Albright: troops are the problem

| March 27, 2008


Aaron Daye/The Gainesville Sun

From Gateway Pundit, a view of our war against terrorism from Madelaine Albright – who has never seen the war against terror;

…”The American forces are both the solution and the problem,” she said. “They are like fly paper that attracts everybody who hates us.”

No, you cow, the problem is that you did nothing in the Clinton Administration to stem terrorism. You ignored them when they bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, the Khobar Towers, the African embassies and the USS Cole. When Haitians ran off the US Navy from the pier with machetes. When there was no retaliation for dead Rangers and Delta operators in Mogadishu.

Apparently she’s right about one thing – the troops are like flypaper that attract everyone who hates the US – domestic haters like Albright, too.

But that probably wasn’t the most convoluted thing she said;

Albright said. “Now that’s quite a statement, because it means I think it’s worse than Vietnam – not in the number of Americans who died or Vietnamese versus Iraqis, but in terms of those unintended consequences. And the biggest unintended consequence in Iraq is Iran. I think one might say that Iran has actually won the war in Iraq.”

Yeah, ’cause  Vietnam had “intended consequences” – the communists in this country wanted the North Vietnamese to win and take over the entire southeast Asia. The Islamic Republic has been one of the main causes of violence in the world since Jimmy Carter tried to look the other way. What did Albright and Clinton do to stem their influence in their eight years?

How about since Maddy has already conceded defeat to Iran we just give her up to them. Funny how she doesn’t offer any solutions her candidate (Hillary Clinton) might bring us – just criticism.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics, Terror War

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David M

The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 03/28/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.


She’s not bright nor all bright. Thanks to her we had 9/11 and several other terrorist attacks went unanswered.

Her ostrich solutions are dangerous.