Carl Webb wins another one

| August 12, 2009

One of the resolutions that were up for a vote this last weekend at the IVAW convention was a resolution to declare that IVAW was a peaceful organization that didn’t advocate killing and sabotage of US forces deployed overseas. It read like this;

Resolution proposing that IVAW only use, supports or endorses, non-violent and peaceful actions

Whereas there is no official statement regarding Iraq Veterans Against the War’s stand on methodology for achieving our goals; namely, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, ensuring all returning veterans have adequate health care, and repairing the damage done in Iraq and Afghanistan by the occupations;

Whereas calls for violence and sabotage are both illegal and immoral, and will only serve to do great damage to Iraq Veterans Against the War’s efforts to end the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan;

Whereas any endorsement, passive or active, of violence would lead to IVAW being banned from active duty bases, Reserve centers and National Guard armories; being declared an extremist organization and thereby making it illegal for a member of the military to become a member of IVAW;

Whereas, the Board of Directors has stated that it is the position of IVAW that only non-violent, peaceful methods are to be used to accomplish our goals;

Therefore be it hereby resolved that Iraq Veterans Against the War only uses, supports or endorses, non-violent and peaceful actions in seeking to accomplish its goals of ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; providing proper medical care to all returning veterans and repairing the damage done by the occupations.

Additionally be it resolved that any member found promoting violence in pursuit of the goals of this organization, will be subject to immediate discipline, including the termination of his or her membership, in accordance with the procedures outlined in the policies governing termination of memberships.”

It was written specifically to deal with the Carl Webb question. For those of you who may not know, Carl Webb advocates for sabotage and the killing of US troops among IVAW members who are deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Mostly, he’s a 43-year-old pervert who preys on youngsters, bums their money, bums rides and generally sucks canal water. Several members of IVAW left the organization specifically because of Webb’s behavior – and the refusal of IVAW to remove him from their ranks.

Anyway, the resolution needed 40 votes to pass and it only got 39 votes – so Carl Webb is free to promote his vile and despicable advocacy for the injury and death of US troops. The majority of IVAW is content to have Webb among them – they’re content to support his violent strain of the movement. Did I mention that Webb isn’t even qualified to be in the IVAW?

Here’s Webb’s Google profile;


Sweet. Marxist revolutionary fixin’ your kids’ food at college. He’s claimed that he’s been enrolled in Austin Community College for about four years now. Tough-ass two year school, huh?

This one I thought was strange;


Why would a self-professed Marxist belong to a group called”Democracy for America”?

But, oh, well, there you have it – the Iraq Veterans Against the War once again put the “Against the War” part ahead of the “Iraq Veterans” part. Which would follow because not very many of them are Iraq Veterans anymore, either.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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The reason this commie belongs to DFA is because, as with many leftist/commie/socialist orgs, they stick benign names on them to make them seem harless and freedom loving, only their real intentions are the polar opposite. For example: People for the American Way? Which is a commie front group for commies that has been nosing around for decades.


That should read “harmless”, missed the m on that one; oops.


“Mostly, he’s a 43-year-old pervert who preys on youngsters, bums their money, bums rides and generally sucks canal water.”

Is Carl Marx Webb still looking for couch space?


9. Selena Coppa – 24

“Anyway, the resolution needed 40 votes to pass and it only got 39 votes – so Carl Webb is free to promote his vile and despicable advocacy for the injury and death of US troops.”

Your org. has no qualms about killing our comrades!


They couldn’t pass a resolution binding them to non-violent actions… Has anyone sent this info to FBI and DHS yet?


9. Selena Coppa – 24

Ummm…. What CRaissi ‘sed in #5!!!!


Well, they do fall into the “Vet” designation, so DHS might look into it, CR, but who knows. SPLC is their go to org for research info and if they don’t consider them a threat, then DHS won’t blink.


This is to AS: If you weren’t on a “watch list” before, if you stay with this group, you soon will be. Is that what you want out of your group? I think it’s time for you to join a real VSO and leave the peace movement groups (that only advocate violence against our Vets and troops, but not terrorists), if you really want to help your fellow Vets. By staying with that rabble over there, you only display that you really aren’t as interested in helping Vets as you say.

This election proves that they have no interest in anything but the socialist/communist agenda. They are purely political.

Brown Neck Gaitor

Any truth to the rumor that the IVAW used the computers from the ousted Venezuela President’s residence?


BNG: That would be Honduran President.

Chavez doan need no stinking computers!!!!!


This post isn’t entirely true, in fact it’s dramatic oversimplification creates a false idea of what happened.

Also, you give Carl Webb a lot of credit, I’m beginning to think you two are just using each other for more attention. Saying he is the sole representative of IVAW is like saying you are the only representative of the USA.

You don’t represent me any more than Webb does. And your coverage of internal workings of IVAW is so myopic I’m beginning to wonder if you’re taking lessons from pithy news corporations. Anything to get a bite, eh?


So, Jeremy, would you care to give us the complex synopsis of what it means when there is a vote to be non-violent and to help Veterans, yet that vote fails? WTF? By not passing such a resolution, you are, in effect, saying, as a group, that you may not condone such violent activities, but you sure don’t condemn such activities, either. Plus, you really don’t give a rats ass about helping Veterans, since that was part of the resolution, also.

By your group not condemning such statements as the ones Webb has publicly made, you are, in effect, approving of such statements and actions.

Can you tell me what type of Veterans organization allows a member(s) to advocate for the sabotage/maiming/murder of military personnel; the ones that you profess to care about? And when the opportunity arises to do something about it, to re-assert your mission statement; you fail. Can you answer that?

You can’t, because you are not a peaceful group. You do not care about Veterans. You only exist to denigrate those that are still in uniform to your own twisted ends.


Hey, take it easy on Austin Community College! ACC is my alma mater until a real school picks me up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Carl moping around the hallways wearing a Che shirt though.


LOL. No, I will not give you the complete synopsis, you should’ve been at the convention old trooper. It’s not like I’m not concerned, but the difference is that I disagree with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and instead of bitching from the sidelines like you I’m still committed to the goals of IVAW and pushing a resolution. Your understanding of organizational culture appears to be quite limited.

We’re all Carl Webb now? That’s a great one Jonn, keep up the good work!

What you do here is basically argue against IVAW, but all of us are vets, so you don’t really matter in the big picture, and you’re no different than Carl Webb or anyone you attack Jonn. Your all about the blogosphere and attention, just like them, different politics, same character – same bottom line. Pushy, aggressive, zealots, and even though you all hate Carl for this, you’re both veterans of the US military.

If it wasn’t Carl it would be someone else.

Your synopsis of the situation is oversimplified, just like most arguments in this world. You are for occupying countries, for people suffering, for limited health care for vets, and for attacking other service members. That’s what you say when you take the time to focus on IVAW in this way, that you disagree not only with the goals, but the people, the veterans, promoting them.


“Organizational culture?” Give me a break. We aren’t talking about a large organization debating complex policy issues, like taxes, abortion, or the Second Amendment. We’re talking about a resolution committing an organization to non-violence and establishing the means to punish those within the organization who advocate violence.

If you think that is an oversimplification, then you’re simply contorting reality to fit your preconceptions. It is no more complex than an organization refusing to commit to non-violence. Fuck Carl Webb, he’s irrelevant to that point. The majority of the membership of IVAW refused to make that commitment, and that is all that matters.


Jonn Webb, yes it does…


CR: Exactly! However, it seems that logic is lost on Jeremy.


[…] Carl Webb highly recommends this book. Filed under: Wisdom of the Ages Comment (0) Article tags: The War […]

Another Disgruntled ex-IVAW "member"

Since “IV”AW has been granted their 501c3 status from the feds, don’t you think the IRS should know about this?

Maybe the Department of Defense should also learn of this since some of “IV”AW’s members are actually still serving in the military.

How about some of the “IV”AW’s friends in elected office such as Reps. Kucinich, Lee, Waters, Woosley, Jackson-Lee, etc…


#15 Jeremy

And you were in Iraq when?

JR Janaburg

Last post for Jeremy listed me as anonymous.

Luck in Battle

Carl Webb

Does this mean Selena is quitting?


Webb, you are a festering turd and I couldn’t care less what you have to say. Go back to washing dishes you worthless pile of shit.

Carl Webb

Where is TSO so I can kick his ass?