BDS rages in 2010 elections

| September 22, 2009

At this point in his first term, George W. Bush was being blamed for the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and he was taking blame for the economy tanking after the attack. This President and his party, however, are still blaming his predecessor for his ills, according to Joseph Curl of the Washington Times;

Facing the increasing likelihood of losses in the 2010 midterm congressional and gubernatorial elections, President Obama and his fellow Democrats are returning to a tried-and-true campaign strategy — run against former President George W. Bush.

In speech after speech since taking office, Mr. Obama has pointed back to the problems he inherited from the Bush administration when he took office. And earlier this month, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine catalogued a slew of perceived Bush failures to the delight of supporters.

Why don’t they just run against Nixon and Hoover, too?

Unemployment is double that of Bush’s first year which was lower than the months preceding his taking office. This year, unemployment continues to explode towards double digits, and beyond in some states. But for some unknown reason, we can’t seem to hold this President and his ineffective “stimulus” program accountable.

The Times article quotes Karl Rove;

“It will be a failed strategy,” said Karl Rove, former senior political adviser to Mr. Bush. “They have been doing that very intentionally in New Jersey and Virginia thus far, and both their candidates are behind.”

Shush, Karl, they know what they’re doing.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck

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About the only thing that is showing it has a shorter shelf-life than the, “Bush’s Fault!” card is the race card. Vegas has the current over/under at 3 more applications before both become pretty much irrelevant. The latest one?