Pelosi on ACORN: Duh?

| September 17, 2009

So while the team of O’Keefe and Giles unwrap a fifth set of videos on ACORN’s shady advice services at Big, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House and second in the line of succession to the Presidency, claims she knows nothing about the story which has been running for a week now, according to the New York Post;

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said yesterday she is clueless about an amendment to prohibit government funds for embattled ACORN, although it overwhelmingly passed the Senate Monday and the White House is calling for the group to be held accountable.

“I don’t even know what they passed,” Pelosi told The Post yesterday. “What did they do? They defunded it?”

Michelle Malkin writes that even the White House is trying to distance themselves from the embattled organization. Allahpundit writes that the team that will help ACORN investigate itself reads like a Who’s Who of clintonistas – that ought to bring about some real changes.

In the meantime, Fox News tries to chase down Barack Obama’s Senate replacement, Roland Burris to find out why he voted to support ACORN in the Senate vote the other day.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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She’s lying. I can say that, because I’m not in congress.


I’m going to form a new 501(c) called ‘Hickory Nut’ and figure out how to steal money from all you stupid working schmucks and give it to hookers and pimps. Of course, I’ll pay myself a handsome salary for my trouble. Maybe 200-300K a year. Tax free, of course. We’ll just call it a ‘reimbursement’ for expenses related to my profession… ‘performing arts’.

Come to think of it… why stop there? Hey! I want to be the Czar of something!!! As a matter of fact… I think we all should. Everybody — let’s all pick something we are going to be the Czar of. Make sure it’s something that you know next to nothing about, now. Don’t worry!! There is no vetting process. You just decide what you want to be in charge of and the President shall grant your wishes.

Does it occur to anyone else that ‘Czar’ is, in and of itself, a scary and inappropriate title for a democracy? I’m just sayin…