Drunken sot’s town hall turns into shouting match
Jim Moran, carpetbagging Congressional drunken sot, presided over a raucous townhall last night with Howard “The Scream” Dean. I wish I’d gone – it would have been a dream come true. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against drunken sots, having spent some time as one myself. But, Moran has made a career of it. Link from the Examiner;
Inside, the scene was just as raucous. Moran — fuming that his introduction of Dean was met with jeers — finally lost his temper with the crowd.
“There are hundreds of people in this gymnasium who can’t hear [Dean] because of a handful of people,” Moran said. “These folks are not from the 8th District, they don’t really belong here, and I’m going to ask them to leave.”
I don’t know where he thought the loud crowd came from, but from the videos I’ve seen, most of the people identified themselves as his constituents. I guess it’s just easier to ignore the fact that he’s unpopular in his district.
Here’s a video from our local news Fox 5;
Sweet. Moran gets to see what his own behavior looks like to others. Is anyone going to ask where the health care supporters are getting those slick signs they hold up when their opponents, who are supposedly backed by the insurance lobby have hand-lettered signs?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Health Care debate, Liberals suck
If she can buy insurance for her cat she can buy insurance for herself. HELL YEAH!
I live in Michigan and lost my job over a year ago. I began working at the local utility company as a contractor and had no beni’s so I purchased a plan for a family of 4 for $279/month. This really only covers hospitalization, I have to pay for office visits out of pocket which I can do, what I can’t pay for is a heart attack or cancer and this policy covers the big stuff. That’s less than a car payment. But hey, when some people have to choose between a used car and insurance, my more used car will just get more used….at least it’s payed for.
I’m curious, you say he’s unpopular in his district, but he wins every year in a landslide.
Voting against him is such a waste of time that I write in Meryl Yourish. I normally don’t make statement votes.
That seems pretty popular to me.
He’s stating that he is *currently* unpopular in his district not historically–something that can be said for a lot of congressmen of late.
I got the invitation but had to work…
My area of Reston populated with the old hippies – 99%, I am actually surprised to see people who are not enamored with this scheme…