This really torqued me off

| August 8, 2009

Last night I got some emails about the advertisement for Internment / Resettlement Specialists for the National Guard. The emailers were pushing the image of Americans being rounded up for their political ideology. Here’s the ad complete with a video and an exerpt;

Some of your duties as an Internment / Resettlement Specialist may include:

* Assisting with supervision and management of confinement and detention operations
* Providing internal or external security to confinement/corrections facilities or detention/internment facilities
* Providing custody, control, supervision and escort to all security levels of U.S. military prisoners or internees/detainees
* Counseling and guidance to individual prisoners within a rehabilitative program
* Preparing or reviewing reports and records of prisoners/internees and programs

Ed Morrissey did a pretty good job of laying the whole conspiracy thing to rest. But there are some points I’d like to add.

Do you honestly believe that kid who grew up next door to you, played with your kids, learned to ride his bike in your driveway and then joined the National Guard after high school would really stand by and watch as you got tossed in prison for your ideology? Are you folks starting to be like the Left and beginning to believe that our soldiers are raised in special camps like the Spartans and then just do the bidding of the President – whoever he is?

We weren’t afraid of our troops during the Bush Adsministration, so why, suddenly, can’t we trust them now? The day after the election, I wrote that we needed to continue to support the troops, because I knew some folks would need a reminder.

Those folks in uniform are thinking, rational human beings. To even suspect that they’d allow themselves to used to round up and intern Americans in prison camps is just goofy fucking bullshit. And it’s the kind of goofy bullshit I heard from the Left for eight years.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Support the troops

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I’m glad you piped in on this subject. World Net Daily is going off the rails on the idea that we’re all going to be rounded up and shipped to re-education camps. My thoughts were that there would not be too many troops who would go along with such orders. But, then again if they are ordered to round people up, what can you do?


Beware the Black helicopter crowd.

This is a classic case of piss-poor messaging by the ARNG. Internment=Japanese prisons, resettlement=refugees.

In January 1945 the University of Va saw a very large protest on campus against the military. That’s right, 1945.

Realizing that the war would be over soon and that the Allies would have a considerable population around the world that would need civil administration; some dumbass at the War Dept brought in a bunch of really smart folks to attend a semester at UVa to study “Military Government”.

When this idiot was summarily throttled and the course changed to “Constabulatory Operations”, the crowds dispersed and all was well.

Words matter, especially to paranoid wackos.


Well, I never thought we’d elect an empty-suited, bigoted racist to the presidency, either… and look what we’ve got.

I’m not a black helicopter type. But damn, I’ve got to wonder.

History is replete with scenarios like this, carried out in some part by people like those you’ve described here.

Recent history is full of scenarios that could come under the broad heading of “Do you honestly believe?” As in, before it happened: “Do you honestly believe the government will take over the banking system? Auto manufacturers? Health care? ________________________ ?”

I’m less sure, now. Now, the best I can muster is a deep-seated HOPE that this doesn’t happen. A revulsion to the very idea of it. And an unfortunate glimmer that it just, possibly, might happen…. brought about by a slick used-car salesman of a president who seems to have the power to make millions believe absolutely anything he says.

Unfortunately, it’s been done before. But here in Clark County, Washington, for example, the county commissioners, including the conservative Republican that I staffed for, for 6 years, voted to force us to turn in our weapons, ala New Orleans, in the event they declare an emergency.

I didn’t think that was possible, either.

Sorry. I can’t do this on pure emotion any more. Given our current leadership, it’s unfortunately more prudent to consider the unthinkable as, if nothing else, remotely possible.


I don’t think we will be turning in our guns here in Clark County Kansas.


Or in Clarke Co GA


…or Clark county N.C.

SSG David Medzyk

What? Wait wait wait wait…..does this mean I have to turn in my new SS uniform?

Geez, and I had it made in Union purple too.

can i keep the hat?


Hey, Dave, as long it’s in Union Purple, and the SS runes are in gold, you can keep it. And, yes, you can also keep the hat. OK, sarc/off.

AW1 Tim

Well, I can’t think of anyone I know in the military who would support such an operation. We all swore oaths to the Constitution, not any president or party.

However, President Nuance is still trying to ginn up his own “Volunteer Force” or “Civilian Corps” and lord only knows what THEY might be capable of.


Someone linked to this ‘story’ on DU and the leftists are going nutz.

Of course, had they bothered to read the damned site they got the info from they would realize that:

It is about internment of US Military Personnel in Military prisons,

Resettlement of said prisoners from one correction facility to another.

31E is Corrections Officer, otherwise known in the civilian world as ‘prison guard’.

feeking morons.

Country Singer

It’s making me nuts, too…I’ve been getting calls, texts, and emails about it all day. I keep telling them what I think: somewhere in the recruiting chain, some moron thought that recruits weren’t showing enough interest in 31E, so they decided to give it a name sexier than “Corrections Officer”. I mean really, the first thought that “MOS 31E, Corrections Officer” gives me is “hmmm, sit on my ass at Leavenworth, bored out of my mind”. “Internment/Resettlement Specialist” makes it sound more like an “action” job.


[…] commented on this topic over at This Ain’t Hell , but I thought I might put my theory out here as […]


Country Singer, no shit. I was an I/R specialist in Iraq. I gained 20 lbs while deployed. Then I went to Ft Knox for the 31E reclass, to become “qualified” to do the job that I had already done for eleven months. My advice- If you are an MP, stay in a combat support unit. I/R sucks ass.


What COB6 ‘sed! 99% of the problem is the Orwellian new speak the bureaucraps and politicos have foisted on our society. If we could use plain English when discussing anything the DOD/Army implements, that would eliminate this problem.


“We weren’t afraid of out troops during the Bush Administration” – While Bush was wrong in so many ways, at least he didn’t have the “Socialist” bent and didn’t have his “Czars” tell people to spy on and turn in (to the White House web site) those who disagreed with his administration or him.