Attention whore overload
It seems that Cindy Sheehan and Matthis Chiroux met at Martha’s Vineyard this week and while no one was paying attention, they made a video together. Whoever took the video should have adjusted the audio – old guys like me can’t hear what they’re saying. Probably lucky for them. Here’s the video – I’ll leave the comments to you guys;
Thanks to Sporkmaster for the link.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects
Now where are all her followers? What? Are they afraid to piss off the Messiah of Doom?
As a snarky aside, I see that Cindy is being dressed by Michelle O’s “people”…she has that snausage look about her.
Hey Jonn… turn up the volume. Heard every word here. Now I need to hose out my ears.
It might be love, kinda sweet at that.
He just wants you to send him money. I guess the rent is due
You owe everyone who sees this at least one beer! You can hear it fine old man!
…this looks like a poorly made SNL skit, but I repeat myself.
Didn’t listen. Just couldn’t bring myself to start my week off on a crazy note. Besides, a picture paints a thousand words. Cute couple. Mazel tov!!
Well I can’t watch the video from here at work, which is a good thing, and you really don’t want to know what went through my mind when I read these two had done a video together.
I am turning myself into Eric Holder for the torture I inflicted on myself.
Heh, Looks like Matthis forgot his sunblock!
Burn you little wimp!
I haven’t seen rapists and morons sitting together like that since my last Oakland Raiders game.
(Got that from the Naked Gun this weekend.)
I watched this video during the weekend in its entirety. There is nothing of substance here.
and she is lying about her son, again…
You know, with posts like these I don’t think I’ll ever run out of the feeling I get when I watch them: “Glad I left IVAW!”
You just can’t find a murdering suicidal bomber when you need one.
did anyone else think matthis chiroux looked a wee more effeminate then he usually does? certainly more then cindy.