Suppressing the debate

| September 2, 2009

You’ve probably seen this video in which an HCAN worker instructs other supporters how to disrupt the disruptions of their opponents at Jan Schakowsky’s (D-IL) town hall meeting in Skokie, IL.;

Do you notice the little stickers they’re wearing on their left breast?


Well, I just saw the guy who took the video on Fox News and he claims that he overheard the person who handed out the stickers tell health care plan supporters that only people wearing the sticker would be able to ask questions of the Congresswoman .

Whether you want this new health care plan or not, the whole process must enrage everyone. Every American should be upset that other Americans are being denied the opportunity to express their opinion – whether you agree with it or not. I don’t remember the Bush Administration trying to clamp down on the anti-war crowd, or stifle the debate about Social Security or the myriad issues that presented themselves over those eight years.

I’ll admit there were cranks who complained that the CIA was flying mosquito-sized cameras around anti-war protests, there was plenty of hyperbole over the PATRIOT Act (which hasn’t changed, but I don’t hear the Left complaining about it any more) and wire taps (Obama has extended the program to the Left’s utter silence). But actual voter fraud and real suppression doesn’t seem to raise the hackles of the Left these days.

And, oh, the stickers on the breast? What’s next? A bar code?

Category: Health Care debate

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Well, at least he is wearing his kinda brown shirt. Yeah freedom of speech for them, only..

B Woodman

Why NOT a bar code? That will fit in perfectly with the Obamabots.

Army Sergeant

Jonn, if you don’t remember Bush stifling free speech at assemblies, then you aren’t recalling your history accurately. I distinctly recall multiple examples of Democrats or Bush opponents not allowed into town hall meetings, etc, and one example of a military member with tickets to an event who was turned away because in his wallet he had a membership card to a “leftist” organization.