DU and vets with guns

| August 25, 2009


There’s a candidate for Congress out there named Jesse Kelly who is getting some minor press at World Net Daily and who gives the clowns at Democratic Underground the willies.

Now, a U.S. Marine who helped lead the initial charge into Iraq to oust Saddam Hussein is taking that approach literally by brandishing his M-16 assault rifle in some eye-catching campaign fundraising ads.

“I’m taking full credit for that,” says 28-year-old Jesse Kelly of Tucson, Ariz., a Republican seeking to boot Democrat Gabrielle Giffords from the U.S. House of Representatives.

Regarding his “tough guy” theme, Kelly said, “People are sick of politicians from all parties. They’re lying to them. People want someone to fight for them in Washington and that’s the message I want to convey.”

After being honorably discharged in 2004 and taken off inactive reserve last year, Kelly now works in the private sector as a project manager for a construction company that handles commercial water and sewer projects.

Well, that’s more than the weinies at DU can stand. It takes them just a few posts to start calling names;

3. He is no longer active duty nor still in the reserves. He just like to play dress-up in his old soldier uniforms and pretend to be a tough guy. He’s a total fool.

I guess that the guy called Kerrytravellers forgets that his candidate in the 2004 election ran the homevideo of the gangly fella totin’ his rifle in full battle regalia around the jungles of Vietnam. And he forgets the awkward salute when Kerry “reported for duty”. But someone asks the question if Kerry didn’t use the vid in his campaign. The response;

21. I don’t remember specifically either.

I do remember his service record in Vietnam came up but I don’t recall if he brought it up as a part of his campaign or if he addressed it due to the swift boat challenges. I definately remember that he had several pictures and such of him duck hunting (shotguns, etc.) as a way to win the pro gun votes.

Can you imagine living through the Kerry campaign in 2004…or any other year…and not being able to recall if his veteran status was ever mentioned? I thought his real name was John Kerry Who Served In Vietnam because I never saw his name without the Vietnam reference for more than a year.

Someone posted the video and photographic proof. The ridiculous response;

30. Interesting I’ve never seen those. Was that part of his campaign?

He must’ve been in a cave in Tora Bora.

45. We should note that anyone can be a nut. Take McVeigh as an example…He was also a vet and was a nut. Now one should be careful not to criticize him in ways that could backfire with those of the public that do like nationalistic symbolism and view critiques done improperly as being “unAmerican”. But I think there’s a way to be careful and still critique guys like this to make sure everyone sees the holes in his logic, without just attacking his nationalistic symbolism.

“He was also a vet and a nut…” Aren’t we all?

41. That guy is talking like McVeigh

One rational member asks what the problem is with the campaign, the response;

20. Here’s an answer for you; If you think showing up with an M-16 in conservative advertising isn’t threatening, you are ignorant. Do you support threatening politicians with big guns?

Um, where’s the threat – unless you include the fact that he could beat a Democrat in an election.

But this has to be the money shot;

44. Now that I’m seeing this kind of stuff, I have to say that after 8 incredible years of Bush, I’m rather proud of Democrats for how they’ve handled themselves. I mean, that administration was so retched, and so hypocritical, I cannot believe how well we behaved. Talk about mature and intelligent.

And so now that the nightmare is over, these dingbats come out of the woodwork…for what? What on earth are they irate about? Health care? Responsible foreign policy? Concern for the environment? All I can do is just wonder what some humans are all about.

Yeah, I remember how well they behaved, too.

Thanks to Claymore for the link.

Category: Liberals suck, Politics, Support the troops

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W Cook

Makes me want to move to AZ just to vote for him.


They talk about hypocrites when they, themselves have been and are being hypocrites. Oh, the irony of it all!

As for the pussie that is threatened by a picture of a person with a weapon, well, they need to get their momma to change their diapers.

Fricken retards

I want to know the rest of his platform. I like the intro, but I want to know where he stands on the issues. Although I have a feeling that he and I would agree more than disagree.

Old Tanker

I’ve seen his ad on Drudge too.

I’ve gotta tell you though, we sure could learn more about good behavior from the folks at DU……..


I remember it like it was yesterday, man. Me and the rest of my boat crew were crusing up the Ding Dong River, scouting locations for duck blinds…as skipper, I assigned the crew to their stations. As the most violent of the crew, I had PO3 Leroy Jenkins on the twin-50’s up front…he hated Asians, so I figured he was the best stereotype…I mean best candidate, for the job. As we rounded one particular nasty bend, we got boxed in by a riverborne cat house. The rest of my crew liked to call it a ‘tuna boat’…I have no idea why. In any case, Jenkins cranked the bolts on the 50’s and yelled, “Let’s do this!” and started blasting away! I was appalled! I heard one of the men screaming, “More dots! More dots!!!” I gunned the throttles, plunging us headlong into a pack of whelps, when the tail of the ‘tuna boat’ swung around and wiped us completely out, taking out our entire raid. We all were looking at a -50 DKP each for that careless shit.

LT Jesse Kerry McStormwind
15th Riverine Raid Squadron Flotilla

AW1 Tim

Dude! the “Tuna Boats”! Fish tacos! Yummy!

heh.. my favorite kind of sushi… 🙂


This gentleman is touting his vet credentials, is he a nutjob, too??

Am against BOTH of their parties, but I feel they have the right to advertise their respective veterans status, it is relevant since we have servicemembers in harms way.


The tuna boats? LMAO.


Does he have a chance to win?

Frankly Opinionated

I have designs up for both Jesse Kelly and Danny Tarkanian,(who is stomping a mudhole in Harebrain Reid’s ass). And Yes, bman; he does have a chance, and every day from now til election, Obummer, Pelosi and Reid, “The Axis of Taxes” will make it easier for him to win. No matter that few of us live in those districts; all US Reprehensives and US Senators affect us with their acts. I believe in both these guys, and if ever their was a chance that the Republican party could get back to its roots, this has to be the golden hour.
nuf sed

Old Tanker

The Axis of Taxes…..I like it!!


I’m beginning to wonder how many people really know the meaning of the word brandish, especially when used int he context of firearms.


Whoever wrote those comments at the DU are either complete, morons, utter pansies, or partisan shills. Well whatever they are, I think they just lived up to their nickname, DUmmies.

On a lighter note, this Jesse Kelly guy seems pretty cool. Here’s to hoping that he wins.


I’m beginning to wonder how many people really know the meaning of the word brandish, especially when used int he context of firearms.

In the liberal lexicon, “brandish” means simply owning one.


Too bad I live in Phoeniix. I’ll have to spread the word about to my buddies down in T-Town


Guess they forget the rear admiral in PA who campaigned in his uniform this past yr.

B Woodman

Along with all the other rif-raff comments from the DUmmies that have enough holes in them (the comments, not the DUmmies) to be called Swiss cheese, here’s a highlight . . .

“Do you support threatening politicians with big guns?”

How do you read that?
1)Do you support a politician who is threatening you with a big gun that he’s holding?
2)Do you support threatening a politician by waving a big gun at him?



Well, Woodman, the bigger question that has been overlooked by these morons in diapers is this: What did they think about the club carrying New Black Panther Party members standing outside a Philly polling place during the last election? Was that ok? Actually it was a violation of standing federal law; whereas a picture of a combat Vet during his time in the zone is threatening?

Thes DUmmies have no logic, no common sense, and no brain power. They exist on emotion alone.

The Sniper

“I’m rather proud of Democrats for how they’ve handled themselves. I mean, that administration was so retched, and so hypocritical, I cannot believe how well we behaved.”?!?!?!?

Just what does it take to be poorly behaved? A dirty bomb in limo?!? WTF?!?

John of Argghhh!

Since when is a poodle-shooter like the M16 considered a Big Gun?

I’m guessing only by guys who ruin their girlfriend’s ability to do math and make accurate measurements by saying “Yes, honey, this is 8 inches…”

Just sayin’…

B Woodman

Old Troopper,
Well, THAT action was by the repressed and suppressed bros’ don’tchaknow. So it was perfectly legal & legit.

Yeah, when I read about that, I was pissed. Not so much because it happened, but because it didn’t happen where I live (a very quiet dull suburban neighborhood). I would have LOVED to have been the rable-rouser & pot-stirrer, & come along with one (or two) of my own guns to intimidate THEM.


“But I think there’s a way to be careful and still critique guys like this to make sure everyone sees the holes in his logic, without just attacking his nationalistic symbolism.”

First, they’ll all need classes in detecting the *presence* of logic.

And John, you’re operating on the rash assumption that they have girlfriends…