Thank you

| November 24, 2022


Thanksgiving feast

Thanksgiving is a good day to give thanks. Here’s a few things I am thankful for….

Family – we didn’t intend to found a dynasty…we were just a coupla enlisted kids who liked each other a lot. Three kids, six grandkids,  and a dozen degrees later (we’re big on education) including a daughter getting the first doctorate in family history: I’m happy to be the family dummy.

Things civilians will never know. Chow hall turkey…may not have been the best turkey ever, but it was there and they made it for us. Thanks to all the cooks and chow hall workers who gave us home when we were far away.

Sounds odd, but “To The Colors”.  A daily reminder of our flag and our country, still my favorite bugle call.

A private joy: Those odd, strange, idiosyncratic LBCs, Little British Cars. Once you’re bitten by the bug, you are a junkie for life.

That relaxed Wednesday before the culinary madness of Thanksgiving. Probably not as relaxed for the wife, who is already stressing with my daughters about dinner tomorrow.

The ability to go to church Sunday. Or not. But the freedom to choose. And agree or disagree as I see fit.

Mr. Heinlein, Mr. Clarke, Dr. Asimov. ‘Nuff said.

I can go gun shopping. It’s a free state…thank God for Texas.

All o’ ya DWs and DWettes here at TAH for making me welcome for the last 179 columns. Or at least muffling the derisive laughter.

And – the sound of “The Star Spangled Banner”. Extra points for it being played overseas. Folks wonder at the sight of Olympic athletes with tears running down their faces during the music: how can they NOT? When you’re somewhere else, that is the most beautiful piece of music ever. I don’t care that the tune was from a drinking song, or if Mr. Key’s time was politically incorrect. Fetch me my hanky.

Category: Holidays

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Well said, indeed.

Much for which to be thankful, here.

Commissioner Wretched

Concur 100%. Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends on TAH.


Chow hall turkey…may not have been the best turkey ever, but it was there and they made it for us. Thanks to all the cooks and chow hall workers who gave us home when we were far away.”

One of the best Thanksgiving dinners I ever had was at the enlisted chow hall at the Naval Postgrad School in Monterey. Wasn’t better than my mother’s, but they came damn close.

Happy Turkey Day to all!

George V

I am finding that the older I get the more thankful and grateful I become. I don’t know that there’s enough bytes of free space on the TAH servers to hold a list.

So, I’ll say Thanks for our gracious hosts here and all of you fellow commenters who bring me enjoyment and also take a moment to read my occasional electronic scribbles.


Amen, David.


Spot on, David…Testify. We all do have so much to be Thankful for. All of our many Blessing and all of our Trials and Tribulations. The Trials and Tribulations that we survive makes us stronger individuals and gives us a chance to appreciate the Blessings

After my Biological Family, I am most Thankful for my TAH Family. TAH gave me something to hold on to and focus on nearly 5 years ago when the Chancre Mechanics said I’d be lucky to get a year or so older. Welp, here I am and I am the Trials and Tribulations that y’all must SUFFER. Your own little personal Hell on Earth.

Believe or not Believe (and I Believe)…May we all continue to be Blessed, Happy, Healthy, and live free in the Greatest Republic the World has ever seen.

I raise a Toast to you…each and every one!


And we are thankful that the Chancre Mechanics were wrong.

Old tanker

Great comments and other than the family numbers I concur wholeheartedly. My family is one I married into but I couldn’t love the grandkids anymore if we shared genes.

May you all have a safe and happy turkey day


48 years & 8 months ago Mrs. GB and I were wed.

God granted us three surviving children with wonderful spouses, ten surviving grandchildren (so far), and a place to live near each other in the country.

He has grown our children and grandchildren in Christ, and they seek to faithfully serve Him and their fellow man.

While troubles and trials still come, we are blessed beyond all measure.

I’m thankful for all of you here, as well, and appreciate your patience with me in my oddities.

God bless you all.


I reckon we are neighbors, Texas speakin’.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Now your talking Turkey and a happy T day to everyone out there. TV Dinner Hungry Man for myself and Sis tonight.


I think for news junkies as most of us are (or probably wouldn’t be here) we can lose sight of all the good things going on right now. I won’t list them all and everyone’s list is different anyway. I just need to remind myself that it is the loudest people who tend to be the most radical and that not everyone thinks like that (even though it may seem like it).

Happy Thanksgiving, TAH family. Thanks for giving me an online home where I can say what I think and hang with people with a common background.

Skivvy Stacker

My favorite grateful thanks was voiced by Steve Martin many years ago, and I’ve adopted it as my own, because it holds the God’s honest truth for me, and I’m sure for all of us here;
“I’m thankful there’s no such thing as a rectal barometer”.


In New York City, a dude livin’ his best life smoking crack on the subway!


Awesome list of things to be thankful for, especially the chow staff. They never get the recognition they deserve. Texas is, as far as I’m concerned, is truly the only country that matters of which I am glad all of our kids and grandkids are all within a short drive.