Divine Wind on this day…

| October 25, 2022

Kamikaze, or officially Shinpu Tokubetsu Kogekitai, “Divine Wind Special Attack Unit” was named after the typhoon that destroyed a Mongol fleet in the thirteenth century, saving Japan from invasion. The Special Attack Forces were suicide units formed in the last year of World War II as a last-ditch effort to defend Japan. These units used aircraft, modified torpedoes and small boats built for attacking US Navy ships.

Kamikaze attacks were first encountered during the three-month battle for the island of Okinawa, near the home islands of Japan, that raged from 01 April to 22 June 1945. They were at the center of a desperate, ill-planned strategy by the Imperial General Headquarters to halt the American advance in the Pacific.

The first attacks occurred today, 78 years ago. Mick sends.

On this day in history, Oct. 25, 1944, first kamikaze suicide pilots attack US Navy in World War II

Frightening ‘divine wind’ attackers killed thousands, screamed from sky on St. Crispin’s Day — monumental anniversary in global military history

By Kerry J. Byrne | Fox News

Kamikaze suicide planes sent by desperate Imperial Japan screamed down from the skies over Surigao Strait in the Philippines, terrifying American sailors, for the first time on this day in history, Oct. 25, 1944.

“The Americans who witnessed these first kamikaze attacks were horrified and shaken, but it was only the beginning,” historian James P. Duffy wrote last year for American Heritage magazine, in a passage adapted from his recent book, “Return to Victory.”

By the end of World War II in the summer of 1945, about 130 American warships were sunk or damaged by kamikazes, according to several military history sources.

As many as 3,000 U.S. servicemen and women were killed, with thousands more wounded, in the suicide attacks.

About 5,000 Japanese kamikaze pilots killed themselves, according to an estimate by the National Air and Space Museum.

The escort carrier USS St. Lo was the first ship targeted by a squadron of about half a dozen kamikazes.

The Japanese Zero fighter planes were stripped down of normal equipment and packed with over 500 pounds of explosives.

Fox News

Such fanaticism is frightening and fascinating. The samurai warrior code of bushido already esteemed self-sacrifice, including fighting to the death, for emperor and country. The word “suicide” in Japanese has two versions, jiketsu (self-determination) and jisai (self-judgement), which refer to an honorable or laudable act done in the public interest. Moreover, there is no ethical or religious taboo regarding suicide in Japan’s traditional Shinto religion.

A perfect storm of fanatic military ethos, societal approval of self-sacrifice, and no stigma attached to suicide. There’s a lesson in here, and a warning to what lengths a failing autocratic ruling class may resort, to remain in power.
Much to ponder. Thanks, Mick.

Category: America, Blue Skies, Guest Link, WWII

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Thank You for sharing, Mick and AW1Ed.

Perhaps the first encounter was 78 years ago, instead of 77?

Am a bit confused. The article states “On this day in history, Oct. 25, 1944, first kamikaze suicide pilots attack US Navy in World War II”, but this statement was written “Kamikaze attacks were first encountered during the three-month battle for the island of Okinawa, near the home islands of Japan, that raged from 01 April to 22 June 1945.”

Was it 1944 or 1945? Was it 77 or 78 years ago?

“Additionally, “the tradition of death instead of defeat, capture, and shame was deeply entrenched in Japanese military culture; one of the primary values in the samurai life and the Bushido code was loyalty and honor until death.”




It was the Japanese culture for a very long time. We and other countries have it in our culture as well, i.e. those who serve, whether in the Military, in Law Enforcement, in certain religious Faiths, are all willing to die for Country, for others, for strong religious beliefs. It is not to escape shame, defeat, capture. It is a williness to give up one’s life for others.

For example, a Soldier smothers a grenade with his body.

Then we have a Code..

“I am an American, fighting the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.”

“I will never surrender of my own free will. Only when evasion by an individual is impossible and further fighting would lead only to death with no significant loss of the enemy should only consider surrender. With all reasonable means of resistance exhausted and with certain death the only alternative, capture does not imply dishonor.”


“If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape.”

“When questioned, should I become a
prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.”

“I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and the United States of America.”

The Japanese had a Code. We have a Code. Other countries have Codes.

Some of our ancestors gave their lives during the American Revolution. Some during the War Between The States…on BOTH sides.

It takes a special, unique person to join the Military or Law Enforcement to include Firefighters, First Responders, etc.



* Continue*

Then we have those in the Medical field. Doctors. Nurses. They were willing to expose themselves during COVID. Think about it.

The 1000 Word Limit Strikes Again.


“If we are to die today, then let us die as Men.” MG Patrick R. Cleburne, CSA, Franklin TN, 30 Nov 1864. Those pilots probably felt the same way.

It is one thing to do an Heroic or Suicidal thing in the heat of Battle. It is another to do the same thing when you know in advance that the outcome means you’re gonna be dead.

You don’t have to respect the Warrior’s Cause, but you must respect the Warrior. Former FiL was Naval Aviation and went against these pilots in a Hell Diver. He lost Shipmates but he still had respect for the Bravery of those pilots.




Thank You.



Want the hair to stand up on the back of your neck?

Think objectively about being a young Sailor manning a 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun in an exposed gun tub aboard a USN ship while Japanese Kamikazes are flying straight at you with the intent to crash into your ship and kill you.

Nowhere to go to get under cover or in defilade, and if the Kamikaze gets through the ship’s defenses and hits near you, you’ll likely burn to death.

Those young Sailors had balls of steel.


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Mick shared:

“Those young Sailors had balls of steel”.

Yep. Mick NAILED it.

Those Sailors were willing to die.

So different than those spoiled brats who glued their hands to the ground in support of “climate change”..or the ones who threw soup at a Van Gogh painting.


Courageous targets. Rest In Peace.


To save lives, sometimes admitting you’ve been bested is admirable.

History is a weird creature and can be quite cruel.

Joe “Not-so-divine Wind” Biden should take note.


I’m not sure that, in an effort to stop one I perceive as an enemy attacking my family, I would not also make a valiant effort that I knew would result in my death.
Though I’d druther survive the encounter – the fact is none of us live forever. Death is not the greatest misfortune.

Anna Puma

The Philippines in 1944 saw the creation of formal special attack units by the Japanese. Before then it was an ad hoc on the fly decision. The earliest Japanese suicide pilot occured during the attack on Pearl Harbor when the pilot of a damaged A6M2 deliberately crashed into a hanger. Tomonaga off Hiryu at Midway flew his B6N Kate on an attack against the American carriers knowing his plane, due to earlier damage to a fuel tank while attacking Midway Island, would never return.

Midway also saw competent Japanese officers taking responsibility for their failures in acts of death. The firebrand Admiral Yamaguchi choosing to go down with his carrier to Lt. Masao Koyama, commander main battery fire control aboard Mikuma, committing hara-kiri before his assembled NCOs. Several years later Admiral Nagumo would also choose hara-kiri and Gen. Hideki Tojo would attempt it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anna Puma
BlueCord Dad

My dad served on the USS Belleau Wood, CVL-24. On 30 October 1944 the ship was struck portside aft by a kamikaze. Luckily his battle station was portside forward in a 40mm guntub. 92 of his shipmates weren’t as lucky and were killed.
