Biden Sends Military to Southern Border. Again.

| May 3, 2023

Active duty troops headed to the US southern border again

By Davis Winkie, Leo Shane III and Meghann Myers

Editor’s note: This story was updated at 2:45 p.m. EDT on May 2, 2023 with statements from the Homeland Security Department and a Pentagon spokesperson.

About 1,500 active duty troops will be deployed to the U.S. southern border to assist Homeland Security Department personnel in advance of an expected new wave of migrant crossing attempts later this month, according to officials close to the plan.

Homeland Security confirmed the news in an unsigned release Tuesday afternoon, saying that it requested the 1,500 troops for 90 days “due to an anticipated increase in migration.”

Military Times

Joe’s Handlers last approved troops on the border in October. Military personnel are limited in what they can actually do there. They will be armed for self-defense only. Troops will not apprehend illegals but carry out administrative scut work to free up Border Patrol agents to be out in the field directing traffic.

With the expiration of Title 42 it is estimated up to 18,000 people could be arrested at the southern border daily.

Ridin’ with Biden.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Border, Illegal Immigrants

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Forest Bondurant

How can this be?

Just 2 days ago, the WH press secretary said that Biden’s border security policies have brought illegal immigration down by more than 90%

Hack Stone

Hack Stone was wondering the same thing. The border is secure, and there is no immigration crisis, so why are these troops being taken away from more pressing matters, like practicing close order drill for all of the Gay Pride Parades they will be marching in next month?


What she meant to say was: “Your children, and your grandchildren, and so on will be foreigners in their own country”.
All you Americans that expect to earn a decent living, own homes, retire comfortably, and ASK TO MANY DAMN QUESTIONS need to be replaced. The Elites are too busy to hear about your RIGHTS and that goddamn Constitution. Just eat bugs, own nothing, and keep your mouth shut. They’re already sterilizing a generation with already below replacement birthrate. Think that is by chance?
The only difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth today is time.

Forest Bondurant

^^^You’re right. Ultimately, the complete erosion of our rights is the goal. The Constitution is in the way, but they’re chipping away at it as fast as they can.


Let’s bring down the dramatics in the room okay. When the WH lies you aren’t supposed to ask questions. That makes me state the lie all over again and then tell you not to ask anymore questions about it.

USMC Steve

As long as everyone knows the procedure.


“Let’s finish the job!”

Fucking traitors.


This should help put a dent in the recruiting shortfall.
They could set up tables right there and sign them up as they cross.

Hack Stone

A lot of them have previous experience with automatic weapons. And who needs a bayonet when you can hack someone’s head off with a rusty machete


Gotta be some good Cooks.
And anybody could be Signal.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Another thing that can be done is to have everyone who voted the new 1000 year 4th Reich Dictator Herr biden in is to make these peeps bring the border crossers into their own homes and live with them.


Pointless eyewash. Doesn’t matter what President does it. Unless you’re sending engineers to build fences, walls, and barriers, troops on the border degrade the CBP mission. Agents have to be pulled off the line to supervise Soldiers. And when I say “supervise”, I mean “babysit”.

USMC Steve

Or issuing live ammo and authorizing deadly force at will.


I vote for that

Skivvy Stacker

Remember when Trump sent troops to the border?
The left went ape shit because that “racist, homophobic, nazi, islomophobic, orange man bad, white supremacist, war mongering, war starter” was actually using the armed forces to do what the armed forces are supposed to do; DEFEND THE BORDERS OF THIS COUNTRY FROM INVASION.
Suddenly, the left is very, very silent about this latest move by Cotton Eyed Joe.

Hack Stone

You could be talking about just any situation. Remember “kids in cages” during the Trump Administration, even though the photos were actually taken during Obama’s watch?


John Oliver was pimping that on his weekly. It was disgusting.


Up to 18k daily. Meanwhile, 1500 armed military personnel relieving Border patrol of some of the more mundane admin stuff while being authorized to use force only in self-defense situations. It probably won’t, but let’s hope that nothing escalates. Even with the 1500 AD troops supplementing the 2500 mobilized National Guard, along with the 4500 state-mobilized Guard troops, the numbers are on the illegals’ side. If they want to make a statement by provoking or creating an escalation, things won’t look good. Absolute worst case, a group of Soldiers and/or Marines are overwhelmed and disarmed. There are also the optics that the media will pitch if self-defense is necessary for any of the mobilized forces.

Physical barriers, like fences or walls (go figure), would help to deter the less tenacious, funnel the die-hard illegals into somewhat manageable corridors, and provide a bit more piece of mind to the young PFC who just graduated 42A AIT and is wondering “what the heck is this crap I’ve been tossed into?”


They were sent there on Biden’s orders to help register new voters, per Babylon Bee 🤣

Oh, if only the satire weren’t true


 “Meanwhile, 1500 armed military personnel relieving Border patrol of some of the more mundane admin stuff while being authorized to use force only in self-defense situations”.

They’re not armed, and free up exactly zero agents from “mundane” admin stuff. Civilian employees do that. Troops on the border contribute nothing but a photo op. I’ve seen this movie first-hand more than once.


Are you saying Gropey Joe and his Banda Ho’s are lying to us again? Please, say it ain’t so.


Not again, it’s a continuation of Obama’s lies.


More illegal aliens to join the murderer in E Texas


What are the ROEs? Lock and Load?


Is it officially a “crisis” at the border yet? Enquiring minds want to know!

Forest Bondurant

According to Kringe Jean-Pierre, “…there is more work to be done at the border.”

A Proud Infidel®™

IMPORTANT THINGS FIRST, I bet their CoC is first making sure that the SHARP and Diversity training is up to date for them.


Cholera the distinguished Border Czar still searching for the root causes of the passage of time.


Send Petty Officer drag queen from the article after this one. Might make a lot of Catholic Hispanics rethink their desire to come here.

Old tanker

More like a welcome wagon operation that dementia joe is running.