Hillary’s explanation; “So what?”

| March 26, 2008

We’ve all heard about Hillary getting caught in her latest lie about dodging sniper, artillery and tank fire (OK, I exaggerate) at Tuzla Airport – Fox News Channel ran the video of her response this morning (if I can find a video, I’ll post it). She said, and I quote, “So what? I made a mistake. I’m human.”

I could probably debate that “I’m human” part of the phrase with her, too, but that would be too easy.

But, “So what?” I’ve been shot at a few times in my life and I can remember every time – very vividly. It’s not something she can shrug off as a matter of misremembering. She’s been telling these lies as far back as I can remember. Like the time she said she tried to volunteer for the Marines in 1968 but they rejected her for being a girl. She lied about her husband’s indiscretions by blaming the “vast right wing conspiracy”.

While we’re on the subject, Obama lied that he’d never heard any of Jeremiah Wright’s anti-white blather, too. Yet these are the choices Democrats give America from their party.

Can anyone name an actual lie told by President Bush (not one of those manufactured bumper sticker lies – a real one, please)?

My cousin, Scott, reminds me that Dick Morris has made a living from keeping track of Hillary’s lies;

She said that Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11 and happened to duck into a coffee shop when the airplanes hit. She said that this move saved Chelsea’s life. But Chelsea told Talk magazine that she was in a friend’s apartment four miles from ground zero when the first plane hit. Her friend called her, waking her up, and told her to turn on the TV. On television, she saw the second plane hit, disproving Hillary’s claim that “she heard the plane hit. She heard it. She did.”

So why did Hillary make up the story about Chelsea? Most likely to was because her co-senator (and implicit rival for the voter’s affection), a real New Yorker Chuck Schumer spoke of his daughter, who attended Stuyvesant High School located next to the Trade Center, being at real risk on 9/11. Hillary needed to make herself part of the scene.

Morris has a fairly comprehensive list at his website, for people trying to keep track;

• She didn’t know about the FALN pardons.
• She didn’t know that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that Clinton granted.
• Taking the White House gifts was a clerical error.
• She didn’t know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so.
• She didn’t know that the Peter Paul fundraiser in Hollywood in 2000 cost $700,000 more than she reported it had.
• She opposed NAFTA at the time.
• She was instrumental in the Irish peace process.
• She urged Bill to intervene in Rwanda.
• She played a role in the ’90s economic recovery.
• The billing records showed up on their own.
• She thought Bill was innocent when the Monica scandal broke.
• She was always a Yankees fan.
• She had nothing to do with the New Square Hasidic pardons (after they voted for her 1,400-12 and she attended a meeting at the White House about the pardons).
• She negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia (who were released the day before she got there).

Why would the smartest woman in the world need to lie about nearly every aspect of her life? And why does she think that we have the memories of gnats?

So what?

UPDATED: Taranto’s Best of the Web has evidence that Clinton has joined the vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

Category: Politics

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awww com’n John. You know she was taking sniper fire. She was just using that little girl for cover 🙂

Jonn wrote: Gramps, she’s using us all for cover.

Thus Spake Ortner

Named after Sir Edmund Hillary..


She lies to protect herself.
She cannot help herself.
Lying is the only way she could cope with years of Bill’s abuses, philandering, and other malfeasance.
Lying is the only way she could cope with her own misdealings.
Self-justification is a powerful ally, and it requires lying to ourselves and others.
So you see, her lying all the time is really just another example of how she is really a victim!

She should NEVER go on the game show “Moment of Truth.”


I just wish the damn canibal democrats (cani-crats?) would pick their loser already so I can get a break from their nonsense for a couple months before general election time.
JEEZ. For the record I think obama is a less dangerous America hating liar than algore, I mean Hilary.
Thank God McCain is going to beat him/her/them.

Jonn wrote: I’d prefer they battle right through the convention. Remember the tigers in the Little Black Sambo fable – they chased each other around the tree where Sambo climbed for protection until they turned to butter.