Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok
She’s a ball of fun at parties, I bet
White people denying that they’re racist is literal violence because all white people are racist pic.twitter.com/eyP8RTjVme
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 21, 2023
The Ballad of Tay Tay continues
Taylor Lorenz vs Taylor Lorenz pic.twitter.com/JDFPPWdwxm
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 23, 2023
We’re making a generation of very confused people
A survey at a middle school in California. Why would they be asking this to 12-year-olds? pic.twitter.com/34yRttapUR
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 23, 2023
Chaya’s a children’s book author
.@libsoftiktok creator Chaya Raichik is publishing a children’s book that tells kids “if there is a trusted adult or an authority who’s telling you to keep secrets from your parents…then that is a big red flag” https://t.co/b24xExV8On via @nypost
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) February 25, 2023
Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok
Ah, generational fads:

To all these Super Liberal parents encouraging/converting their kids to Trans will be hating it in 20 years when all their Republican/Independent peers are enjoying grandchildren. Yup, all that cringy clout you sought you in 2020’s will be led to empty feeling in the 2040’s,
They’ll probably still have the same kids at 30+ living with them because they effed up their lives and feel guilty. At least you enjoy the clout today…suckers
Then miserable, lonely 60 somethings will commit suicide. The ones who served in Iraq or A-stan will have their deaths attributed to their military service by the media, when that had nothing to do with it.
Or the “I can’t believe my parents cut my dick and or titties off”. That is the really sad one. Don’t imagine there is enough counseling in the world to cover that. When the parents get put into a crooked nursing home, hope they realize where that came from.
Bell bottoms, heh.
Back then I wore pants that flared at the bottom; now I wear pants that flare at the top.
What an Airhead…🙄🫣😳
Turn On The Sound!
Hmm, looks like it’s gone..
Hmmm… We still can see and hear it.
Please try this link, Fyrfighter:
Fake Eyebrows, Fake Eyelashes, Fake Fingernails, Fake Breasts…Valley Girl Talk…
Probably paid for by her Mommy and Daddy….🤭😉
My granddaughter would embarrass the stupid out of this one..
I hope somebody does;she obviously needs a little help in that regard.
She is so much of an example of vacant cranial space. “Oh like I am such an airhead, filled with empty words and lack of context, only happy when I am being cared for.”
In the 90’s we called them “blondes”
As Baby Boomers, we remember those “Dumb Blonde Jokes”…😉
We also remember the Helen Keller jokes…😎
However…How many of us are aware that Helen Keller embraced Socialism?
You Be The Judge…
“The Socialist Legacy Of Helen Keller”
“But in truth, Helen Keller was extraordinary, and not for the reasons conservative commentators and historians would have you believe — she was a rebel who advocated overthrowing the capitalist system and replacing it with socialism.”
“In 1908, four years after graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Radcliffe College, Keller joined the American Socialist Party.”
“Her love of philosophy and sociology led her to the works of Karl Marx…”
Her most revealing conclusion was that the industrial machine known as capitalism is responsible for poverty, giving the poor limited access to medicine, food, housing and education…
At least she had an excuse for her delusions, being almost totally isolated from the real world.
She way over-estimated her rapidly decreasing social value, beez about 5 years away from crying into her wine/ice cream float and bitching to her cat(s) how ‘there are no good men in this world’.
I have no pity for creatures such as these.
Self-punishment by being an idiot.
That woman has done more to invalidate dumb blonde jokes than all the feminists in the US.
Blatantly stolen from the Tom Fitton comments.
I really enjoy all the not-violent things they keep calling violence.
When BolsheviksLoudlyMarching occupied my Main Street for an afternoon some huwitte savior noodle-armed, mask-wearing fuck locked eyes with me, turned his dumb fucking sign in my direction, pointed to it like he had just grown a set of balls and was freshly emboldened by the power of manliness.
that sign read thusly: White Silence = violence.
Yeah, that actually happened! I grinned ear-to-ear with the thought of parking that sign in his colon.
This seemed to anger him even more. The horror…
As someone with a doctorate degree in violence I find it HIGHLY offensive they label ambivalence and inaction as such.
Dog, please see my comment regarding my children of different races. I have these dumb asses pull the same type of crap with me. When I explain my situation and ask for theirs, I get a blank look and usually some stupid remark of how my situation doesn’t matter and they are still morally superior and I am still a white supremacist. That is where my wife steps in to remove me and my CC protection from the situation. However, she usually lays down some choice and very un-Christian opinions of them and their actions as we depart. I did have to do the same for her in 2004 when walking into a Chili’s in Clarksville TN when a 20-something liberal girl asked me how many Iraqi civilians I had murdered! Almost 28 years and counting. She is my soulmate!
That survey:
18 sec in.
Ohhh, is that book available now?
I’d buy several copies to place in my local schools and public libraries.
As for “all white people are racist”, she looks like she has a punchable face and throat.
And if it’s white-on-white, is that racisss?
That is the thing. What Auntie Sophia has proven is what black people have been saying all along about Uncle Tom’s.
I almost expected to see a bong sitting next to or behind her at first, but later on her pupils didn’t agree. It had to be some other intoxicant! Or,,, she is just stupid!!
So, for the first contestant,,, I’m white! Always have been, don’t just identify as white! I have raised 3 Mexican children, 1 boy and 2 girls. I have also raised 2 black children. Both boys. They are all my children and will beat the ever loving $h17, from anyone that says otherwise. I love them dearly! I DO NOT consider myself racist. I also come from the US Army of a time when “everyone was green”! It should have stayed that way! The IS Military had diversity figured out and fixed until the woke crowd had to fix it until they broke it! She can kiss my a$$
“US” military *
Sorry, she hit a nerve!