Thursday FGS

| May 4, 2023

Chiappa 1892 Mare’s Leg

NYC alleged shoplifter hits Walgreens security guard on video – guard arrested on assault charge
Security guard stopped alleged shoplifter outside Walgreens in Manhattan

By Stephen Sorace
A retired NYPD officer working as a Walgreens security guard says he was wrongfully charged with assault after he took down an alleged shoplifter who hit him in the head in a caught-on-video scuffle.

Salvatore Lopiccolo, 50, was seen on cellphone footage wrestling with another man over a canvas bag packed with allegedly stolen food on March 30 outside the store in the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan on March 30.

Lopiccolo told the New York Post on Tuesday that he had spotted the man, identified as 26-year-old homeless man Rahmell Coleman, taking a snack off the shelves earlier that day.

The guard said that instead of taking the food back, he escorted Coleman out of the store and told him not to return.

Fox News

Mr. Lopiccolo has filed a lawsuit against the NYC Port Authority Police.

Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
Bill Shakespeare

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Old tanker

Chances are, that given the love for criminals in the progressive “justice system” in blue states, the thief is likely to prevail in his suit


Speaking of NYC…

Did Y’All See THIS??

Not Again…ANOTHER George Floyd…

Recommend a separate post be initiated.

Criminals are NOW becoming “The VICTIMs”.

Supposedly, the person who put the deceased in a chokehold was a Marine.

And of course, there is a GoFund Me Site.

The deceased has a criminal record.

Please go to the 2nd link to see the video.

“Medical Examiner Rules Jordan Neely’s Death A Homicide After Subway Choking”

“The city medical examiner has ruled the death of a homeless man choked by a Marine on the subway earlier this week a homicide — as prosecutors mulled whether to pursue charges.”

“Jordan Neely’s cause of death was “compression of neck (chokehold)” and the manner constituted a homicide, the medical examiner determined Wednesday afternoon.”

“Neely, 30, was reportedly homeless and having a mental episode onboard an F train in lower Manhattan Monday afternoon when another straphanger jumped in to restrain him, according to police and witness accounts.”

“The wannabe vigilante, identified as a 24-year-old Marine from Queens, took down Neely from behind and placed him in a chokehold for about 15 minutes, police said.”

“Neely passed out and when EMS arrived, they were unable to revive him.”

The medical examiner ordered additional testing after completing the initial autopsy to further examine the tissue on Neely’s neck, according to police sources.”

“A witness who filmed the disturbing encounter, Alberto Vazquez, told The Post that Neely was yelling at straphangers that he didn’t have any food or drinks and didn’t care if he went to jail before the Marine took him down.”

“Police previously said Neely had threatened riders, but didn’t know what words were exchanged.”




“Law enforcement sources said Neely had “numerous” arrests on his record, including for drugs, disorderly conduct, and fare beating — and that he had been living on the streets with a recorded history of mental illness.”

“At the time of his death, he had a warrant out for his arrest in a November 2021 case where he was accused of assaulting a 67-year-old woman in the East Village, the sources said.”

“The Marine was taken into custody immediately following the deadly encounter but was released without charges.”

“A vigil for Neely, who was an occasional subway performer and Michael Jackson impersonator, on Wednesday turned into a protest as New Yorkers called for charges against the straphanger who choked him.”

“Native New Yorker and Brooklyn resident Lizzie No called the lack of charges “an outrage.”

“New Yorkers don’t deserve to be killed just for being poor,” No, 32, told The Post at the vigil-turned-protest.”

“The city poured millions of dollars into subway police and instead of actually stopping crime they let the murderer go. No charges,” said James, a 28-year-old Queens resident who declined to provide his last name.”

“In a tragic twist of fate, Neely was choked to death just as his mother was in 2007 when he was only 14, according to a 2012 report by the Star-Ledger.”

“Christine Neely, who was then 36, was killed and stuffed in a suitcase, which was dumped on the Henry Hudson Parkway on April 7, 2007, the outlet reported.”


The GoFundMe Site for Jordan Neely.

His Aunt is asking for $30,000.

“My name is Carolyn Neely my nephew is Jordan Neely. Jordan was murdered on the subway by a man. the man was arrested then released not charged. I love my nephew Jordan Neely he was a very talented black man who loves to dance performance was his thing. His mother is Christie Neely she was murdered in April 2007 it’s been rough for him and all of us we just want justice for him please give what you can with your heart he has so many fans he will always be loved and remembered we love you Jordan”

“Thank you for all the support”


“Cops said Jordan had been living on the streets and had a recorded case of mental illness.”

“Alberto Vazquez, a freelance journalist who filmed video of the shocking incident, told The Post Neely was unhinged, yelling at riders that he didn’t have food or drinks and “doesn’t care if he goes to jail.”

“Both the congresswoman and the comptroller, the comptroller’s a citywide leader and I don’t think that’s very responsible at the time where we are still investigating the situation,” Adams said on “CNN Primetime.”

“Several prominent local elected officials have denounced the fatal encounter on Twitter, including City Comptroller Brad Lander, who tweeted “NYC is not Gotham,” and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who wrote “Jordan Neely was murdered.”

“In a Wednesday night interview, Mayor Eric Adams slammed their statements as irresponsible.”

“Let’s let the DA conduct his investigation with the law enforcement officials. To really interfere with that is not the right thing to do and I’m going to be responsible and allow them to do their job and allow them to determine exactly what happened here,” the mayor told host Abby Phillip.”

When pressed by Phillip on whether commuters should “take matters” into their own hands when dealing with disruptive passengers, Adams deflected but noted that each situation is unique.”

“We have so many cases where passengers assist other riders. And we don’t know exactly what happened here,” the mayor told Phillip.”

“And so we cannot just blatantly say what a passenger should or should not do in a situation like that, and we should allow the investigation to take its course,” he said.”


I visited NYC once, when favorite god-daughter was a wee lass, and they were living in the Commie State of Connecticut.
I won’t say nothing can induce me to return, but it would have to be very important to me to even consider it.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

For both incidents (shoplifting and subway), the sheeple wonder why the average good guy citizen doesn’t “do something” when a crime occurs. With all the comments against the good guy citizen, and the resulting “no good deed goes unpunished”, do you really wonder why too many people develop the attitude “not my circus, not my monkeys”?

It doesn’t matter anymore if it IS your rodeo. In certain places you will still get charged and sued.


PETDR SAH Neande and 5JC:

Please note the article we posted about the NYC mentally ill homeless guy.

The Criminal Is Starting To Become The Victim.

What is VERY interesting is that he was “homeless”, needed “food and drink” yet has an Aunt that is requesting $30,000 on a GoFundMe site.

Where was the Aunt when he was alive?

Asking For A Friend.

“Jordan Neely Death: NYC Mayor Calls Out AOC For ‘Irresponsible’ Murder Claim”


ANOTHER GoFundMe Site for “The Victim” Jordan Neely.

The writer of the site is asking for $12,000.

So far, the Aunt is asking for $30,000. This guy is asking for $12,000.

That makes so far $42,000.

Wow. Did not realize it costs that much to bury someone in NYC….sarc…

“Jordan Neely was a lively man who was a very good Michael Jackson impersonator. Over the years multiple videos have been seen across the internet of him emulating the King of Pop garnishing thousands of views. He was a natural raw talent who touched a lot of people’s lives. Very unfortunate he had to lose his life.”

“On the afternoon of Tuesday May 2nd, Jordan Neely lost his life at the hands of a passenger who, unlawfully restrained Neely in a headlock on a NYC train. The passenger was aided in helping hold Neely down until he ultimately stopped breathing. He was being restrained for 15+ minutes. There are videos of this graphic and mishandled situation out there as well. None of the passengers involved are facing charges. Jordan was a very loving and caring individual who did not deserve to have his life taken like this.”

“All donations and proceeds will go directly to the family to help cover the cost of funeral and burial expenses.”

“About Me:

“Hello, I’m Michael Cole, better known as Mike Cole. Im an undergrad Political Science student at the University of Akron. I plan on being a public servant for years to come with a specialization in injustices and policy. Mr. Neelys death was an act of injustice and blatant nonchalant remedying the rampant mental health problem that exists in America today.”

“I started this GoFundMe because I would like to ensure that this family doesn’t have to feel the financial burden of burial. So for that to happen someone help me get in direct contact with members of the immediate Neely family so they can just directly get the funds. Thank You !”

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Here’s a $10 donation. Go have him buried in potter’s field. No casket. No embalming. Dig a hole, dump him in, cover him over. End of burial. No headstone (unless Auntie wants to buy one).
Oh, and I’ll want change and a receipt for that tenner.

Last edited 1 year ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Check out what folks commented to AOC after HER posting:

“Jordan Neely was murdered.”

“But bc Jordan was houseless and crying for food in a time when the city is raising rents and stripping services to militarize itself while many in power demonize the poor, the murderer gets protected w/ passive headlines + no charges.”

“It’s disgusting.”


You Be The Judge.

2 minute video of the subway incident.


None of that cash will go to -Jordan Neely-.


Not a professional lawer by any means but I suspect the major issue is that protracted 15 minute time span.

And please note “homicide” just means a person caused the death (as opposed to natural causes or accident) and by itself is a medical category. Then you break it down as to whether it was criminal, intentional etc. The most air-tight self-defense killing in the world is still a homicide.

Skivvy Stacker

I worked many years in security for Wells Fargo in my home town.
I was proud to do so, and was very good at it.
I faced down more than a couple people who were armed while I was not.

You couldn’t pay me enough to do that job in NYC these days. I’d be required to not only allow the bad guy to rob the bank, but to help him carry the money to his getaway car.


Ah, the 1892…

One of the benefits of my new civilian job is that I get first dibs on whatever guns come in. Well, kinda first dibs, a couple other guys also like to claim guns as they come in. Newly released guns trickle in since we’re a big box outdoor retailer, but we’ve gotten some of the latest ones shown at SHOT Show. Used guns are

A while back I got to go to an offsite used gun purchase with a few dozen guns, including a Winchester 1892 and 1897, and an M1 Carbine were on the table. I called all three and, once my store bought them and put them up for sale, picked them up for about $300 less than one of the Chiappa reproduction rifles.

Based on serial number, the M1892 was made in 1894, the M1897 in 1899, and the M1 Carbine in late-1942 or early-1943. All told, not a bad buy in my opinion.