Mostly Peacefull Protests Rock France for Fifth Day

| July 2, 2023

France’s summer of discontent.

France Deploys 45,000 Police on Fifth Night of Nationwide Riots

(AFP) — The French government said Sunday that hundreds more had been arrested in a fifth night of rioting sparked by the police killing of a 17-year-old, as police deployed reinforcements to flashpoint cities around the country.

Protesters, mostly minors, have torched cars, damaged infrastructure and clashed with police in an outpouring of rage since an officer shot Nahel M. point blank as he attempted to flee a traffic stop on Tuesday.

The killing was captured on video, which spread on social media and fueled anger over police violence against minorities, exposing severe racial tensions in France.


Video of the shoot here:

The optics are not good- the officer was relieved and is being investigated for voluntary manslaughter. This is completely reasonable, but the event is being used as a spark to foment unrest among the disaffected youth. Any resemblance to the violent reaction blamed on George Floyd’s demise is completely coincidental.

Category: Crime, International Affairs, Op-Ed, The Stupid is Strong

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“You don’t need thirty round clips!”

Skivvy Stacker

Are you kidding? My ghost gun fires 1000 bullet clips per second!!


PFFFT…Hold my bar oil and watch this…

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No rocket launcher?


What da Hell Nahel?


Smells like Jihad in the morning…

Hope eyes are on Barry and his pal Val and crew.


Opportunity for another “beer summit”…


More like the 4th of Jihad summit or something close.

The Crescent and the Red Star/Sickle will be against those of the Book, both Jew and Christians and no mercy on those in the middle.

I’m not saying End Times, but keep looking up with dry powder!


Marxism is cultural AIDS. They intend to use Islam as a hammer to wreck the West, thus producing the Revolution and Communism at long last. They have no intention that Marxism be wrecked along with it.

Islam, however, has a longer and bloodier track record of wrecking Europe.

Europe, sadly, does not choose freedom over tyranny. They seek the tyrant most comfortable.


Welp, the rioters are about 90 percent muzzie.


The “youths” fire RPG at police station… methinks more than James Taylor may be needed.


‘If they are given reparations surely they will become civilized!’, said no serious person EVER!


Where’s Charles Martel now that the French really need him?

I hope the French realize they’re still in a state of declared war with Islamic Terrorism (since the Bataclan concert hall massacre in 2015) and respond with decisive force.


More like since 1959 or so…


I’m just glad these peaceful protesters are no longer in danger of catching Bat AIDS.


A harbinger of what’s in store for us. Some reports/videos making the rounds of various blog sites are showing the “mostly peaceful protesters” armed with belt fed and “sniper” rifles.


Last edited 1 year ago by KoB

Standing by


Dear France, return the favor!

Le lame de la guillotine be hungry.

The exceptional Frog must become animated and feed them forthwith.

France things.jpg

The mostly-peaceful “religion of piece” rhetotic while rioting brings this scene to mind:

BlueCord Dad

Here ya go


The hilarious part is that CNN took that video down from their site years ago but all the conservative media organizations have it posted and still making money off of it.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Alinsky’s fifth Rules for Radicals about “ridicule”


C’est dommage.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

France wasn’t like this when we pulled into La Pallice for Liberty after Op Steel Pike in 1964. Things have really changed.


Apparently, there is a new Sharif in town.


Sharif don’t like like it, you know he really hates it…




Lock the taskbar! 😉

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Slow Joe

Rock the Kasbah?


Yes, indeed!





jeff LPH 3 63-66

BONG, Rim shot


Has John Fonda-Kerry tried to surrender, yet? He speaks perfect French and if there is some way to defile their nation, Fonda-Kerry is the go-to subversive who can get failure done with nothing more than a private jet, huge fees, a hair cut and a phone.


He’s seeing if he can get James Taylor for a repeat performance as Counterterrorism support.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
USMC Steve

In this photo you see both cheeks of the same ass.

Hack Stone

That performance was both stunning and brave. And the audience reaction must have been similar to the audience reaction during Season 1 Episode 10 of The Partridge Family, Go Directly To Jail, when they did a performance at a prison. Maybe Reuben Kincaid booked James Taylor for that Paris show.


Should’ve voted in Le Pen. They had their last chance


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What happens when you let too much there in, here becomes there.


Someone remind the pointy-headed intellectuals of that.
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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

We are far more likely to see the rise of a Napoleon than a Lafayette.

And if France falls apart, we will see other parts of Europe revert to the type that gave us the word



Meanwhile, Chicoms pass new foreign relations law, U.S. State Dept. advises Americans stay out of China due to arbitrary arrests and exit bans there.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

They ain’t changed any.
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Hack Stone

The Prime Minister of France has invited Kyle Rittenhouse to visit for an indefinite period in a culture exchange.

Skivvy Stacker

Ah, send in the German Army.


Happened 3x before…

Hack Stone

How do you say “Al Sharpton” in French? The dead kid was probably a Marcel Marceau impersonator.