Fair Winds and Following Seas
Navy Vet Earl Holliman, 96, dead

I wonder what the most common excuses for not serving are? “I wanted to enlist in high school, but my parents wouldn’t sign for me” has to be one of the most common. (A valued friend who died last year was at least honest – “I thought about going in but wound up getting into […]
Navy F-18 Lost

Navy confirms death of crew after jet crashes near Mount Rainier in Washington Navy said it will withhold identities of the 2 crew members for 24 hours after notifying next of kin Greg Wehner By Greg Wehner Fox News U.S. Naval officials confirmed Sunday that the two crew members of a Navy jet that crashed […]
Navy Vet’s death

Going to start off with ALF – Alien Life Form (if you didn’t know) – the old TV sitcom which starred a cat-loving (well, if properly cooked) critter from Planet Melmac. The actor who played Brian,Benji Gregory, 46, the young son of the family, just died last week. He was one of us. After his […]
Chris Prentis dies.

I know, who was Chris Prentis? “Christopher Prentis, born July 7 1932, died February 19 2024” doesn’t say much. Chris Prentis was born a vicar’s son in England. The family moved to Queensland in ’34, and were literally at sea returning to England when war was declared. He entered the Naval College at Dartmouth in […]
Captain Larry Taylor, MoH dies age 81

Larry Taylor, who just last year received the Medal of Honor for his daring rescue of a surrounded LRRP team in Vietnam, has sadly passed away. He was 81 years old. Local news channel WBIR has the story; An East Tennessee Army veteran who recently received the Medal of Honor for his heroism during the […]
Goodbye Sara… we all loved you so.

My favorite quote from Sara: “I remember when men were men and women were glad of it.” I can not begin to express our sense of loss. Our very own Ex-Ph2 has passed away. Sara was a very private person and never wanted to become a burden upon anyone. She died exactly in that manner, […]
Alaska Training Fatalities

Light Medium Tactical Vehicle Two 11th Airborne soldiers killed, a dozen injured in LMTV rollover By Davis Winkie Two soldiers assigned to the 11th Airborne Division at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, were killed and a dozen more were injured Monday afternoon when their truck rolled over near the Yukon Training Area, according to local media reports. […]
Rick Hoyt dies at 61

A departure today – someone who wasn’t a vet (although his father was) and certainly never could have been – Richard Hoyt, aged 61, died Tuesday of respiratory complications. You may not know of him by name, although in some sports circles Team Hoyt was legendary. Rick was born with cerebral palsy and was paralyzed. […]
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