General shocked at the “sexually demeaning and gender-based language” used by USMC drill sergeants

| October 12, 2022

Did you just use the wrong pronoun, recruit?!?

R. Lee Ermey is rolling over in his grave. Sorry, Gunny, but your beloved Corps is apparently going woke.

Marine Corps Times has the story of a general who was shocked by offensive language being used by drills and recruits in boot camp. It’s so…so…awful. I just can’t believe the unprofessionalism. They actually tell these soon-to-be Marines that their rifle is your bitch and to slap it as hard as you like. I’m literally shaking right now. /s

Get your blood pressure meds before you read further;

When Lt. Gen. Kevin Iiams, commander of Marine Corps Training and Education Command, opened a draft version of a Marine Corps-commissioned report on boot camp gender integration in spring 2021, he was incensed at what he found.

Inside the University of Pittsburgh report ? which ultimately would stretch to more than 700 pages and cover topics ranging from recruits’ injury rates to boot camp staffing challenges ? one annex grabbed Iiams’ attention. It detailed all the “sexually demeaning and gender-based language” described by drill instructors and recruits in focus groups the university had run.

Within days, Iiams hit the road, making back-to-back trips to Marine Corps Recruit Depots Parris Island, South Carolina, and San Diego to address staff and drill instructors directly.

“My assessment at that point was, this is not something that could actually wait,” Iiams told Marine Corps Times in an end of September interview. “There was no way that we could have let this go on, if this was actually still festering.”

The independent study was commissioned in 2020 as the Marine Corps faced a directive from Congress to make boot camp training fully coed at both Marine Corps recruit depots within eight years.

During the two-year period that University of Pittsburgh investigators spent at the two recruit depots, unnamed interviewees described how sexually derogatory and explicit language was used by drill instructors to build rapport with recruits ? an approach specific to the all-male training environment the Corps is increasingly leaving behind.

“The way I loosen them up, I sometimes say like sexual stuff ‘cause we’re all males, just to break the ice,” a San Diego-based male senior drill instructor told an interviewer.

When teaching recruits how to drill, he said he instructed them to face forward, but use peripheral vision to remain aware of their surroundings. He described giving recruits the example of going to the mall with their girlfriend and watching another woman with large breasts walk by.

“You don’t want to get caught,” the senior drill instructor said. “You’re not going to turn your head, right? You use your fricking (we call it) titty vision. ‘Ahh, yes, sir!’ They get all excited.”

The senior drill instructor went on to describe sexual ditties used at boot camp and at Weapons and Field Training Battalion that had to be amended when women joined the unit.

Despite acknowledgements in the interview that he wasn’t supposed to be using this kind of language around recruits, the drill instructor appeared to defend the practice as a way to create a closer bond with recruits.

“They got to giggle and get excited when you walk about stuff like that,” he said. “And it’s just the way for you to buy into them.”

Other examples of demeaning and sexual language highlighted in the report included recruits being instructed to “reach up the skirt” and “smack that whore” or “smack that bitch” in rifle drills.

“They say that the M-16 is your bitch, and to slap it as hard as you like,” a recently graduated new Marine told University of Pittsburgh interviewers. “I was in a working party … and they asked us what we named our rifles, and one recruit named it after a porn star. Everyone thought that was awesome.”

For female drill instructors and recruits, anecdotes of demeaning language took other forms.

A newly graduated female Marine told investigators that her female drill instructors had warned her that if she talked to male recruits, the drill instructors “are going to call you a slut.”

Female drill instructors and staff members talked about the way their mindset had been influenced by being told by instructors during their own early training that they’d be seen as either “a bitch, a slut or a lesbian” in the fleet, and they should choose which stereotype they wanted to confirm to.

Much more at the source.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Marines, YGBSM!!

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Green Thumb

Glad I am out.


Welp, I guess the days of boys being boys are definitely numbered.

I like titties too.


Sad shit


Guess the dudes in Aliens are really out of luck now:


The General here is wrong as two boys fucking on the lawn of a church on a Sunday mornin’! Listening to a bunch of slacked jaw faggit civilians about military culture?

He should’ve stayed in his daddy’s nut sack but since he’s the Corps’ problem now, try apologizing to the millions of sperm you beat cuz any other fucking one of them would’ve been an improvement, even the Downsy fucking one!

If you could call a glob of whale shit spread on two pieces of used maxi pads for bread a samitch then I GUESS you could can call THIS THING a fucking General Officer of fucking Marines!

Oh, the SHAME you should feel….

(I may need a bourbon. Bar is open, who needs a dram?)


Dram? Hell, open the bottle and throw away the cap.


Step aside, Junior. Engineer in the house. 🥃


Welp, guess we better go ahead and tap a barrel. No time for half measures.


A bourbon? I don’t think that noun exists in the singular. The correct sentence would be, “I may need bourbon.”


Fuck you people. I may have to start drinking again…..well, no but, I’m there with you in spirit…get it…SPIRIT!! LOL!!!! fuck, damn Dad jokes. HEY IT’S OCTOBER!!!! Boo motherfuckers.  👻 


Need? What’s ‘need’ got to do with it?
Pour on, MacDuff, and damned be him who first cries “Hold, enough!”.


We are so f**ked.


“An army without profanity cannot fight its way out of a piss-soaked paper bag.” –Patton

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
jeff LPH 3 63-66

If Patton and other Generals during WW2 were fired for their language, those of us on the east coast would be speaking German and I wouldn’t be here typing this since my parents most likely would have ended up in a camp and those on the west coast would be speaking Japanese. Time to toss these Boot Camp armchair general out.


Patton was just the one to soak the bag, too! Here he is pissing in the Rhine.

patton peeing.jpg

Shock, but no awe:
comment image


The newer, kinder, gentler Marine Corp.

Green Thumb

Lt. Gen. Kevin Iiams is nothing more than a political hack and yes man.



I looked him up. USNA ’86.

He’s been a Marine for 36 years.

A Marine. For 36 years.

We all know what’s going on here – a true political hack indeed. He’s not offended in the least; he wants that 4th star, then, maybe CMC, ACMC, maybe command of a UCC, and he will tow the party line to appease Pedo Joe and The Hoe. Maybe he’s just as big a shill as John Allen. Meanwhile, out enemies cry with uncontrollable joy and laughter.


I always have one question when it comes to military issues. Is this a force multiplier? The DIs seem to think so. They seem to know so.

So, how is toning down the talk going to make them more lethal?

If we can make kinder, gentler killing machines that make Audie Murphy look like Peewee Herman. I’m all for it. But, till someone can show me how that works. I say stick with the traditions that make Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children so fuckin’ deadly.


We’re “at peace” so the military is trying to do away with war-fighters. This will last until we go to war again and the panzies in Congress ask why the casualty rates are so high. Well, sir/ma’am/zi/bo/zo, it’s because the Army can’t do a single knee tuck, but they can get all the breast augmentation surgery and HRT they want.


“It’s peacetime, like 1931; nobody cares about fighting-off bad guys, you shouldn’t either,” a dumb butt-kisser scolded me in 2000– funny, he had no comment after 9/11 next year.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Hack Stone

They don’t eat toxic masculinity until they need toxic masculinity. By then, it will be too late. A couple of hundred thousand dead male, female and non-binary service members will be fertilizing foreign battlefields, and they just may want to rethink this kinder gentler military.

Hack Stone

They don’t want toxic masculinity…

Stupid company issued cell phone from a proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the federal government formerly located in Bethesda Maryland.

Daisy Cutter


Jumped off into youtubeland to watch clips of the Gunny. That’s an hour of my life I won’t get back, thanks for that!

God how I miss that man.

Daisy Cutter

“If God wanted you up there He would have miracled your ass up there by now, wouldn’t He?” – Gunny Hartman –




LtGen IIams is a 1986 graduate of the US Naval Academy and a career Marine Corps F/A-18 pilot. That means that he went to The Basic School in 1986 and was flying Hornets in a tactical Fleet Marine Force fighter squadron prior to Tailhook ’91.

Lieutenant General Kevin M. Iiams > Marine Corps Training and Education Command > Leaders (

What Marine Corps was he in during the mid to late 1980s? Was he TAD to another planet?

Sure thing, General; you’ve never, ever heard Marines (or Sailors) use salty language like that before. And you’re a career Marine fighter pilot?

Give me a f*ckin’ break.

I am SOOOOOOO glad that I’m retired.

AW1 Rod

Just another goddamn useless, “woke”, pencil-pushing Flag stool sample.

I hug my DD-214 every day.

Hack Stone

The Great Santini weeps.

James 1954

I had to look up Gen. Kevin Iiams and yes he does look like a bald unicorn vagina.

Name edited to protect PII.

AW1 Rod

Lt. Gen. Iiams is a sniveling pussy. And…..


So there is a Marine out there who has never seen Full Metal Jacket. I always wondered.




Men Have Breasts As Well.

And So Do Chickens…



Simple, how many ground combat battles has the University of Pittsburgh won and how many of their “investigators” ever worn the uniform?


I think we need to establish a new national holiday.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present for your consideration, the “DD214 Appreciation Day”!

Thank the Lord, I got mine!


10NOV – Marine Corps Birthday
11NOV – Veterans Day
12NOV – DD214 Appreciation Day

A good ’nuff reason to stay blurry for three days if I’ve ever read one!


Valentines Day seems a better fit but whatevers.


Works for me! I’ll drink to that. Then again, I’ll drink to just about anything!🤣🍺🥃🍷🥂🧉🍸🍾

A Proud Infidel®™


tom reynolds

Starting to think these people might be retarded.


Might be? Oh, no…they’re retarded.


Full retard. They ain’t half assen their atupidity.


Medic! Quick!!! Somebody gave him a bad batch of crayons!
Get out the Crayola IV bag!


Sergeant Carter Weeps…


The “general” would have really gotten his tits in a wad if he had the Jody Cadences on runs with the 82nd in the 60’s. Awesome memories.

Skivvy Stacker

Let’s see….

“Napalm Napalm
Sticks like glue.
Sticks to the mommies
And the kiddies too….”

That would give the motherfucker a brain embolism so bad he’d shit it out like a bad turd.


“She’s a rotten mother fucker, she’s a stinky whore
She’s the sleeze from Baltimore.
She went to the store to buy some honey,
but the funk from her pussy took the green off the money.”

It got worse from there. Much worse
Airborne School in ’82 the Black Hat was singing this at the top of his lungs as a bus full of Nuns passed our formation on the backside of Lawson AAF. I shit you not. Nuns. Black habits and all. What are a bunch of Nuns doing along the Chattahoochee at 7:00am?

Mike B

Years ago when teaching parachute training with harnesses utilizing the Koch release we used the following term to describe how to use it to release the canopy.

“Raise the skirt, and drop the panties”. Needless to say when we had our first female F-15 student pilot come through, that had to end.

When fitting the g-guit or harness, we would tell the pilots to assume the postion. We had to stop that at the same time.

Mike B

Plus when adjusting the chest strap, we would put a flat fist between the strap and chest and snug it down. Couldn’t do that with a female pilot.

A lot of the ways/procedures we had, we had to change when we started getting female fighter pilots. I still remember the Big Wigs/Media being in the Aircrew Life Support shop, and me being a young Buck Sergeant and having to do her initial equipment fitting.

She turned out to be pretty damn cool and laid back. Plus she turned out to be one hell of a pilot, surpassing her classmates in all areas.

She actually told me, not to treat her differently, than her classmates. Stating like them she was a F-15 student pilot nothing more, nothing less. Had lots of props and respect for her, that’s for sure.


Not the biggest fan anymore of Military Corruption, but FWIW, they have a longish article on LtGen Iiams (nicknamed Dogfood Iiams after the dog & cat food brand, Iams).


Another reason for bright talented, adventurous, athletic young people to stay as far away from this kind of stupidity as possible. Go to school or learn a trade make and hide as much money as you can it’s the best insulation from the stupid as you can get. I was always proud of the Marine Corps, today I’m proud of the memories and people I served with, would never recommend it to anyone today.

Skivvy Stacker

You have not lived until you have had a Marine Drill Instructor call you a “Dried out, crusty, yellow cum bubble”.


Very well may be the nicest thing he said all day

A Proud Infidel®™

So instead of being told you should have been a cum stain on worn-out van upholstery, now they’ll be ordered to say, “Gee whiz, let’s have some ice cream, would you like a lollipop for now?”

Last edited 1 year ago by A Proud Infidel®™