I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords
Whew, rough night’s sleep, wasn’t it? Wondering what happened to our grand scheme to rig all of the voting machines and intimidate voters. Where were Diebold and Haliburton, for pete’s sake? They worked so well for us in the last two elections, did they forget to set their clocks back an hour Sunday? knew that Daylight Savings Time was a Liberal trick.
But, the election is what it is. We’ll have to wait a couple more years to perfect our election-stealing techniques which obviously failed us this time. Me? I’m going to hold Barack Obama’s administration to their word. I did the same thing when Bill Clinton became president – I took him at his word until he broke his word. That “affirmative action” shit ended last night. The media threw up smoke screens for everything that would’ve brought down another candidate and we got the candidate they wanted.
The republicans diddled around acting like Democrats in Congress and diddled around selecting a candidate that they thought the other side would vote for – again like Democrats – and we’ve reaped the fruits of their follies.
Obama wants to be everyone’s President, well, I’m on board. until he makes the mistake of not wanting to be my President – I suspect I won’t have to wait long, but I’m giving him a chance. My only worry is that this may cost lives – the lives of our troops as well as the lives of some hapless civilians because of the message that the election of Obama sends our enemies. Enemies that won’t go away just because we elected Barack Obama, by the way.
It’s going to be a constant battle over the next four years, two years minimum, against the Peace Movement, too. How do I know? Well, this email was waiting for me this morning from Code Pink;
The Peace Movement thinks yesterday’s election was a mandate for peace. Those of us who’ve given a measure of devotion to this country know it’s not possible. With thugs like Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Il, al Qaeda in the world, there’s no way to withdraw inside our borders and cringe. Now that we’re past the empty, feel good rhetoric of campaigning, Obama and his cabinet will have to admit what the rest of us already know. The Global War Against Terror has been necessary and correctly executed, strategically speaking.
There’s still a need for us to support our troops and and support thier mission – we can surrender our government, but we’re still committed to the future of this country. That’s been our message all along.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink, Liberals suck, Politics
Jonn, the Sheepdogs will be out in West Chester, Pa this Saturday continuing to support our troops and what was America.
You are cordially invited to join us.
Jonn wrote: Thanks, dear, but I’ll be BBQing with some troops and some bloggers at Walter Reed this weekend. I promise we’ll make it up there soon though.
Everytime mY SD snored…I heard the words O-ba-ma. I finally admitted defeat in the sleep arena and got up at 0400.
I suspect that we, the caring American people, will be the ones who MUST protect and support our troops. The new Government certainly will not.
If Obama doesn’t kowtow to the “peace movement” and their demands, will they find a candidate the next time around who’s even further to the left? My personal hope is that their heads simply explode. It would be less messy than the results of their agenda.