Getting tanks to Ukraine as quickly as possible
The U.S. Army is working on ways to get tanks to Ukraine as soon as possible. Options include building new tanks or pulling tanks from storage. In addition to sending the tank, they must also send the entire system that supports the tank; ammunition, fuel, material needed for maintenance, etc. The US also has to meet the needs of its allies who are also awaiting tank deliveries.
From Defense News:
The Pentagon announced early this year it would send General Dynamics Land Systems-made Abrams tanks to Ukraine. Since then, Defense Department officials have said they were weighing a variety of options, including building new tanks or drawing existing older tanks from U.S. inventory.
But speaking at a webcast hosted by Defense News, Doug Bush said Wednesday the Army already has a plan. “We’re executing it,” he said. “We just can’t talk about the details.”
Late last month, Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said the Army would not be able to get tanks to Ukraine for at least months and quite possibly not before the end of this year.
“There are longer timelines involved, but I think there are options that are less than two years, less than a year-and-a-half,” she said.
Sending tanks to Ukraine is not a simple process, Bush said.
“It’s not just sending a tank,” he said. “A tank by itself is not a military capability, you have to send the whole package. That includes ammunition, vehicles to maintain it, fuel, you have to do the training on the system so that it can be sustained in combat.”
Defense News has additional information.
I have an idea…. let them fking BUY them from us with the $100BILLION we just GAVE them…??? What did they do with THAT money…?? Sandbags and boolits?
Or, do any allies (or National Guard) still have M60s….Saudi? Maybe someone CLOSER so we don’t have to SHIP them?
Beggars can’t be choosers.
You would have to ask all those people Zelensky fired last month for stealing money. They said it was technical errors and a big mix up and not lining their own pockets and going on luxury vacations while Ukraine burns.
He should have gone full Soviet and had those people shot. That would curb the stealing a bit.
Most Ukraine’s are smart enough to run away before getting caught, like those traitorous generals that let the Russians in early in the war. Zelensky can’t get them extradited because he has already said he will execute them.
Putin bought off the right people before the war started, they were just so incompetent they couldn’t even lay down properly.
Who do you think is bankrolling Zelensky’s retirement? He’s getting his own 10%. It’s Eastern Europe, you don’t change centuries of business processes over a little thing like a war. Really need to read some history books.
Zelinski was already rich in the low 9 figure range before the war even started. It wasn’t from stealing either because he just got elected. Most of the reasoning behind the invasion was because Putin couldn’t buy him off.
Ah, and the M60 tanks were thrown into the ocean, because it was good for the environment. Best not to question it.
Let them send their own RORO ships here to pick this shit up if they want it so bad… otherwise what are we gonna do next, turbo activate a dozen sealift ships for a war we shouldn’t even be involved in in the first place? That’ll get us in it right quick… big floating targets.
I like the idea of sending tanks to our actual allies who then send their old Soviet shit to the Ukraine. We are certainly sending the wrong message that Uncle Sugar is just going to send you free shit when you need it, so don’t waste money buying it
AMEN to that!!
Now, that, would make sense… but let’s send Ukraine brand new M1A2s they don’t know how to use/fix with no ammo, JP8 or spare parts.
The longer this goes on, the more I’m convinced that the Biden family has been knee deep in some very lucrative shady deals with the Government of Ukraine and this is all for political profit.
The same people that screamed Trump would get us into endless wars are doing nothing but pushing as hard as they can to kick off WW3.
Just remember, 10% for the big guy.
I know, China has been making explicit threats lately about Taiwan after diaper load kept saying (illegally) that he would defend it, then walked back by the.ditzy press secretaries. Then Cuckoo, Fran and Ollie all had to visit. May you live in interesting times…..
I hope we’re doing everything we can to get Taiwan defensively prepared. The Commies have been readying themselves to cross the water and start expanding for a long time.

We have been supplying tanks and all the support with it half way around the world continuously for two decades. I think we got this.
Fraud, waste and abuse go on no matter who is getting our support.
The answer to those problems can never be letting Putin take over Ukraine.
I think Putin may be looking for an out. This has not been a great experience for the Russian military to say the least.
Concerted and real diplomatic engagements could produce an end to this if they actually tried. But there are certain things that are just not going to fly at this point.
They’re definitely not giving up Crimea in any way because of Svestpol. They’re going to insist that the ethnic Russian regions in the East have some form of either autonomy from the Ukrainian government, and/or election to decide whether to leave Ukraine, or they’ll just outright insist on them being a part of Russia.
You’re basically looking at the areas of current land that the Russian military occupying (that eastern strip that runs along Donetsk to the Dnieper and Crimea) falling off. At this point after all of the bloodshed, I don’t think the Russian government would be willing to accept anything less than that.
Anything less than that would probably result in Putin’s removal, but you will not get a Nalveny. Your going to get someone more in line with a Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Zyuganov, or some other worse monster in the Duma.
Or we could just keep up with the same insanity as it is and what? Continue to fight to Moscow? We use to have a healthy fear of nuclear war that seems to have dissipated over the past 30 years.
I don’t think any of this had to happen. There has been way too much blundering between the Obama and Biden Administration in this region over the past 15 years that has set this course in place.
Trump blundered a little bit as well, there were better ways of handling cutting off the corruption than what he did trying to go straight for the Bidens. That was part of his disadvantage as far as not knowing how politics really works.
Oh yeah. I’m including the McCain’s, Kerry’s, and everyone else in between that whole timeline.
However, I do think none of this would have happened if happened under a second Trump administration. The first Trump term was the only time period in all of this where there wasn’t any open conflict between them.
There is a solid argument for that The build up for the invasion began as soon as Biden was inaugurated.
When I needed a tank I just went to the motor pool and signed for it. What is the big deal?
Just give them all the Marine Corps’ tanks…
The murderous coroners rooting through the pockets of a once great
Republicmachinated-empire.Once our weaponized ‘monetary’ tokens receive the admonishment they/we deserve, pray these silly wars will end.
The Good Book, gold, guns, and a get away plan.
“ The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.”
I recall seeing an article years ago about inflatable armor
decoys that could be deployed in a matter of hours.
Supposedly would fool detection by satellite.
There was video of a guy flipping a tank over with one hand.
Send a bunch of them over there. Hell, fill them with Helium
and fly them over the battlefield.
The Italians make a good copy of a HIMARS. Allegedly they have caught dozens of missiles from the Russians.
The Ukrainians are already all over that plan. They have fake Himars and more than likely quite a few other pieces of fake gear.
(In his best Oprah voice) “You get a tank…you get a tank…EVERYBODY gets a tank!” I want one too…would go a loooong way to shoring up that North Wall here @ Firebase Magnolia.
Again, my sympathies are with the innocents that are caught up in this madness. Really glad I could help, in a small way, to get one of own’s people the hell out of there.
Speaking of tanks and Ukraine, for all you DATs and CDATs out there;
Worth a good chuckle
Ukrainians need diesel tanks they can maintain and know how to use. (Plus, there’s a Service Life Extension Program available that can upgrade the M60A3 to 120mm guns and other modern stuff, too.)
Russia is weaker, the US sells more stuff, our industry has to crank out some more tanks, Europ starts to think that the US is a more stable place to build factories because our energy supply is stable.
Yup, spending pennies on the dollar to weaken Russia is foolish.