West Point cadets role play preferred pronoun scenario

| March 24, 2023

A couple of Republican representatives queried West Point about a topic covered during training reserved for the prevention of sexual assault. Cadets ran through a scenario that involved one cadet not accepting a preferred pronoun. Those conducting this training see it as a way to improve bystander intervention skills.

From Fox News:

The facilitator of the group is instructed to read the scenario:

“It’s dinner at Grant, and the four cadets are sitting at a table. CDT Baker gets a phone call from a friend and takes the call. CDT Baker messes up the way he refers to his friend on the phone and it becomes apparent that the friend is identifying as gender neutral. CDT Adams and CDT Cruz start joking about it. CDT Acevedo squashes the joking and/or tries to educate them.”

Specifically in the scene, Cadet Baker “must be on the phone and struggle with getting the pronouns right for the friend on the phone” and the “other characters crack jokes and start talking about the concept of pronouns.”

The role-play comes to an end when either the “arguing gets heated and clearly nobody is going to change their mind;” one “of the Cadets storms off because they can’t handle the interaction;” or the “Cadets agree to change the subject, respect Baker’s opinion, and let it go.”

Other role-play scenarios include “Friends in High Places” when dealing with someone receiving preferential treatment; “Dirty Money” when dealing with “sextortion” and helping a friend seek legal help; and “A Stinky Situation” for confronting “a peer about poor hygiene.”

Fox News has additional information, and role-playing scenarios, at this link.

Category: Army, Military issues

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I thought that West Point was supposed to teach you to kill the enemy and break their toys?

I thought that was the point for all military training- now these ass clowns are gonna be neutered leaders…


That’s “racist” now, our only enemies are Global Warming and hurt feelings– pay no attention to the Russians and Chicoms laughing at us.

Prior Service

You are correct. They ARE supposed to. Just failing.

Green Thumb

All while the Army goes to shit.


It won’t be “social justice” until we exceed Task Force Smith in bloodbath f*ck-up when sh*t hits the fan, of course. (Left/libtards want a big bodycount to blame on Trump.)

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

The role-play comes to an end when either the “arguing gets heated and clearly nobody is going to change their mind;” one “of the Cadets storms off because they can’t handle the interaction;” or the “Cadets agree to change the subject…..”

Ok, HOW? EXACTLY, is this different than what they have been teaching at The Academy for the last 40 years? Because this sounds exactly like every Academy grad I dealt with for the 24 years I was in.

Oh yeah, and this too.

Other role-play scenarios include “Friends in High Places” when dealing with someone receiving preferential treatment; “Dirty Money” when dealing with “sextortion” and helping a friend seek legal help; and “A Stinky Situation” for confronting “a peer about poor hygiene.”

They did leave out the DUI that the ring knocker LT was going to get out of though. Strange that.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC
Hack Stone

Back in the day when Hack Stone was a lot younger, faster and skinnier, that is to say still on Active Duty, we had a more than a few Marines who were “hygienically challenged”. If Hack recalls correctly, the fix action on that is a work detail of several motivated Marines with Pine Sol and scrub brushes to provide the individual some hands on training.

Now, on a somewhat related topic, Hack Stone was under the impression that cadets at US Military Academies were the “best and brightest” that America had to offer. And yet it seems that we have a problem with them cleaning their stank asses?


When I was an EM I had a PL, academy grad, who seemed allergic to water. I actually got to listen to the CO ream him out one night while we were TDY somewheres because he had three days of beard in garrison. We were quietly cheering him on.

Hack Stone

Cheering on the Platoon Leader or Commanding Officer?


The PL was kind of sitting there taking it. He did go straight to take a shower and shave afterwards though, so there was that cause for celebration.


Protecting someone’s feelings is now more important than telling them to wash their ass.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

Well, the late, great Red Foxx had a solution for that most awkward of conversations:


Back when comedy was comedy. There’d have been no Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy without this man here. 🤣


Best and brightest are steering clear of the military today. It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see this mess isn’t worth getting tied to. And by the way they really don’t want the best and brightest anyway.


That is exactly what we did to a recruit who would shower. Several stiff bristle brushes and some pinesol and soap. But that was 1984.

Hack Stone

Waiting on the role playing where they have to deal with an alcoholic homosexual cannibalistic serial killer (Jeffrey Dahmer) who’s roommates are not accepting of his lifestyle.


Well they can just eat a bag of dicks… Wait a second…

RGR 4-78

So, will the Naval Academy have the “Fat Leonard” roll playing scenario?

Who gets to play the parts of the Hookers for Hire? 🤔 


The primary fault in the scenario is that CDT Baker has a friend who identifies as gender neutral.
CDT Baker needs better friends.

Hack Stone

Wondering what ringtone Cadet Baker uses for his transgender friend? Maybe “Man, I Feel Like A Woman”?


You only have one pronoun at West Point. CADET. It’s perfectly gender neutral.


Sure glad that the Hudson School for wayward children has its priorities in order. Proper pronouns will indeed be a deadly weapon to bring to bear against our enemies.

Hack Stone

All of the billions of dollars that Joe Biden is handing to Ukraine with no accountability, how much of that is going towards Diversity Equity and Inclusion and to fighting climate change? If those are the priorities that the US Military has in order to ensure success in battle, why are we not mandating that the recipients of our tax dollars follow suit?


Ah, “gender neutral” pronouns:
comment image


Yet another reason why smart, normal kids are choosing better options. Are these academies even considered prestigious anymore? Seems like a lot of bullshit to deal with for a degree from a school no one wants to go to anymore. And then spend years being forced to deal with idiots that very well may get you killed. Without a sea change in the political direction of our once great country, we are going to be about as relevant as France.


Roll playing for us in boot camp was pretending we were race car drivers pushing our foot lockers around the squad bay.


Steam Engines. Never had to do the “Deploy to Vietnam” role play but it was still around and sounded very unfun.

Last edited 1 year ago by 5JC
Hack Stone

Still remember the Recruit who had to run around the squadbay twirling an illuminated flashlight over his brain housing group while making siren noises because he told Sergeant Jones that he had to make an “emergency headcalll.

Prior Service

Is no one mentioning the other elephant here? Seriously, what are the odds you grab four cadets at West Point and come up with Cruz and Acevedo? Guarantee if there’s a picture, the mix includes at least three genders and four ethnicities. Now I’m going to have to go research my unsubstantiated assumption (informed by 33 years in service).

Skivvy Stacker

“CDT Baker messes up the way he refers to his friend on the phone and it becomes apparent that the friend is identifying as gender neutral…question; how soon, and with what weapon does CDT Baker kill his friend so he doesn’t have to deal with this shit anymore?”