A compliment from Bill Maher

| July 28, 2009

At about 1:55, Bill Maher tells Wolf Blitzer, in reference to the possibility that Sarah Palin would run for President that he wouldn’t put anything past “this stupid country”. He expands on that empty thought at about 4:55. Of course, the election of Barack Obama was an aberration. Just because we accidentally elected a smart guy doesn’t make us smart, he says. Then at about 7 minutes, he calls Michael Moore’s documentaries “brilliant”.

I’m guessing he’s being contrary for effect. Anyone who calls Americans stupid and Michael Moore brilliant is just working too hard at being funny.

To demonstrate how smart he is, Maher tells us that capitalism would be good if it wasn’t for profit motive. I guess that’s his idea of brilliant.

You’d think Wolf Blitzer, who considers himself a journalist, would be embarrassed to be seen interviewing this clown.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Media, Usual Suspects

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Country Singer

Maher is like Letterman: he has become completely irrelevant to the majority of his original fanbase, and he knows it. That why he (to use a favorite phrase of my mother during my childhood)is “showing his ass”. What he doesn’t realize is that statements like these do nothing but make him even more irrelevant…if that’s possible…


I guess some people would call confusing the difference between a combat soldier’s pay and a soldier’s combat pay being brilliant. Other people may call it being willfully deceptive. I call it lying through your socialist weasel teeth.

B Woodman

I watched to about half way, then I had to stop. It was too nauseating. If this was satire, it was poorly done. He had a few good points, but too few interspersed among the BS. As Country Singer said, he’s irrelevant & he’s trying WWAAYY to hard to stay in the spotlight. It’s for people & events like this that I no longer watch as much TV as I used to. And what I do watch, I know that it’s entertainment, not propaganda attempting to disguise itself as entertainment.

CNN, Wolf Blitzer & Bill Maher. What a losing trifecta.


His audio podcast is number one under news and politics in iTunes, but I’d be interested to see his actual ratings. Every week he says something more and more over the top so that he’ll become a news story and get free advertisement.


There are few people in the world that illicit a reflexive instinct in me to visualize them sliding under a tanker truck and watching as it bursts into flame…Maher happens to be one of them…metaphorically speaking of course. God forbid that I’d wish him ill…metaphorically speaking of course.


Two of them; one is a dream the other a scientific probability, maybe,

dream: bill left America and joined the intifada in the Israeli territories, a Merkava driver recognize him and ran him over, again, and again, and again……

Science: bill proves the truth of evolution, the primordial goo inside his head passed some gas and noise was produced. lot’s of activity in there.


Bill Maher is trying to be the hip withit guy that can get the applause of morons in his audience. He loads his show with 3 drooling moonbats (himself included) and 1 somewhat conservative person and attempts to call it a “panel”, yet the audience applauds wildly at any childish remark made by the droolers, facts be damned.

He doesn’t like when facts are used and quickly turns the droolers loose on the 1 person.

I have watched small snippets of his show on HBO, just to see how unhinged his “panel” gets and then I turn it off, real quick.


I object to your calling Maher a “clown”. That characterization is based on the false assumption that he is actually funny.


Just so I understand correctly, he calls himself a libertarian, right? Is there a libertarian alive that believes “that capitalism would be good if it wasn’t for profit motive”?


It’s kind of like saying, “You know, communism wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for all the state sponsored malaise, general lack of personal freedom, a spirit-draining desire to crush individual excellence and that whole being poor and devoid of innovation thing.”