Obama death threats up…or not

| August 15, 2009

Drudge links to this ABC story under this headline;


Of course the article has the fingerprints of Mark Potok from Southern Poverty Law Center all over it;

“I don’t think these are simply people who are mentally ill or off their rocker,” Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, told ABC News of those behind the threats. “In a very real sense they represent a genuine reaction, a genuine backlash against Obama.”

Heh- SPLC’s Intelligence Project. It obviously needs more funding because I can’t find any intelligence at SPLC – especially in the project’s director.

ABC takes up Potok’s scare mongering tone by recounting the swastika painted on the sign outside of Congressman David Scott’s office – without mentioning that Scott taunted his constituency and that the perpetrator hasn’t been found yet – so who can responsibly discuss the motivations yet given the large number of fake noose scares and swastika spraypaintings in recent years?

Oh, and Rush Limbaugh said that the Obama White House logo for the healthcare plan looks like a Nazi symbol. I don’t see it, except for wings over a circle. Sounds like blather to me;



But I remember that the Left said Homeland Security sounded like a Nazi or a USSR nomenclature.

Anyway, race-baiting, fear-monger Potok says we’re all racists;

“I think the president has, in effect, triggered fears amongst fairly large numbers of white people in this country that they are somehow losing their country, that the battle is lost,” Potok told ABC News. “The nation that their Christian white forefathers created has somehow been taken from them.”

Yup, that has to be it. The thing is the article has buried among the ads, on the second html page says the White House hasn’t noticed any increase in death threats, but they put that paragraph next to a photo of the jackass who took his handgun to a protest against the President;


So we should be worried about death threats on the President because Potok is the only guy in the whole country who thinks “right wing hate” is on the rise.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Health Care debate

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I guess someone forgot to tell that assclown Potok that even the Secret Service admits the number of threats has not risen over the past year. Then again, threats against the president are okay as long as he’s conservative, right Mark?

What an effin clown.


It’s pure effing poppycock. Looking at him and hearing him talk just makes me need an anti-emetic, for God’s sake!!

AW1 Tim

Tell the biggest lie you can. Keep repeating it, over and over. Eventually people will begin to believe it. The truth, to the lest, doesn’t matter. The truth, to the left, is what THEY WISH it to be. Facts are unimportant, especially when they deviate from the party line.

The SPLC is just another leftist parasite on the good people of this great nation.


“SPLC’s Intelligence Project”. Now that’s the textbook definition of oxymoron. Where were these morons for the last 8 years? Potok senses a “genuine backlash” here? Well, if he means people who are concerned that things are being foisted off on the people that can’t be paid for, it might be. Mostly, it’s people who don’t want to pay the way for those who don’t want to work for what they want.
So, go out, tell the lies, over and over, as Tim said, maybe you’ll convince someone.


[…] favorite mil-blog, this ain’t hell, has some good stuff on ‘the obama death threats’ – go check it […]

Bill R.

Fuck him. He doesn’t know me, how I’ve lived my life, or any friends of mine. The mere fact that a president is black doesn’t trump my right to call him an empty suit or any other fitting name I choose. Even if I were a racist, which I’m not, it has nothing to do with the revulsion I have for his policies.


But of course we’re all racists-otherwise, the SPLC would no longer have a reason to exist….

Frankly Opinionated

Got to comment on the headline, then back to read the post. Kill Obama? Is he nucking futz? Look where that leaves us- Biden, backed by Dominitrix Pelosi, in charge of vice, or something. As bad as he is, we must let him breathe so that we can run him out! Fer Chrissakes folk’s don’t make him a saint! Just get up the tar and feathers, (a non-racist method of message delivery in the old days), and send him on his way.
Nuf Sed

Laughing Wolf

Others have pointed it out, but when your gravy train requires finding racism, prejudice, and danger it has a way of causing you to find it under every rock and bush… Speaking for myself, what I see coming from the SPLC is just a bunch of pseudointellectual mental masturbation.


“pseudointellectual mental masturbation”. Perfect, LW, just perfect.