and attempt to charm enough IOC members to bring home America’s second summer Games in 20 years. In the process, he will risk substantial political capital on a vote by an unpredictable group that one disgruntled Chicago columnist ridiculed as “a posse of international sports influence peddlers”.
The question is who will turn out to be correct; me or Sarkozy?
Sarkozy reportedly views Obama as Naïve and egotistical:
I have a friend, one friend who is close to Sarkozy and another who is a member of France’s external intelligence agency. And they both say that Sarkozy thinks that President Obama is incredibly naive and grossly egotistical, so egotistical that no one can dent his naiveté.
If Sarkozy is correct Obama will fail on his last minute thrust to save the Olympic games for his criminal cronies in Chicago. It will show that the IOC played him for a ton of photo ops and some celebrity theater only to turn and give the games to Brazil or Argentina…and they will laugh as they hang the photos of themselves with “The One” in their offices. No idea what they will do with the photos with Oprah and Obama’s Klingon war bride.
I’m not totally disagreeing with Sarkozy on this issue. Is Obama “grossly egotistical”? The man (or someone close to him) has written two autobiographies and he isn’t even 50 years old. Is he “incredibly naïve”? He has never held a real job in his entire life and can point to zero experience dealing with the myriad of issues that he is now juggling.
But Obama’s handlers are fairly savvy politically and this entire administration needs a victory ASAP.
Why risk his totally made up charisma and mad people skills on an event that won’t even happen on his watch? The gain would be minimal and the potential embarrassment could be catastrophic; so why risk it?
Because there is no risk. The fix is in or Obama wouldn’t be going.
If this whole selection wasn’t in the bag and Obama decided to parachute in to save the day anyway, he is clearly the dumbest ego-maniac to occupy the White House in some time. Because if he fails it will be an epic fail.
Category: Politics
“Obama’s Klingon war bride.”
Trolling Charles Johnson? You know how he feels about scifi references to the Obamas.
Rumors are that Obama will stop off in Afghanistan either before or after his stop in Copenhagen to show his ‘support’. Unless he has about four combat brigades riding along with him on Air Force One, I think any trip will be full of empty promises.
I hate to throw out accusations based on rumor and all, BUT, am I the only one that thinks maybe Obama, his pet Wookie, Michelle, and Oprah may be doing the Ménage à trois thing?? 😛
Ok Fred, I didn’t need that image in my head for the rest of the day!!!!
so, it is the same as with Putin and Sochi Olympics – he came, he bought, he won…
Obama’s Klingon war bride
Obama’s Klingon war bride
Obama’s Klingon war bride
Obama’s Klingon war bride
…oh man, I had to quote that one a few times. How do you say “hi-fucking-larry-us” in Klingon?
Another way of phrasing it is “Klingon Michelle’s Chicago war booty, Obama.”
TF!! OMG!! Ya Shouldn’t Oughta Have Done that!!!
OMG!! OMG!! Where’s the Mind Bleach when you need it???
Now you’ve got me thinking that suicide is the only way to get that out of my brain.
Now that’s just sick and twisted.
Perceptive as usual, save this… who cares about the issue?
Mind you, the Klingon War Bride thing is priceless, but otherwise, not so much. I’m trying to figure what part of the Obama demographic gives one whit about the Olympics?
Said differently, your premise may well be valid in that even a nitwit wants to glow.
There are some FoO that are looking to do very well with some (semi-)vacant properties around Chi-town if the Olympics come to town.
Some of them already work for Obama.
Fiddle, Rome. Olympics, US. Some would say Potayto, Potahto.
BNG said: There are some FoO that are looking to do very well with some (semi-)vacant properties around Chi-town if the Olympics come to town.
Yeah, I can see that if the Olympics were next year.
It’s the 2016 Olympics at stake. Wouldn’t it be a long-shot those folks would still have those irons in the fire?
Ponsdorf, the FoO already own said properties, that will, with a wave of the 0’s wand, and lots of our tax dollars, suddenly be turned into prospective “Olympic Villages” if the Machine gets the games. Guess who’ll sell the properties to the Chicago Olympic Committee for the locations of those “Olympic Villages”?
Guess what COB6 … you … were … right… Epic Fail! It’s on the news now. But cheer up. President RainMaker did make time to show how much he’s plugged in to A-stan. A whole 25 minutes of time. Or less. Its the thought that counts.