Gold Star Mom and Family Day

| September 25, 2022

A gentle reminder from OAM today is Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day. The Day is observed on the last Sunday of September each year, and is a day for people to recognize and honor those who have lost a son or daughter while serving the United States Armed Forces.

During World War I, a practice developed across the country of families displaying flags featuring a blue star, a sign that a member was fighting in the war. Some flags displayed multiple stars, one for each serving family member.

The exact origins of this tradition are not fully known, but at some point, gold star flags would go up to signify the family member had died on duty. The term “Gold Star Family” went into the national vocabulary thanks to the sacrifices of men and women serving in uniform.

In 1936, the 74th Congress declared, “the last Sunday in September shall hereafter be designated and known as ‘Gold Star Mother’s Day.’

A moment from our busy day to honor and remember would be appropriate. Thank you, OAM.

Gold Star

Category: Fair Winds and Following Seas, Guest Link, We Remember

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EVERY Day should be Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day Remeberance Day for us. It certainly is for them.

Say Their Names…Be Their Witness.

May His Blessed Peace continue to bring you some measure of His Comfort, OAM.


May the God of all Comfort wrap these families in His embrace today, and every day.

RGR 4-78

Thank you for your sacrifice, Mom and son/daughter.


Salute To Our Fallen Brothers And Sisters.

Salute To Their Families Who Carry On Their Legacy.

Thank You, OAM for reminding us of this special day.

Never Forget.


For OAM and all Gold Star Mothers:

Mansions Of The Lord – YouTube


A grateful nation remembers.

As memory serves, over the last coupe years the day is usually a beautiful one.

Thank God for that.


My 1st cousins Father-in-law is MIA from Vietnam.
BNR-Body Not Recovered


Sincere condolences.

Green Thumb

There is a lot of mumbling in the GSM ranks (and associated groups) of mother’s of suicides being granted GSM status.

No horse in the race, just pointing it out.

Only Army Mom

GT – Mothers/Families of those who die while active duty from causes other than combat receive the “Next of Kin Lapel Button”. This military decoration was devised around 1971-73 by a Navy Lt and an Army Cpt., if memory serves, to recognize the loss of a service member from causes other than combat during a time of war.

The NoK pin is a gold star on a square gold field. It is not Congressionally Chartered and controlled and has been historically subject to each branch of service to determine when/where/circumstances. Recently (about 2016?), DoD directive has stated it is to be bestowed on the families of all active-duty deaths, regardless of cause but still not Congressionally Chartered.

The Gold Star Lapel Button was Congressionally Chartered in 1947 to denote death as a result of combat/enemy contact.

The Two Pins.jpg
Only Army Mom

Colloquially in the civilian world, recipients of either are referred to as “Gold Stars”. IMHO, as civilians, we are to respect the distinction and not attempt to change the military definitions. We support each other in that regardless of cause, there is an empty chair at our tables, and we have buried a child.

Green Thumb

No argument there.

And thank you for your contribution and the information.

I was at a convention a few years prior and the issue came. Some GSM’s had children KIA and some had children commit suicide either in or after service for a variety of reasons (depression, substance issues, family issues – although not always military or service connected – in other’s medical professional opinion).

What I saw was not really one cohort versus another, but more of a few individual opinions. But with that one always has to take into consideration numerous social / economic / demographic factors to include individual personalities.

Either way its a sad, tough road to travel while carrying an incredible burden. Few men I have ever met that are as tough and resilient as GSMs.


Please accept my deepest sympathy.


Kleenex alert.

Last edited 2 years ago by SFC D