Seeking the Pot of Skittles at the end of the rainbow
Sporkmaster sent us a link to some folks who must’ve got into that bad LSD at Woodstock and who are still suffering from it’s ill effects;
The world needs to find trust and hope again.
The world needs a concrete, visible solidarity for peace.
Troopers with guns (now more than 100,000 and ‘surging’ ) from NATO and other countries have come together for the Afg/Pak War in the mountains and valleys of Afghanistan.
Peacemakers from NATO and other countries should come together for Peace in the mountains and valleys of Afghanistan.
The world needs to witness humanity’s unity with respect to non-violence and peace, in contrast to witnessing humanity’s coalition with respect to violence and war.
I guess they want to go to the mountain regions of Afghanistan and stick daisies in the barrels of NATO troops’ rifles. I hope our forces aren’t traumatized when they come across their rank, headless bodies that will no doubt be strewn about the mountain trails. I also hope our President won’t further strain our treasury by paying out ransoms to get these bozos out of their inevitable predicaments.
Category: Antiwar crowd
Wow, I now have seen my higher calling………sorry, channeling my inner Haight/Ashberry…..
Have fun on your peace trek through the great outdoors that is Ass-crackistan (dude, that’s where poppies come from)
Dudes, head on over, man, that’s like where the poppies grow, and really primo stuff is available. Just go wander up to the locals and let them know that you are there for peace and to protect them. Let them know you have lots of cash for the stash, and want to groove with them. That you respect their religion, even if all religions are just things with made up friends — done right, you might even get them to agree with you. You can even do it on budget man, like, the clothes are all local made and cheap and easy to get and, like, comfortable man. There will be some ceremonies, but man, what a rush. It’ll be the real Age of Aquarius and we’ll end war, war no more, only peace and enlightenment just like the Beatles got over that way. Dude, it’s the right thing to do…
I may burn if too many of them take the above seriously, but also figure it may count the other way as it would also be clorox in the gene pool, and a net gain for the world…
I know a girl (I use that term as a perjorative – she was a clueless twenty-something) on a government contract who proposed a deal for Marines she called “Guns and Roses” – she thought Marines should go into towns and villages in Iraq with roses because they make people happy (she made a gesture to with her fingers on her face to show smiles)and tell people we want to be friends and will only shoot if we have to do so. She was sure that the Marines would not get shot before they got all this crap out because everybody loves roses. The Col. she proposed this to told her to go back and send some adults. She was immediately reassigned to a job counting paperclips until they could get rid of her.
PLEASE! Send these dippies over to Afghanistan, et al. Let them find peace and truth. As well as poverty, drugs, starvation, and ignorance.
Then let them find the Taliban. Or let the Taliban find them. Either way, makes no difference.
Next, let our troops find the remains of their bodies.
And let their relatives back home find peace in the condolances letters.
Idiots all.
Concur with all the above. Please let them get their little doped-up, peace-proclaiming aura-enhanced selves over to A-stan, stat. The Taliban could use a whole shit-load of slaves to help them harvest the poppy crop. 🙂
Oh, and make sure that all the wombyn are wearin’ tank tops and Daisy Duke shorts. The Taliban will never ever go back to goats and little boys once they see that 🙂
Kumbaya, m’Lord, kumbaya.
These are the people that have no footing in reality (Utopian 101) and believe that if we just give hugs and flowers, we can be at peace. Do they actually think that a bunch of cow pokers will go along with that? I say let ’em go and then the families can get the government to investigate why they were all beheaded, or better yet, get the government to waste resources trying to get them realeased after the tapes of a bunch of crying, wimpering dolts comes out asking for help.