Bad crazy on the horizon

| July 29, 2009

Yeah, I know we just fended off the nirthers (we’ve gone a full 24 hours without a comment from that ObamaDelusional guy), so how about we introduce you to another brand of crazy? Bad crazy. I found a website the other day that announced a new plot against the American people;

Rebecca Campbell in Seattle, Washington, contacted all major veterans organizations in the US, including Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Courage to Resist, Goldstar Families for Peace while the mainstream has remained silent on these UN/Homeland Security “exercises”, unprecedented though they are in both scale and scope.

All of the national guard headquarters of all fifty states.

Thirty key military retired military figures, including Lt. Ehren Watada, Ret. Col. Robert Bowman, Ret. Col. Ann Wright, Ret. Capt. April Gallop, Ret. Lt. Malik Rahim, Cindy Sheehan.

You know this is weird when the folks writing it consider VFP, Courage to Resist and IVAW “major veteran organizations” and Watada, Wright and Sheehan “key military” figures. But that’s not teh crazy yet;

…thanks to Elder, who has fine-tuned the letter to alert the military and law enforcement to the danger that these Homeland Security/UN “exercises” could be misused as a cover for secret mandated genocide via lethal mass vaccination of the American People and other Peoples of the world.

It’s great that these people are looking after us, otherwiset we’d all allow ourselves to be rounded up and exterminated like sheep to the slaugher. The screen name of the author, by the way, is birdflu666.

There were some other links that I followed (you know me – I can’t resist bad crazy), so I found out some real disturbing stuff;

On March 28, we reported on a large expansion of graves at the Houston National Cemetery in Texas.

Aaron Dykes, reporting for The Jones Report on April 3, detailed how the State of New York Division of Cemeteries sent out “Mass Fatality forms” to cemeteries in that state to collect data about their ability to deal with the high volume of casualties that would occur if their were a flu pandemic or other disaster.

Clearly, there’s a plot afoot. I sure hope this downturn in the economy ends so these conspiracy folks can go back to work soon.

Category: Politics

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Well, you know that whomever wrote this doesn’t get out of ma and pa’s basement enough, based on the first statement block alone.

As for the rest of it? I couldn’t really grasp the concept, because it was too difficult to process the statement that this person considers all these commie orgs as “major Veterans organizations” or Lt. Watada and Cindy Sheehan as “key military figures”.

I consider it more a WTF than bad crazy, however, maybe the two could be combined into a bad WTF crazy?

The funny part is if we could hear what was said when all these National Guard HQs were “contacted”. That would be worth the price of admission.


OK, they rise (or fall, depending on how you look at it) to the black helicopter, turn your TV to face the wall, tin foil hat wearing level right now. Bad Scary.


Christ, could they at least get some new material. The flu shot conspiracy theory is about as new and fresh as K-Fed. Now secret treaties with our Alien overlords, you don’t hear enough about those anymore.


“maybe the two could be combined into a bad WTF crazy”? Or a holy shit, Batman? And, it’s not even a full moon, yet. Gotta go now, I just saw a black helicopter overhead.


Or how about this?

Another Terrorist Attack May Put the Military in Charge

Watchman on the wall

I thought that the “SPOTLIGHT” newspaper crowd had all grown up and moved on….I reckon not….