Still looking for a last minute XMas gift? We have you covered!

| December 15, 2022

After a lot of poking and prodding from some of y’all, I went and collected my Valor Friday articles into a book. Actually, I ended up with way more material than one book could contain. I’ve self-published three (so far). They’re available on Kindle as well as paperback and hardcover. I honestly can’t recommend the hardcover, so go with the paperback if you like the smell and feel of paper.

While we’re on the topic of books, our own Commissioner Wretched has also published some words. He’s written two science fiction novels and recently compiled fabulous useless trivia columns into the book Did You Know…? Find his works here.

If you’re looking for a gift, order today and they’ll arrive before Christmas!


Category: Book Review

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Also, Donald just released his $99 digital camel toe stupor hero trading card.

So the perfect gift for that brain dead MAGAt in your family.

And it pairs nicely with years of Mason’s propaganda.

Last edited 1 year ago by Commissar

You had been doing so well staying on topic and bringing reasoned points to valid arguments.

Good job shitting all over your accomplishment.

LARPn Lars.jpg

Winning hearts and minds, Lars? You’re doing it wrong.

Commissar Pooper's Narcissism

Throwback Thursday. This is me when I was younger.

Creep 01.jpg

I guess you’re still upset that your DSA heroes and Bernie et al, are frauds.

The whole thing is just embarrassing for the Democrats,” said Dan Caldwell, vice president for foreign policy for the conservative group Stand Together, backed by the Koch organization, and a senior adviser to Concerned Veterans for America. “Even though this started under Obama, they were able to claim moral high ground on this issue during Trump. They just surrendered it again, [By Sanders’ Bill withdraw]. The logical end of the Biden administration argument is that you need to starve Yemeni children to support Ukraine. (The Intercept)

We fucking warned your stupid ass!

edit: Changed quotes. There are just too many good ones in that article of the ‘peace’ party’s self-own. And fuck you assholes for making me agree (in theory) with Chris ‘Never had a real job’ Murphy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

That the villain Scorpio in Dirty Harry?


There’s that “Aw shit” that deletes all your “attaboy’s”. Isn’t Obamacare taking care of your medications anymore? At least you’re consistent. And still a fraud.

Bruno Stachel



You could have just ignored this post and not bought a book, but NNNOOOOOO you have to stir shit and turn it into an anti Trump post. Being educated does not always make you smart.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Educated beyond his intelligence

I think you mean indoctrinated instead of educated.


He has terminal, incurable TDS. He likely experiences those Orange Man Bad nightmares every time he closes his eyes. So, he can’t help himself.


Thanks for helping me make up my mind there spapos. I buy very little online and have only done one other purchase from the ‘Zon (ht2 CW). Prefer Hardback Books but decided to go with the paperbacks so I can buy more of them and pass them around. Believe I’ll just pull out that VISA Card and make some Merry Christmas buys. The VISA is a Platinum Card…you’re a Platinum Fraud. Why don’t you go somewhere else to phuque off and keep phuquing off til you can’t phuque off any further. Have a Merry Phuquing Christmas, phuque stick.

Commissioner Wretched

Hope you enjoy the books, King!


It’s a bitch knowing what a present with my name on it is and can’t be opened yet. The struggle is real. ‘specially since I’ve been a really good little boy this year. Shut up Chip!


Stop being so angsty.

I was pretty confident my post would spur at least a few people to buy the book just to spite me. And to own the libs.

So this was me being helpful.


The only thing I do to ‘own the libs’ is not take the vaxxx.

(apologies to all for the V-toober link but it was pertinent [as of 1.5 years ago] for context)

edit; timestamp issue

Last edited 1 year ago by Roh-Dog

Thanks, Commiesar. You motivated me to buy the volume one of the series, even though I have a book on infantry in Vietnam that includes all the Medal of Honor citations for that war as of 1970.


Hi, Commissar!

Hopefully you will purchase all 3 of Mason’s books as well as Commissioner Wretched’s books as well!

Thank You!

Merry Christmas!



No, it’s more like you being a flaming fraudulent hemorrhoid on the asshole of humanity.


On the subject of hemorrhoids I will defer to your expertise.


As evidence, I present you as exhibit one. I rest my case.


Obsess much?
comment image


Yet, despite years of successfully grifting off his mindless cult…he has yet to get me to give him a dime.

I am not sure he has as much influence on my thoughts as he does on most your yours.


I’m certain very few, if any of the TAH have given Trump a dime. I’m also confident in saying that there are few people on earth that are influenced by him as much as you are. Here’s a prime example: Who brought Trump into this thread? Ponder on it, Commissar. And yes, you’re still a fraud.


I did!!!! When the ‘mostly peaceful’ leftoids started doxing his supporters, I prefer to think about it like casting feed corn for terrorists.

For 2020 I donated to PDJT (much for the above reason, also to keep hoes mad) and Tulsi. To her for no other reason but to get her on the debate stage, or to show the DNC as the hypocritical pieces of filth that they are.

They prove an axiom: the more favored a candidate by the party functionaries, the less principled the candidate.

A Proud Infidel®™

Guess what? as soon as Ron DeSantis starts taking campaign donations again, I’ll make one in your name, hell, I just might do the same with the Trump Campaign!


Dude — you need a dime to spend a dime.

Kinda hard to do when you’re a jobless failure living in the ghetto.


Grifting!! Really. Have you noticed the douche bag in charge and his entire family are wealthy beyond belief because of influence peddling? At least DJT started public service rich, how many politicians have become wealthy while in office including comrade Bernie. Please stop being a retard you’re degrading the value of your education.

Hack Stone

Meanwhile, the “Build Back Better” baseball caps gather dust on the shelves.


This shameless self-aggrandizing pandering compound plug for monetary gain has been approved.

Commissioner Wretched

You say that like it’s a bad thing …



If I opt for the Kindle version instead of paperback, how big a hit will that be to the author in royalties? I think authors should reap the rewards of their work, so if my choice of media hoses them in that regard, I’ll have to think twice about it.


Пейджинговый комиссар! Путин снова наложил в штаны, и ему снова нужно подтереть задницу. Как говорит Путин, никто так не делает, как ты!



Paging Commissioner! Putin has shit his pants again and he needs you to wipe his ass again. As Putin says, no one does it like you!

Commissioner Wretched

Page the Commissar, not me.


Apologies CW… Copy/Paste from Google Translate without verification. I shall commence pushups now.