Walter Reed Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course grads

| March 22, 2008


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I’m just unashamedly copying the post from Thus Spake Ortner at The Sniper;

OK, in order to go from SGT (E5) to Staff Sergeant (E6), a soldier must attend and pass the Basic Non-commissioned officers course. For the first time ever, this is being offered to wounded troops currently at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. See pic above.

Anyway, they graduate on Friday, and the Senior Group Leader (Teacher) wants to get these soldiers the credit and media they deserve by getting some people at the graduation, and getting some positive stories out in the media about it. Hopefully we can do both.

I know some will be there, like me, and Anon (Hey James, quit goosing Nicki). BNG is hoping to make it. We’ve also had good support from the Usual suspects, Gathering of Eagles, the Freepers etc. Blogs have chimed in and will do posts on these guys and gals. So, things are on track right now.

Alas, I still do not have specifics, but hope to have them early next week. But, whoever can make it, awesome. My PLDC graduation was around noon, assuming this BNCOC graduation will be around same time frame. Stay tuned for more info as soon as I get it.

This is a great idea – whoever thought it up should be commended. Why should an NCO fall behind their peers while they’re in a lengthy out-patient situation. I’ve always been a strong proponent of the NCODP – and this proves the Army’s commitment to  the professional development of their careerists. And a big “Hoo-ah” to the graduates.

If you’re in the area, and you can get some time – please show up. I’ll warn everyone ahead of time that parking at WRAMC sucks. Car pool to Walter Reed (at least most of you can get to the ceremony while one drives around looking for parking) or take the Metro to Takoma station on the Red Line if you can.

Category: Support the troops, Walter Reed

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That’s right Jonn, I knew the minute I met you in Silver Spring during the lunch break, that you had no shame. 😉
You’ll just copy and post anything, won’t you?
Esecially if its worthwhile and important and reeks of honor and comittment and dedication to the country.
Thank God we have people like you. I will ever strive to be as shameless, and in keeping with that promise, I stole your Berserkers post and put it on my site. hehehehe….


Oh BTW, its at 0800, and parking is a bi**h, so if you get there early, there’s plenty of parking on Georgia Ave and the little lot across the street the Freepers use on Friday night.