Boomer’s Sunday

| November 13, 2022

It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday where I sort through the weekly offering of ‘toons and pick the best. Toons are provided by Boomer and AW1 Scott, with many others contributing.
Disclaimer: These toons are meant to amuse, entertain and inform, pretty much in that order. While I cull what I can, they are not specifically fact-checked, so expect a certain amount of artistic license.

‘…pour encourager les autres.’

“I am smiling, fucko.”

Category: Guest Post, Humor, Satire, Schadenfreude

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Ok, first task of the day complete


All good, and some not seen yet. I liked the Gloria stienem quote.


Chisholm was quite unpopular with many fellow Canadians because of his communist and anti-religion beliefs


There is nothing artificial about the stupidity going on in this world today. It is real. It is planned. It is intentional.

The ballot box will not save us. We can’t get them before the jury box. It will come to the cartridge box.


Another good batch…
The Underwear Fight Club was AWESOME

Slow Joe

That dude from Ape Planet wuz so right.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Where yoiu been Slow Joe

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Those Veferan Day toons were great


OT, but Hell’s frozen over… Rod Stewart says men should support women in menopause (now that he’s finally 1. Stayed married long enough to 2. Have a wife old enough to reach menopsuse):


The last one is so true. Scary but true. Thanks again for the toons!