Massachusetts Senator needs to read the Constitution
Former Vice President Dick Cheney appeared on Fox News Sunday and reminded us all why we miss him (Wall Street Journal link);
Mr. Cheney described himself as being isolated among advisers to then-President George W. Bush, who ultimately decided against direct military action.
“I was probably a bigger advocate of military action than any of my colleagues,” Mr. Cheney said in response to questions about whether the Bush administration should have launched a pre-emptive attack prior to handing over the White House to Barack Obama.
“I thought that negotiations could not possibly succeed unless the Iranians really believed we were prepared to use military force,” Mr. Cheney said. “And to date, of course, they are still proceeding with their nuclear program and the matter has not yet been resolved.”
He went on to criticize the Obama Administration for beginning a witch hunt against CIA agents who extracted intelligence from our more reticent enemies;
“It’s clearly a political move; there’s no other rationale for them to be doing this,” the former vice president said of the Obama administration review.
Mr. Cheney was particularly critical of Mr. Obama’s statement that he had not influenced the attorney general’s decision, and charged the president with waffling on his earlier pledge not to unearth old allegations. “I think he’s trying to duck the responsibility for what’s going on here, and I think it’s wrong,” Mr. Cheney said of the president.
Of course, this raised the ire of the only Senator from Massachusetts, who happened to appear on another show on some lesser known and lesser watched network.
“Dick Cheney has shown through the years, frankly, a disrespect for the constitution for sharing of information to Congress and a [dis]respect for the law and I’m not surprised that he’s upset about this,” Kerry told me this morning on “This Week.”
I’d like the only Senator from Massachusetts to point out for the rest of us where in the Constitution it says that the Executive branch of government needs to share information with the legislative branch. Well, other than this line;
[The President] shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient….
The only Senator from Massachusetts obviously isn’t well read and probably doesn’t even understand his duties and responsibilities. Massachusetts is obviously poorly served by their lone Senator, who until recently, voted the way his mentor told him to vote. Obviously, thinking for himself isn’t one of his strong suits.
Category: Congress sucks, Foreign Policy, Liberals suck
And look how close this bozo came to being President himself!
The most high Earl of Montgomery of the kingdom of Massachusetts sees his exalted self in his mirror and proclaims; there is no one before me, there is no one like me.
The court jester looks upon the Earl of Montgomery and is not moved at all, in fact he thinks in his own secret thoughts;
this moron is so stupid that he gives a new definition to the word, what is really bad is that he thinks all Americans are just like him.
Flash News: the Earl of Montgomery has finally attain a reading level of 2nd grade/elementary school. Hurrah for the Earl.
Yes, I am one of those poorly served up here in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts. Fortunately, I am now poorly served by one less senator! Not that Sen. Kennedy’s death is something to rejoice over. I don’t rejoice in the death of anyone (well, almost anyone). I’m just saying that his and Kerry’s representation left something to be desired.
Under the 2010 census, Masachusetts should lose at least one seat in the house of reps. This has everything to do with the fact that Massachusetts is LOSING residents. We’re not just smaller IN RELATION to other states–we actually have fewer people here today than we did ten years ago.
My explanation–taxes, the culture of death, and the fact that our quality of life has not been improved by the Democratic Party’s decades long monopolistic control.
Liberals decide what we can say, what our children will be exposed to in school, how we may practice our religion, when we may vote, and if we may amend our constitution. They all bow before the homosexual lobby. When homosexuals say “jump” my elected officials say “how high?”
I speak for many when I say I WANT OUT!
If at all financially possible, GET OUT NOW, while you’re still able without the need to show an internal passport (a la Soviet Communism).
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