Boomer’s Sunday
It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I sort through the weekly offering of ‘toons and pick the best. Toons are provided by Boomer and AW1 Scott, with many others contributing.
Disclaimer: These toons are meant to amuse, entertain and inform, pretty much in that order. While I cull what I can, they are not specifically fact-checked, so expect a certain amount of artistic license.
Caltrops for kids.
Category: Guest Post, Humor, Satire, Schadenfreude
Follow the science.
1 Minute Video.
“Donald Trump and Joe Biden Both held rallies in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania this week. Here is what they looked like back to back. Incredible.”
Nothing at all artificial about the stupidity that has been created. That sh^t is real.
Y’all fed up yet?
Way past that point. I retire in 26 days, then it’s game fucking on against the D-rats.
I copy you 5X5 Master Chief. It is WAY past the point where We, The People need to Join Together. One thing these despotic tyrants don’t realize (or maybe they do) is the 100 million + Armed Americans can put together a Combined Arms Force made up of trained Cadre from every Branch. Just on this site we have people that could step right up and operate any piece of equipment in the inventory. Some of us might have to review a TM since its been a minute. That may be part of the “reasons” the despots closed/consolidated the multitude of Guard/Reserve Armories in all the small towns thru out the country. Gotta remember, the FIRST (ht 2, moi) thing them damned insurestionist Johnny Rebs did was take over all Federal Installations. And can we say “John Brown @ Harper’s Ferry”? Ergo, the push to disarm We, The People.
The following observation has been made by many, in much the same way, but here is Old Abe’s take on it…
1851 Lincoln professed “the right of any people, sufficiently numerous for national independence, to throw off, to revolutionalize, their existing form of government and to establish such other in it’s stead as they may choose.” {Albert Woldman; A. Lincoln and the Russians, 1952 pg 6} Ironically Old Abe declared war on a section of the Country that just wanted to establish the same type of government that they had.
And as it was then, We, The People just want to go back to the small federal government that the Founders had established. It has taken the Marxists/Socialists a little more than 150 years but they are well on the way to destroying “The Last Great Hope…”
I love my Country, but I do not love what it has become.
gabn (yes, we know what happened last night…/gabaf/hbtd/rtr
Tanks!, ninja. No applause needed for my historically correct tirade. A simple courtsey and the kissing of the Ring will suffice. 😜
I am in no way advocating a violent overthrow of the existing government, just as the CSA had no intentions of that. I am simply trying to point out a historical precendence of what can happen when Citizens are pushed into a corner. History is repleat with other examples. And to show the historical flip flopping of politicians from way back. My frustration level with politicians is at an all time high, and as history has shown, they only care about themselves, NOT We, The People.
Did get to see my Dawgs cook the Duck’s goose and read up on (GO) Army and (BEAT) Navy both blew their games. Guess they’re saving their efforts for the only game of the year that counts, huh?
The comments posted by me in no way reflect the views and opinions of the Admins of this site. They are my opinions/observations alone. God Save America.
Your DD-214 is your Sheperd,
You shall not want.
Welcome, Master Chief.
All good, but the Gulliver toon speaks truth.
Happy Sunday, followed by a proper day of rest tomorrow.
Better image…
Great Sunday toons
FB took down Socialism content because Socialism=self-harm…
Perfect, thanks.
Great as always.
I laughed a little to much at Taliban Joe.
I hope y’all have a great Sunday, and those that’re lucky enough, also a fantastic Labor Day…. even if it is a slightly pinko ‘holiday’.
I’m off to wonderful adventures, like: argue with the soon-to-be missus at Home Depot, argue with the soon-to-be missus at the grocery store, and my personal favorite, argue with the soon-to-be missus about stopping at the gun store as we drive by.
Ttyl… I hope. (Iffn I turn up missing, don’t try’n find me)
Citizens for Sanity ad (against left/libtard policies turning cities into violent sh*tholes)… see it before Twitter bans it:
Saw that. Hard hitting isht.
From somewhere on that twitter(is cancer) thread:
Didn’t we have a conversation about…never mind. Great toon.
Whadideyedoo? Did I kneecap the BS spread for next week again?
I regret I have but the dankiest of memes to give to my country! (Apologies to Captain Nathan Hale)
Any more gas prices coming down, $2.97/gal when I filled last night.
‘Fraid not. $3.09 here, going up.
Not even close to going down. $4.79 this morning when I put 50 bucks worth in the pick-up and the gas gauge moved 1/8 inch.
Still not Trump class prices.
Diesel is even worse, and it has an impact on all other prices.
The beer drinking paratrooper has been tracked down.
Ed, that one about the cat medicine really resonates in the Poe place. Our turd tomcat just completely ignores those warnings.
Poe’s gettin’ damned tired of havin’ to get up in the middle of the night to go down and post bail for his DUI’s…
You think maybe he has a readin’ problem?
😉 😆 😉
But his dick is the size of a Kansas corn cob…
I can only find this in YouTube short format, worth a watch imho: