VanHollen avoids the health care debate
My uber-leftist congressman, Chris VanHollen has found a way to avoid hearing fishy information about the healthcare debate. Through Organizing for America, I’ve been provided an opportunity to talk to a member of his staff in his local office (which is the same distance from my house as his Washington Office, by the way);
How many people who disagree with Obamacare are subscribed to Organizing for America, do you suppose? Of course, VanHollen is way too important to meet with me, so all I’m going to get is a member of the staff (they mention that might be just someone sitting at the receptionist desk – um, a receptionist?)
It’s probably so VanHollen can go on the floor of the House and make some grand speech about talking to his constituents and how they all supported the President’s health care plan. Well, I’m going to be there this week just to make him a liar.
Welcome Ace of Spades readers morons. Thanks, DrewM
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck
This is the dems plan, hide in the office, conduct “office visits”, and hold tele-conferences. That way, they don’t have to face their constituents, the media won’t be blind-sided into covering anything that isn’t love for the congresscritters, and no bad publicity of union goons beating up citizens.
I just got the same email from Chickenshit Senator Herb Kohl’s office. Wonder if leaving a bottle of cow piss will work…dairy cow piss, since this is Wisconsin after all.
haha – I got one of these today to. Asked me to picket John Linder’s office in Lawrenceville, GA. Probably will swing by at somepoint this week if I can find my video camera.
I filled it out and am expecting a phone call from them giving me marching orders. Freaks.
Unreal….so this is exactly the same thing they are doing with cash for clunkers. They take money out of our pocket and put it in theirs and then charge us to use our money again. This is the “death care” version…..”we give you talking points and then you give them back to us and then we show everyone how much support we have from…umm, uh…ourselves”.
Gosh with brilliant minds like this at the helm what could possibly go wrong?
I’ll bet these guys used to buy themselves little league trophies to put up on the mantel to impress people….
“Welcome ace readers”….come on, don’t you think it’s stretching it just a bit to call us “readers”…..heh. I keed I keed….
This is a breathtaking example of rigging the process. Van Hollen and his accomplices have abandoned even pretending to listen to their constituents. Would I be inaccurate if I called this an internal coup against the Constitution? How about simple treason?
“hung in effigy”
smartest. administration. evah. fails grammar school yet again.
when will they put themselves out of our misery?
The lies have to be stopped. If enough people keep up the protests, will they finally admit it’s not being orchestrated by ANYone, right wing or not, but that it’s being propagated by their determination to ignore us?????
Not likely, but they will send thugs from SEIU and ACORN to interfere, and most of us out here in the trenches aren’t experienced with confrontational PAID thugs, like them! Be afraid…our rights are being whisked away and our lawmakers and their media are abetting this act!
“Organizing For America” is so used to working with idiots, such as were employed by ACORN during the election; that they have instructions on how to do the deal, a “step by step guide”. Do they think that ordinary Americans cannot do this without their tutoring? Just one more example of these Pompous Asses being, well, Pompous Asses.
I can speak for myself, thankyou.
Check out my “Buck Ofama” designs at my “HomePage”.
I must say that this sorry assed, half white guy has really given me fodder for my designs.
nuf sed
Here courtesy of Ace of Spades. Thanks for fixing the whole “readers” thing. Cool site you got here.
I emailed Van Hollen’s office last week and requested some current information on his views
of pending health care legislation in light of all the information and mis-information that is floating we are getting daily. MY EMAIL WAS IGNORED. I called his Rockville office and they directed me to DC. At DC they gave me the number of his health legislative aid, someone there said he issued a statement on 7/29, but that was 4 week ago. I left my name and number 24 hours ago and no response was forthcoming.