McCaskill constituent event canceled for “safety concerns”
1CavRVN11B sent me a link to St Louis Today in which they announced that a Claire McCaskill event was canceled there by the school which was to be the venue due to safety concerns;
A day after a Russ Carnahan event led to the arrests of five participants and a reporter, University City High School — where U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill was set to hold a similar event on Tuesday– announced that the forum has been canceled.
The school district sent a news release this afternoon stating that the “reasons for the cancellation by the school district are due to concerns for the safety and security of its staff, community members attending the event, and for the students who would be on campus during that time.”
There is no word on whether McCaskill will find a new venue or keep a second town hall forum scheduled for later the same day in Jefferson County.
Well, you know what’s funny, Gateway Pundit went to a rally today to protest the Service Employees International Union for beating a man who waqs peacefully handing out Gadsden flags. The SEIU didn’t show up and there was no violence.
Imagine that. No thugs, no thuggery.
Category: General Whackos, Health Care debate, Usual Suspects
“beating a man who waqs peacefully handing out Gadsden flags.”
Gadsen flags are very popular with peeps from my political angle. Not thinking happy thoughts about the union lemmings.
See, it’s only patriotic when the libtards protest!