Holiday Open Thread

| September 4, 2023

Happy Labor Day! A growing segment among the younger generations do not see work the same way that we or the older generations see it. Being fruitful, multiplying, and subduing the earth are not orders to have children and to expand our population. It’s an order to do work. To be fruitful is to be productive. To multiply is to create abundance through productivity. Subduing the earth, from God’s perspective, is rendering service to humanity. This verse, and the two that follow it, are equivalent to the “commander’s intent” in the Military, and specifies how we are to worship… Service to humanity via our work effort and work output. From a practical standpoint, we enjoy the specialization that we engage in, our lifestyle, etc., because the majority of us see the value of work. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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Back from Broadway Beach / Point Pleasant, NJ just in time.

Cruised the beach towns south through Seaside Heights,
then drove the length of Island Beach State Park.
(I did not drive on the beach,
only for 4×4 trucks and AWD SUVs, not small sporty coupes.)

I highly recommend the #157 Sea Garden omelet.
Whole scallops, shrimp, crab meat, and so much more.
Fried onions on the side of home fries.

Mariner’s Cove Restaurant – “Home of 250 Omelets” – Brielle, NJ.

Mariners Cove 250 Omelets menu.jpg

I was in NJ once.


The beaches are nice.
Getting there, and getting out of Jersey again, not so nice.


The beaches were nice back in 1968 while at
Ft. Dix for Basic. Actually got laid. I think she
was from Long Branch.
Was there again couple yrs ago to pick up my
new Chessie. You are absolutely correct about
getting in and out nowadays.


I was stuck in a jam on the Garden State Parkway, and couldn’t hold it in until the next rest area or exit with a gas station,
so I pulled over on the shoulder,
put on the flashers, got out,
and watered the rear of a Garden State Parkway concrete sign base.

Garden State Parkway concrete sign base.jpg

Giving new joysey just what it deserved.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

Out on the Jimmy Hoffa Memorial Freeway? The one marked by a sign saying “Jimmy Hoffa, next three miles”?

Hack Stone

We do that all of the time in the boardroom of the proud but humble woman owned business that sells overpriced and outdated Red Hat Software to the federal government. The company is experiencing a bit of a cash flow problem at the moment, but once that check from the Nigerian Lottery Commission clears, we should be back on track.

Daisy Cutter

The Non-New-Jersians have to get used to the concept of “jughandles.”


Used to drive otr for awhile, and got to jersey, called for directions, and was told I was close. Go to the jug handle and make a left, they eere on the right. Sweet I say to myself and start driving looking for the jughandle, thinking it’s a restaurant or som other type of landmark.

30 minutes later, or about 10 miles, I call and ask where this jughandle is. I learned quickly what one was and swore off jersey as much as possible.

Also, people of Chinese descent with a New York/New Jersey accent don’t like being told their English speaking skills aren’t worth a crap. But that’s another story.


Go to Seattle. After coming back from Korea, their English skills don’t impress.


…as in my coming back from Korea (where English is a mandatory subject in school) and not being impressed.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

When I was in the ARNG 1975-1977, we used to go down to FT Dix on weekends for live fire Quals. Also used to go to
Shutzen Park in N. Bergen NJ for the UGHA (United in Vocal Group Harmony) shows with groups from the 50″s. From Long Beach, LI through the Lincoln tunnel to Kennedy Blvd. Bought Earl Caroll lead singer from the famous “Gloria” Cadilacs a beer. Clifton records in Clifton NJ ran the shows name of Ronnie I. When I moved down to Florida in Dec of 2007 after I retired, I had all my firearms in my car and took the Jersey Tpke and My knuckles froze up on the wheel as I drove the speed limit because I was worried about getting stopped by the NAZI NJ State troopers who do arrest people transporting firearms. It is legal for people to transport firearms from one state to another under federal law but those A Hole troopers have their own rules. Remember last year they arrested the Brink’s employee because he had the Companies firearm in the car and had the wrong kind of rounds in the gun which were authorized by Brink’s for all their employees to use, I wonder if the company went to bat for the guy. The company used the same ammo that the state authorized.


26Limabeans wrote:

“I was in NJ once.”

The ninja family as well.

One of us was born at Patterson Army Hospital, Fort Monmouth (Dad was Signal Corps).

The other went to Basic at Fort Dix (born at Fort Devins; Dad did some training at The Army Security Agency Training Center & School).

Thank You, Everyone, for sharing their New Jersey adventures!

“15 Things Never To Say To Someone From New Jersey”




Top of the G column / proximity.
It’s worse than it appears.

In New Jersey,
they refer to distance in TIME (minutes/hours),
NOT miles.

“I’m 20 minutes southeast of Philly.”


“One of us was born at Patterson Army Hospital, Fort Monmouth (Dad was Signal Corps).”

Ah yes, Ft Monmouth. Did my AIT there.
Very nice vacation after 8 weeks of Basic.


Remember reading “it was a place so pretty, it was like God was trying to make up for what you can see of New Jersey from the Turnpike”.

BlueCord Dad

Lifelong Jersey resident. And I still resent having to pay to get on the beach on top of the piratical parking rates…


BlueCord Dad,
And now (in many shore towns)
wasting the time needed to read the 4 digit parking space code spray painted on the lot (or the street curb),
then finding the CC bandito machine to pay the pirates.

Coin parking meters are disappearing in New Jersey.


I didn’t see it on the menu.
Doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

Same goes for seagull omelet.


Eggs spent a summer in New Jersey a while back

Basic Training.jpg

I’ll be in Maryland (Linthicum – DSS Academy) a few times over the next year. If it’s not a crazy drive, I’ll try to make it there.


Linthicum is 175 miles from the 250 omelets.
Much shorter drive to South Jersey shores.
Even shorter over US50 Bay Bridges
to the Delaware and Maryland beach towns.
(Rehobeth Beach, DE, Ocean City, MD).


For MarineDad61:


I’m not usually around on the PC at 3pm on Fridays.
But I was this past Friday, and snagged 2nd.
I stumbled into this today.
And it was just sitting here, empty, for what seemed like minutes.
So… I typed “1st?”




Yes. Second!


Some people labor while others just labour.
Where’s the equity?




A counter point.

Was is the point of hard work when wages are taxed at 50% minimum and the government massively prints destroying any savings and makes buy any asset (like a house) or raising a family a luxury for the wealthy?

When those on welfare or illegal get a quality of life equal to yours totally free by government handouts?


comment image


If you read the 16th amendment, you will notice there isn’t a cap on the amount of taxes that can be collected.

I’m sure it was written that way on purpose.


I agree with what you’re saying and not being argumentative, but we have gotten away from what the founding fathers envisioned.

So many departments not needed, or have outgrown their original intent, run by nameless, faceless unelected people who seem to be accountable to no-one, but have no trouble asking , and getting, more of our money.




For Our Beloved KoB:






Tanks!, ninja. Appreciate the shout out. Sadly, the Athletic Departments have sold out to the Cable Gods in the pursuit of the Almighty $, there is no longer a simulcast on local broadcast (including radio), and the Networks cherry pick who they’re going to broadcast. I have NEVER and will NEVER pay a cable/telecom company to watch TeeVee, ‘specially a program that has commercials. Not that important to me. I do like the old school re-runs of Classic Cowboy, comedy, lawer (Full disclosure…I have the hots for Della Street, Kitty Russell, June Cleaver et al).

Sympathies to our Beloved AW1Ed in that the Luck of the Irish torpedoed (BEAT) Navy (42-3). Actually don’t think luck had a lot to do with the score. I do root for Navy every game but one.

I’ve added the FSU Seminoles to my list of root root root for the home team now that my Grandson is attending there. It gave me great pleasure that I was able to watch them tear LSU a new one on broadcast yesterday evening past. My issues with LSU are tired directly to their past connection with the war criminal, “‘Cump”, The Barn Burning, Chicken Stealing, Pillaging, Make War on Defenseless Women and Children, Trash from Hell.

Odd that our grubermint, with the help of banks, has been confiscating a large % of $ from the laborers for over 100 years and have stuck said laborers with a 32 TRILLION $s debt. And some of the few that actually get a paid day off are…wait for it… grubermint and bank workers.

ps; your email receiving yet?


For Graybeard and Family.

Prayers and Comfort To You and Your Love Ones.

Thank You for being an inspirstion to all of us.


Thank you, ninja.
It is times like these that allow the hope we have in Christ to show through the tears.

As Paul wrote:
“[1Thessalonians 4:13-14 NASB95]
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.”

On the other end of the spectrum, yesterday we celebrated the marriage of one of my nieces to a outstanding young man (a Marine, so you know he’s squared away).

While grieving the loss of an unborn child and of a special needs brother, we celebrate the work God is doing in the lives of these two outstanding young people who are moving into the future together with Christ as part of the marriage.

“[2nd Corinthians 1:3-5 NASB95]
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.”




Giggle, Giggle…

(TAH won’t let me put another smiling emoji..)


The real reason why islands capsize.


Happy Labor day, filthy peasants!


Good points thebesig.

I sometimes point out that before the Fall (when Adam and Eve sinned), they were put in the Garden to work it.
God built us for work, for taking care of and prospering these material things, for His glory.
Work is not a punishment, but fulfillment of our very nature. It is the “thorns and weeds” from sin that make work unpleasant.

I would quibble about

Being fruitful, multiplying, and subduing the earth are not orders to have children and to expand our population.

I would, instead, say that

Being fruitful, multiplying, and subduing the earth are not just orders to have children and to expand our population.

Scripturaly and in Judeo-Christian thought this is the first commandment in order of those given (not of importance) and is considered to demonstrate that being married and having children is part of how we are created to have our optimal life on earth (and Paul uses it as an example of the relationship of Christ and His Church).

Just a little quibble – for I know your purpose in context of today’s holiday is to focus on laboring.


Cough cold and covid season is coming and the memes are rolling in.


Hey, those arrows would relieve a lot of congestion if people followed them! As a COVID preventative, nah.


Let’s not forget those stickers showing customers where to stand 6’ apart in the checkout lines. I couldn’t feel safe again without those.



OIP (43).jpg

Just saw the clickbait headline on Bing. RIP.

Jimmy Buffett was a musician that truly knew how to connect to fans. I wasn’t necessarily one of them, but a lot of his songs were just plain catchy. Like many Classic Rock artists and others of his era, though, I just got tired of hearing the music. Well, tired isn’t really the thing. I can hear it all day, but it goes in one ear and out the next.

The music: timeless. The personality and marketing: hell, Margaritaville says it all, with restaurants, beer and other products. He’ll live on through his music and lifelong deeds.

RGR 4-78

He finally blew out his flip flop for the last time and is headed for the big margarita in the sky.


But there’s booze in the blender and soon it will render… a toast to the man. RIP, dude.


The Jolly Roger flies at half staff over the cantina. Mr. Buffet got me through many tough times and low points. I once had plates on my Jeep that said SIMAPR8.


200 years too late

jeff LPH 3 63-66





Darn! missed it.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

I was out working my side gig, but I’ll take this opportunity to award myself another Honorary First.


Along with a hearty “FUCK YOU!!!” to the FBI mooks monitoring me.



Lots of X (Twitter) posts the past few days,
over the entire Labor Day weekend.
Colonel? And so much more.

Enjoy deploying the Fu of Google on Steven Scott Wilkinson.His Book of the Fake is even faky faker than his Twit/X.

Scott Steven Wilkinson 2023 09 04.jpg

Still can’t edit. Still get the “slow down” red box.
Pardon the run on sentence line.


His dog tags even look phony to me. The metal and the typeface sure don’t look like mine.


You’re right, they are phony. Genuine GI Dog Tags are engraved, not embossed.

(NSN’s available for engraving machine/blank tags available upon request)


What little I can look at (No Fakepage or Twatter access) shows Merritt Island FL. Phildo’s new VP of Scam? He does have that greasy meat gazing stare down pat, so there is that.


“Col” Wilkinson is adding on with more X twits this evening.

[“I mean what’s there to hide? An innocent doesn’t hide.”]

Does this mean he has his DD-214 and docs ready to show?
Looks like a long holiday weekend drawn out dare.


oh oh,
He started up again, 10 mins ago (it’s now Tuesday morning).

S…. @AFXendelta · 10m

[Everyone who thinks they are a tough guy, doesn’t make it past boot camp, or anywhere in life. That’s not who wins]


A Hive member? Any talk of “raising awareness” about his derring do? Will there be a chili cook off? With a side of monkress? He may be hiding with Alaska Bob in Kelly’s “canyon”.



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