Weekend Open Thread

| August 18, 2023

One of the many themes communicated by this meme is the reduction of the emphasis on accountability and responsibility. Parents are demonized for applying specific types of discipline that we expected when we were growing up. Teachers are prevented from applying consequences that we expected when we were growing up. In both cases, we did what we were supposed to do. If we fell short, we were held accountable. So now, we have individuals among the younger generations who are not prepared for reality. Result? Calls for organizations and individuals in the real world to accommodate. Fortunately, we still have many among Millennials and Generation Z who understand accountability and responsibility. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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Fucking First Fast Freaks dropping this shit early! IT’S A CONSPIRCY I TELLS YA!!!

I’m here you bitches. Have a lovely weekend and KoB. Be nice. Ya Turd.


Not.even.close! DaHell ever body beez? Early, inherwebz spotty down heah, gave a 10 count, daydreaming about night things in the middle of the afternoon, and The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST has endeavored and persevered, once again, EARNING the Coveted NEVER AWARDED TAH Friday Weekend Open Thread FIRST. How Sweet it is! Fried Chicken, buttered beans, seasoned tater logs, Johnny Cakes, peach ice cream over lemon pound cake, and the House Wine…Sweet Iced Tea, for all hands. Class VI Supplies Cabinet is open and the fridgidare is loaded with other refreshing beverages…many of them are of the fermented variety.

Now…Stay off my Throne!

A little something from some friends of mine in re our feelings for OAM…


You do make me blush, KoB


There should be Churches built along your path, OAM, ’cause we Worship The Ground that you walk on!

Be Well, Mi’Lady and remember…there is no request that you could ask of us that we would not do for you…including things that may require us to have bail $. Never convicted…in a court of law.

Looking forward to another post of your thought provoking prose. You have been missed.


Here’s the keys to the TAH WOT:FoF Throne Room & How to Beat a Polygraph School.

I’m going back to reading financial-crash tea leaves.

Have a GREAT weekend y’all! GABN! And for the love of everything that’s holy!…


its the fugin WEEKEND.jpg

Nice selfie, My Brother. Took a break from my Victory Dance and am perusing the latest offerings from SGA. Another shipment via MPS showed up Monday.

To paraphrase my buddy, Possum,  🎶 Well the prep is on and it looks like… 🎶 

Bonus issue of Yuengling for the FIRST (grin) deplorable to “Name That Tune”.


My Man, SFC D! Use the Yuengling to warsh down the Mystery Prize Addition…a Bottle of Jameson. GO ARMY!


Many thanks, King! Sawyer Brown did a pretty good version too! Bonus points to whoever can name the movie !


Commissioner Wretched

Well, I was gonna try, but the King beat me and everyone else to it! So instead, we’ll honor him and all with another trivia column. Enjoy, amigos!

Why did one member of the Apollo 11 crew have a real fear about returning to Earth?
By Commissioner Wretched

I’m sitting here totally stunned.

As many of you know, I am a regular denizen of the Georgia Renaissance Festival, and go several times a year. I have some very good friends there, and on August 6 I – and the performing arts world – lost one of them.

Elyse Weasley-Freer, better known as Nutmeg the Washing Well Wench, passed away suddenly. I’m heartbroken, because Elyse was a fantastic performer, a great entertainer, and a friend – not only of me, but of the trivia column.

The Renaissance Festival will be a much lesser place in the future without Nutmeg, and I am saddened beyond words at her loss.

This week’s column is dedicated to you, Elyse. Thank you for all of the laughter.

Did you know …

… one of the first restaurants to offer a children’s menu did so in order to recoup losses from Prohibition? The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York began to offer a special menu for the little ones in 1921. The kid-friendly menu offered items like broiled lamb chops and flaked chicken over rice. The whole idea was to help make up losses the hotel suffered once Prohibition went into effect in 1919. (Somehow, the idea of making money off kids to replace money made from booze bothers me.)

… only two countries in the world use purple in their national flags? Those two countries are Nicaragua and Dominica. Nicaragua’s flag has a rainbow including purple in its coat of arms, while Dominica’s flag features a parrot with purple feathers. (And purple is such a nice color, too!)

… every gallon of sea water contains about a quarter-pound of salt? (And about a gallon of water, too!)

Commissioner Wretched

… the first winner of the Tour de France bicycle race ended up being disqualified from the next one? Maurice Garin (1871-1957) won the initial Tour de France bicycle race, which ran a course of 1,509 miles over a three week period, in 1903. The following year, Garin was set to defend his title, and in fact he won – but was later disqualified when it turned out that he had cheated by taking the train for part of the race. Garin used his winnings from the first race to purchase a gasoline station, which he ran for the rest of his life. (So he went from pedaling a bike to peddling gas?)

… one member of the Apollo 11 crew had a real fear of coming back? Michael Collins (1930-2021), who served as Command Module Columbia pilot on the first manned lunar landing mission in 1969, remained in orbit of the Moon while the Lunar Module Eagle descended to the lunar surface, where Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin (born 1930) would take the first steps. But Collins had a secret fear while orbiting alone – that he would be returning to Earth all by himself. Had anything happened to prevent Eagle from taking off from the Moon’s surface, no rescue was possible, and Collins would have had to make the 240,000-mile journey back to Earth all by himself. In interviews later, Collins admitted it might have been better for him not to have had that option.


Riding bikes can be a gas…’specially if the bike runs on gas.

Didn’t Eagle almost run out of gas on it’s touchdown, having just a few seconds of thruster fuel left? Collins would have had a long, sad, lonely, return trip.

Commissioner Wretched

The way I understand it, the LM had less than 30 seconds worth of fuel for its descent engine when it finally touched down. Had they waited too much longer, they’d have had to blast the ascent stage off in an abort. Now, that would have sucked.

Commissioner Wretched

… horses can actually smell fear? The sense of smell in horses is very acute, and it allows the horse to detect nervousness or even fear in a person who is trying to handle the animal. For that reason, some old-time horsemen would smear an aromatic fluid on their hands when dealing with a difficult horse. Horses also become nervous at the smell of blood. (Well, so do I.)

… only a quarter of Americans can state two or more of the five freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution? In case you were wondering, they are: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, and the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. That’s the good news. The bad news is, more than half can name at least two members of the cartoon family in The Simpsons. (A matter of priorities, I would guess.)

… nightly screaming is a ritual at a school in Sweden? In one of the dormitory neighborhoods in Flogsta, Sweden, people throw open their windows at 10:00 and scream for a few minutes. Why? Nobody knows. Locals say it began as a stress relief during exams, and then it became a daily occurrence. (Screaming to relieve stress? I have to try that some time.)

… London’s famous Tower Clock is not called Big Ben? The actual “Big Ben” is the bell in the clock tower. The Tower Clock itself was unofficially called St. Stephen’s Tower until 2012, when the name was changed to Elizabeth Tower to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022).

Hack Stone

Nightly screaming was also a tradition at a residence on Wilson Lane Road in Bethesda Maryland about ten years ago. Nobody knows why, but it may have had something to do with doing an internet search on the Maryland Judicial Case page on the activities of an All Points Logistics employee showing up on This Ain’t Hell.


My fear is the people that are more in touch with the Simpsons are the ones causing us to lose more of our freedoms. And THAT makes me want to scream. Maybe we should use the ones trying to take our freedoms as the clapper in Big Ben?

Commissioner Wretched

… the Empire State Building in New York City has its own zip code? Though located in Manhattan’s 10001 zone, the building itself has the zip code of 10118. It received the special designation from the Post Office in 1980. (And well deserved, I say.)

… two popular films of the 1980s were born in a completely different film concept? Steven Spielberg (born 1946) wrote a movie concept in the late 1970s that he called Night Skies. It was intended to be a sequel to his 1977 hit, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but it was never made, as Spielberg reportedly lost interest in the idea of a sequel. The treatment did, however, lead Spielberg to create two very popular films – E.T. the Extraterrestrial in 1982, and Poltergeist, also in 1982. Both films contain elements from the prospective sequel treatment. (The best laid plans of mice and men …)

Now … you know!


Shared a buzz with some business associates on top of that building back yonder. It was out of this world.

Another fine job, Good Sir. We Thank you.


Tanks, CW. I am honored each week to read your Trivia Column.

Our deepest and most heartfelt sympathies in your loss. A Lady Friend of mine is a Demonish Ren Fair Lusty Wench and probably knew Nutmeg. I sent her a ping.

Better to make $ selling kid’s meals than the way it’s done now…selling kids. We’ve yet to see a list from a certain someone who didn’t kill himself.

Jimi Hendrix’s purple was a little hazy.

How much salt is on the rim of a gallon sized margarita?

Hack Stone

Top five. And

Hack Stone

You dropped it a bit early this week to deny Hack Stone his rightful place.

Commissioner Wretched

Hack … sounds like a persecution complex to me. Must be a byproduct of working for a proud but humble woman-owned software company … I’m just spitballin’ here …

Hack Stone

That Y3K software ain’t going to sell itself. Hack Stone and the crackhead sales team are out there pounding the pavement to ensure that every Federal Agency is prepared for January 1, 3001.


In the top ten for a change.

Hack Stone

Tomorrow is World Orangutan Day. Young Marines can lol forward to finding some companionship tomorrow night when the Enlisted Clubs close.

Commissioner Wretched

Just monkeying around, eh?


Hack Stone, are you saying that even ChipNASA might end up with a Saturday Night Date other than Rosy Palm and her sisters? Man, he’ll go ape over that.




Hey, I don’t monkey around at closing time.
Are you sure the Ko B doesn’t stand for “King of Bonobos”? 🥰😝


Kisses Only Beauties. 😘


“she said, she loved me.”


A member of the grater ape family.

Hack Stone

One of the many holidays observed today is National Bad Poetry Day. About ten years back, Hack Stone posted quite a few poems and some dumbass flunky that Phil Monkress convinced to come on here and intimidate the great unwashed masses that Hack likes to call The Adorable Deplorables. Much like Daniel Bernath’s colostomy bag, it failed. The fall guy was thrown under the rusting Jaguar, and Phil Monkress carried on with his life of lies, although mysteriously any mention of his US Navy SEAL career went into the Jehovah’s Witness Protection Program.


National Bad Poetry Day, huh? Here’s a sample of Vogon poetry, widely considered to be the third worst in the galaxy:

Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me, (with big yawning)
As plurdled gabbleblotchits, in midsummer morning
On a lurgid bee,
That mordiously hath blurted out,
Its earted jurtles, grumbling
Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
And living glupules frart and stipulate,
Like jowling meated liverslime,
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And hooptiously drangle me,
With crinkly bindlewurdles,mashurbitries.
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
See if I don’t!

Good old Douglas Adams…rest in peace, ya crazy son of a bitch!

RGR 4-78

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Phils a twit
as we always knew.


Roses are red
Violets are blue
Bernath is dead….
Man, fuck that guy


By the way, my late brother came to my mom in a dream about Bernath, because that cocksucker tried to hurt me on multiple levels. When my mom asked me about “That man”, I told her that he couldn’t hurt me. When I went to her bedside in 2020 when she was recovering from cancer, I told her that “That man” was dead. It seemed to perk up her spirits. My late brother, may he rest in peace, is probably tormenting that cocksucker for all of us. Just sayin’

A Proud Infidel®™

His cohort, some nut with a purple suit who always said he was a-coming and never showed up, hell, I forgot his name.

Hack Stone

Did Dallas Wittgenfeld finally get a long term residency in the local loonie bin. Haven’t heard anything from him/ about him in ages. On occasion he would send a message to Hack Stone’s Facebook page saying the he unmasked Hack’s true identity. One time he insisted that Hack Stone was some German immigrant in his mid 30’s living in Montgomery County Maryland. The closest German Hack Stone has in him was spending a Saturday night at Rammstein on his way to Qatar. Would love to get an update on Joe Cryer, too. Haven’t heard much about him since his release from confinement for killing his dog.

A Proud Infidel®™

Who is Dallas Wittgenfeld? Oh wait, something about him and a purple suit as well as saying he was going to come see me and others, up until now I’d forgotten about him!


Wasn’t his signature line: “HeRe CoMEth I …”?

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, like the rest of the Dutch Rudder Gang, he was all hat and no cattle, one of only a few to ever be thrown out of the SFA.


August 7, 2023.
Pocatello, Idaho
POW*MIA Awareness Rally and Motorcycle Rodeo

Pins on the table for the vests.
Decals on the table for the motorcycles.
Patches on the big board for ball caps. And vests.

Anyone can guess
how many of these are sold to actual fitting veterans, and
how many of these are sold to Les Brown / Elko POW*MIA types.

2023 08 07 Pocatello POW MIA rodeo phony bling sale 1.jpg

This BIKEA keeps his vest clean (DD-214).

A Proud Infidel®™

I was at a traveling memorial one weekend and came across a Biker who had about every piece of military bling on his vest you could imagine including some which claimed he was a Vietnam Vet, but when I asked him when he was there and with what unit, he suddenly had memory problems.


Dozing after doing some serious weedwhacking and a bit of branch trimming, 105 degrees – woke up just in time to hear “this ain’t Dodge City, and you ain’t Bill Hickock”. God BLESS Mr. Carrier’s soul.


Too hot for that nonsense David. That heat can kill ya.
Better to do that at 5 a.m. for 10 minutes and then quit and go drink some sweet tea

A Proud Infidel®™

Pedialyte does a great job of replacing electrolytes, just sayin’.


Eat yer heart out Brawndo!


I use GatorAide® personally.
But I do think something in sweet tea does nigh-’bout as good as the modern mixes.


A BIG Congrats to our very own KoB for being First!


how bout them dawgs.jpg

Tanks, ninja! My Gunners and FOs do a heckofa job on a snap shot FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION. Almost had a glitch when some dood that claimed he was the Technical Advisor for a Naval Documentary wanted to grill some aiming stakes. Told him to come back when he found us some relative bearing grease.

Rest Easy, Charlie…we have not given up the fight.

Two (2) more weeks and let the games begin!



Loves me some Charlie Daniels.


I was takin’ a trip out to LA,
Tooling’ along in a Chevrolet…


Looking for the hurricane Hillary memes. Wonder how Hillary likes being compared to something that blows hard and tears stuff up.

Bill not available for comment apparently.


For blows Bill has the Monica replacements, not Hillary.


Not according to Bill.


The Blue Dress was unavailable for comment. Only her Dry Cleaner knows for sure.



Y’all have a good weekend.


Indicted man who claims he has irrefutable and overwhelming proof of his innocence cancels press conference that he himself called to share that evidence:


Still believe this nonsense? Congratulations, you’re the mark.



Here’s some news for you.

What does CBS know before his first term is up. Or is this a “trial run” as GA called Trump indictment before it was an indictment.


comment image

Sorry to get off topic as weekend open thread is supposed to be fun.

For your fun viewing pleasure.


I immediately questioned the likelihood of “irrefutable” proof
4 days ago, here…

For doing so, on 2 comments,
I got thumbs down red -11 and red -3.

Donald Trump and 18 others ordered to surrender in Georgia by August 25, 2023thebesig | August 15, 2023 | 94 Comments



BOTH of my comments WERE opinions.
“IMHO” on one, and
“I can’t speculate (yet)” on the other.

That said,
if I see Bill Barr contradicting Trump on anything,
it’s worth paying attention to what Bill Barr says, since
(IMHO !!!) Barr is much much more believable.

[Bill Barr speaks out on Trump-Georgia case: ‘Much too sweeping’]


Bonus –
(Bill Barr) – “I think the federal cases are legitimate.”

Barr then lays out his opinion
on the (classified) documents case.
“obstruction” and “2 egregious instances”.



Bill Barr THINKS fed cases are legitimate.

Bill Barr lays out his OPINION.

Thoughts and opinions are just that, Thoughts and opinions. Doesn’t make them FACTS.


Barr is a decepticon. Sundance had him pegged as one three years ago.


True that. Not sure how many here read him.


Those that enjoy being clueless and in the dark don’t read him. Everything he has said for the past seven years has been accurate.


So. It’s another Open Thread.

A Proud Infidel®™

GREETINGS and salutations everyone, between work and having to deal with the effects of having outdated Red Hat Software bought from a shady character, I wasn’t able to compete for #1, thus I once again award myself Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
The White House personnel KNOW whose cocaine that was.


Oh, here… Infantry’s getting packed full of females, mostly BIPOC, who don’t want to be there (and, if Ft Hood is any indication, they’ll be pudgy, ponytailed and still leave their units short) but the enemy respects “equity” and DEI, right?


Well ……..I don’t even know what to say. Essayons?


None of ’em maxxed their PT test, even under the new ACFT’s female standards– watch.


Here’s more from this guy:


I knew it and I said so about six or seven years ago when putting wymen in the infantry and other combat roles started.


So, I’m a big Hank Williams fan and I’m also a big Del Shannon fan so imagine my surprise when I found out that Del did an album of Hank songs. Here’s one of my favorite Hank songs (courtesy of Mike Ness) done by the late, great Del Shannon:


This was our Maui Senset we had earlier this week at our house..


I have one !! More houses in the way though


Got a YT recommend about this family’s attempted evac from Lahaina.

Fucking bullshit shame what happened. If some authorities aren’t thrown in jail I’m afraid nothing will change.

Good people in that town. Been there three or so times and no one had an ill word toward my drunk ass!


Trump then (and still today) stiffed Rudy on payment for his services in 2020.

[Giuliani Repeatedly Sought Financial Lifeline From Trump
As Rudolph Giuliani has neared a financial breaking point with a pile of legal bills, the former president has largely demurred, despite making a vague promise to pay up.]


Army-Air Force Guy

Wish Rudi would’ve just hung his hat on his federal prosecutor work and especially his role as NYC mayor after 9/11 and called it good.


Army-Air Force Guy,
Giuliani did a good job on Seinfeld,
and on short notice,
the morning after his mayoral election victory.

Seinfeld DVD extra… Interesting TV show history.

Seinfeld had to film TWO versions of scenes
for The Non-Fat Yogurt episode, since it occurred during the tight Giuliani / Dinkins race.

Also, since Dinkins lost, his TV episode rep scenes were cut, and the same actor (Philip Morris) went on to land another gig on Seinfeld,
becoming lawyer Jackie Chiles.

Army-Air Force Guy

I know were getting off topic MD, but I always remember Newman’s reaction after finding out the non-fat yogurt wasn’t 🤣


Oh nos! Does this mean Georgia was legit now?!

Mind. Fucking. Blown.

We’ll see in ’24 just how bigly the actual data pans, and it ain’t gonna be what you think it is.

And I’ll leave it at that.


Which one is in mental health recovery, the woman speaking or the poor cat. She isn’t clear on that part. She is clear on her ability to reproduce. Don’t stick your junk in crazy.


Well, i think the cat is okay just not very happy. It’s owner needs to get a grip though.

Green Thumb

The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) takes it in the ass.