I could never be a Liberal

| August 26, 2009

Claymore went DUmpster diving again – I guess he has more brain cells than he needs, but he sent us some links to some of the stupidest shit ever – all related to Ted Kennedy’s death. My favorite is this one;


Yes, Barack Obama is now the last Kennedy brother. Barack Obama couldn’t even get a job at the Kennedy house, let alone qualify to be part of the family. But I guess that truth would shatter the Kennedy mystique, wouldn’t it?

Oh, here, let’s make the Blue Dog Democrats feel guilty that Kennedy never got to see the nationalized heathcare (which is probably what killed him)


Let’s not allow a tragedy go unexploited;


OK, I’ll grant that he dominated American politics since 1968 when Robert died, and I’ve been hearing all of this “icon” talk and “Lion of the Senate” but, Holy Smoke, he was just a man. And that’s the only nice thing I can think of to say about him. I’ll also grant that DUers aren’t main stream Democrats, but even if they only represent a small percentage, it looks to me like they’re ready to strap on bombvests and go to the local market.

The Armorer says; Bet’s on whether or not John Kerry’s first reaction to the news of Senator Kennedy’s passing was a fist pump and a “Yesssssssssssssssssss!  Senior Senator!”?

Need I remind anyone of the comments they made about Robert Novak’s death just last week?

Just announced while I was finishing this post; Kennedy will be buried at Arlington Cemetary. So I guess Arlington will be the Kennedy family plot now. Typical liberal crap – just because John Kennedy is buried there, the rest of them get to glom on to his heroics and push real heroes out of the National Cemetary. Edward Kennedy had two years of service in the Army according to Greyhawk, rising to the rank of PFC – after he got booted from Harvard for cheating.

Category: Liberals suck

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I did skip past BartCop…I mean, c’mon…a guy has to have his standards.


Actually, Jonn, the “Obama is the last Kennedy” isn’t even and original thought from the DUmmies–it’s from Chrissy “Tingles” Matthews this morning…

Just A Grunt

All the way to PFC huh? Based on what I have seen of Harvard grads lately I would say that was generous.

USMC Steve

We need to get on Homey the clown about the Arlington thing. By current Arlington rules and regs, Teddy doesn’t meet even one of the criteria to be buried there unless they dump him in with his bubba John.


Actually, he does, sad to say. He did serve on AD and was an elected official.


MSNBC, Democratic Underground, what’s the difference these days?


Did anyone expect something different from the sheep at DU? Their liberal, drunken, murdering icon has passed away.


Well, I avoided saying what I was thinking, but Oldtrooper read my mind!!


I’m not so sure about PanderO’s statement. I think it quite likely that many of the Bamadoon’s Ethnicity (whatever the hell it really is) were at least found suitable for hauling the crates of moonshine from the cellar of the house to the trunks of the cars. Hey! If Teddy was a driver when he was young, maybe there are still some un-broken bottles submerged nearby!


I tried to avoid it too, DefendUSA, but Oldtrooper speaks for many, many out here.


Your Woodstock hammer might wanna consider this:


Sorry about saying what I was thinking, which I thought long before he passed, like back when I reached the age of reason at 7, but let’s look at the facts before we annoint him.

Fact: He was the shining beacon of nepotism, as with all the Kennedys. Every one of them would have not had a shot at any elected office but for the stupidity of the people in Mass. Having the name meant you were re-elected in perpituity no matter what you did (I guess that’s where Ted excelled).

Fact: He spent exactly zero time in lock up for criminal vehicular homicide.

Fact: He got re-elected even though he killed someone (democrats can get elected and re-elected no matter what they did). In that sense, Charles Manson could probably hold a seat if he put a (D) behind his name.

Fact: Media spin and pay-offs by Joe Sr. led the rest of us to believe that the Kennedy name was “as close to royalty” as we could have. Give me a break, they were part of the “elite” that thought they were smarter than everyone else (sounds like every democrat I know of), yet the world turned before they came on the scene and will continue turning after the last one leaves the planet.

There are far better men and women that don’t get the press, that served their country in far greater ways and greater sacrifice than this chucklehead, yet we don’t hear about them except a little blurb in our local newspapers.

I will take the time to honor those people (one coming up shortly) before I would walk across the street to “honor” this guy.