Suicide bomber news
The Stars & Stripes reports that Pakistan claims that they wiped out a suicide bomber training camp in Swat last night;
Army helicopters strafed the camp late Friday night after local residents tipped off security forces to its location on a small island in the Swat River opposite the town of Charbagh, said Lt. Col. Akhtar Abbas, the army spokesman in Swat. The army had in July declared the area, about six miles east of the valley’s main town of Mingora, cleared of militants except for small pockets of resistance.
Intelligence reports linked the camp to attacks that killed a total of 10 soldiers and civilians this month, he said.
What is suicide bomber training i asked myself? Then I remembered this clip from An American Carol and figured this is the kind of stuff they try to avoid.
In other suicide bomber news, The Washington Times’ Sara A. Carter reports that the other night, a suicide bomber got a little too close to the Saudi royal family;
Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the deputy to and son of Interior Minister Prince Nayef, was injured Thursday night at his office in Jeddah by a suicide bomber who infiltrated the receiving line at an iftar – the meal that breaks the fast at the end of the day during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
U.S. officials are closely watching developments in Saudi Arabia and take “seriously” the attempt on Prince Mohammed’s life, a U.S. counterterrorism official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity due to the nature of the subject.
“This is the closest al Qaeda has gotten to a member of the Saudi [royal] family,” the official said. “Terrorism in Saudi Arabia is always a concern. The Saudis have had a really strong counterterrorism campaign in the last several years, and we’re seeing al Qaeda react to it.”
The Saudi government has claimed to have defeated al Qaeda in their country a few years back, but no one can beat these clowns unless you kill every last one of them. Those intellectually stunted anti-war folks need to take this as a lesson.
Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War
Suicide bomber training camp? That sounds like Achmed the dead terrorist.
“Is that a nice facility?”
It used to be.
“What happened?”
New guy. He tried to PRACTICE.
Isn’t the proper term a ‘man-caused disaster reorientation camp?’
“The Saudi government has claimed to have defeated al Qaeda in their country a few years back”
The Saudi government was probably lying their ass off and I would not put it past the Saudis to stage an attack on their own royalty. But at the same end, even if the Saudi royalty has finally gotten serious about combating AQ and the gang(which I highly doubt), they still have some serious explaining to do. After all, most of AQ, AQI, and the Taliban’s money still comes from Saudi Arabia and Saudi funded Islamic institutions still breed Wahhabi radicals as if they were lemmings. I would also venture to say that it is no coincedence that Saudis make up a rather disproportunate of foreign fighters out to kill us in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in our homeland.
“but no one can beat these clowns unless you kill every last one of them.”
Excellent point Jonn, but if the Saudis are serious about combating AQ and the Gang(Which I highly doubt), then I think their first step is to get themselves into the positive. IE: Kill more AQ types than they create, which does not appear to be on the horizon anytime soon.