Code Pink: Our crazy works; yours not so much

| August 7, 2009

The “mainstream media” portrays exercises in freedom of expression as “disruptions” by “mobs” like this report from MSNBC (thanks to Tankerbabe for the link);

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Notice that the AFL-CIO is sending their “activists” (read: thugs) out to townhall meetings.

In my weekly Code Pink Action Alert email, they get in line behind all of the other Leftists to disparage the Real Americans who are standing up for their futures;


Yeah, I haven’t seen any Tea Party Houses or anyone protesting outside of hospitals advocating for the deaths of those inside from the Tea Party folks. I have however seen the Code Pink House on Capitol Hill (funded by deep pockets of anti-American Liberals). I have seen Code Pink outside of Walter Reed Army Medical Center yelling at the wounded arriving from the war. Code Pink also donated $600,000 to the “other side” in Fallujah at the height of the battles there in 2004 and 2007. One of their co-founders “bundle” campaign cash for Obama and then she protests at the Republican National Convention with stolen credentials. So for whom do they shill?

Well, here’s Code Pink advocating for single payer health care – just last week. Notice the speaker that introduces Medea “Shreiking Harpie” Benjamin begins with “They’ve taught us all a lot about protests over the last few years, haven’t they?”;

I guess the taste of their own medicine is bitter.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink

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AW1 Tim

Yeah, well… their appearance ain’t so hot either, Jonn…


Peace Delegation to Kabul? What’s next, Virgins F*cking For Peace?


Yeah, they’re all about the dialogue.

Like when they “dialogued” with Condi Rice in that Congressional Hearing.


Ah, yes, the leftie motto of, “Freedom for me, but not for thee!”


I wonder how many of these Left-wingers would be labeled parasitic in a true Communist state. Definitely something to consider.


Claymore, you’re killin’ me!!

AW1 Tim


These @ssclowns on the left define the word “clueless”. Were they to actually be involved in a revolution, and install a marxist government, they’d be the first ones lined up against a wall and shot. The real marxists know that anyone who understands how to organize, how to set up a protest, is a danger to them as well. They won’t allow anyone with those skill sets to stay alive and maybe decide to turn on the new leaders.


Spot on Fred and AW1 Tim, the leftards you so accurately describe need to have the Marxist-Leninist term “useful idiot” explained to them in painstaking detail!


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